P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Can you see past the Man? ©

Can you see past the Man? 1Timothy 3:1-9 1 This is a true saying, if a man desires the office of a bishop (Pastor / Minister), he desires a good work. 2 A bishop (Pastor / Minister) then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober, of good behavior, given to hospitality, apt to teach; 3 Not given to wine, no striker, not greedy of filthy lucre; but patient, not a brawler, not covetous; 4 One that rules’ well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity; 5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) 6 Not a novice, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil. 7 Moreover he must have a good report of them which are without; lest he fall into reproach and the snare of the devil. Galatians 5:22-26 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. 24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. 25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 26 Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another. In today’s world, the culture has created a mentality among the masses of “individuality”, where men are elevated in the midst of character mediocrity. Integrity, reputation, veracity are all attributes that have found their way to the “endangered species” list. The world is losing ground corporately any sense of Godliness, Righteousness and Holiness, finding men that Love and Honor God is becoming extremely rare. The Church has elevated the “Super Church” and mega preachers that promote the entertainment value of the church, rather than the “Sin of the World and the need of a Saviour”… The Sin Of The World… The NEED Of A Saviour… HUMILITY? A place we come to, acknowledging our fallen condition before the GOD of the Universe, then accepting HIS plan and path to Salvation. That nothing of our own design or will can bridge the gap of sin, nothing. Humility, letting God be God, and understanding our place and position in the grand scheme of things, feeling small in HIS presence and then Loving Him for WHO HE IS… Tell me a story of a Leader in your Church, Local, State or Federal Government that exercises these traits today. Can you? For if a leader is truly a Godly Man, and living the life that God requires, you won’t see the individual; you will see past the Man, you will SEE the very Heart of God! This world Cries Out for Compassion, Cries Out for Peace, and Cries Out for Hope – but tries to explain away the Very One that would fill those desires and wants of the Heart. God’s man will be transparent, he will usher you into the place where you will see God and not recognize the person delivering the message. He will be a peace maker, while in this man’s presence you will feel comfortable, loved and in the presence of righteousness. God’s man, a person that loves people, is gentle and kind and has a tender heart for the Saints of Christ. Yet when he is pushed on Doctrinal Truths, he will not bend or sway. God’s man will exercise Meekness (strength and power under control); he will speak the Truth in Love, with Peace and Restoration for the brethren always being on his heart. He will pain for the lost, while he disciples the flock to reach out to those without Christ in our communities. God’s man will exhibit humility and sacrifice for his flock, not realizing he has done so. When is the last time you were in the presence of someone that you felt the very presence of God? When was the last time in memory you can remember being in the presence of Holiness and Righteousness while talking to someone. God’s man is close to the Father, he is Christ’s under shepherd and he understands his place, his responsibility and the accountability that comes with the job. As 1st Timothy 3 tells us, this man is Blameless (above reproach); he is the Husband of ONE Wife (not one at a time, one wife until death separates them). He is to be vigilant in his faith and guard the Truth with every ounce of his being. He is to be sober, mentally and physically, not embarking in activities, drink or chemicals that would challenge or impair his ability to discern the Truth. God’s man will always be of good behavior, not loose with his tongue, or harbor pride in his heart. He will be aware of his surroundings and know who is in his presence and not offend a weaker brother or sister. He will enjoy the company of his flock and love them dearly, growing the social component of fellowship in his Church without compromise to the Gospel. Finally, he will have the Gift of Teaching, exhibiting fluent knowledge and intimacy of the Word of God. Yes, God’s Man will be transparent, his life, his work, his existence will point to the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David. His demeanor, character and social grace shall effortlessly point to Jesus Christ and you will know you are in the presence of a Godly man, even though he has NO sense of himself in the moment. God’s man is completely human, while everything about him points to God and the Son of Man, our beloved Jesus Christ. Transparency in spiritual terms does not call attention to itself; it provides the window to the Spiritual portion of our existence, connecting the Creature with the Creator allow GOD to work in the heart of men. In this lifetime, I have had the great fortune of knowing a few men that had this great quality. The first was my Grand Father John C. Hall; he was a great teacher and man of God, instrumental in building my desire in my heart to share the Gospel through this blog site. The second was my Grand Father Robert C. Tormey; a man literally transformed by the indwelling Power of God though the Holy Spirit. The third man was Pastor Steven Burns, who I have known since 1979. He loved me when I was not a very kind person, just as Christ loves the unlovable. Through his discipleship, God took the head knowledge I carried from my Grand Fathers, and pushed it to my heart. Teaching me that my Christian Testimony is not what I tell you it is – my testimony is what YOU see it to be. Living out our faith in a very real and practical sense that points to Christ in everything we say and do. In all three of these wonderful men, I saw Christ, and learned the Heart of my GOD. Though God’s sovereignty, and by the work of these men, they helped me see in my mind’s eye, God as He is described in the entire Bible. Loving us and wanting fellowship with us, all the while remaining Holy, Just and Righteous true to HIS character. Loving us enough that He provided the only means for us to have restoration spiritually. He GAVE Us – His Best, He sent HIS Loving, Obedient and Only Begotten Son to die on the Cross to pay the eternal payment for our lost souls. Ripping down the veil that separated us from Him, for we can now stand before the God of the Universe wrapped in His Son’s righteousness, being justified and washed in His shed blood. Our part (which is even given of Him), is to simply believe on Jesus Christ, have Faith in His Power, and Faith in God’s Promise to Forgive and Redeem us. Upon that Choice and Decision to walk HIS Way, and not our own, making Him Sovereign Lord over our lives – we too will learn to be transparent allowing others to see Christ through our lives. Dear Precious Lord, we carry our Thanks to You, acknowledging Your Power and Place as our Creator, and as we grow in Your Spirit, we learn to know you as Abba Father. I pray Father, that in all that I share on this blog, it consistently and completely points to YOU. Lord, if I am to be a servant to you, humble my heart, yet don’t let me see it and puff up in pride. Thank you dear Lord for all the opportunities; forgive me Father for not always recognizing your prompts to speak or act in Your name. Dear Jesus, Thank You, for all that You are in my life, and for all that You have worked in this old sinful heart. Please Lord, continue to chip away at all the rough spots, never allow me to be a hindrance or a bump in the road for those truly seeking You. Lord God, touch my heart, help me walk the Christian walk, mold me into Christ’s image – never let me cease to want You more. In all things Father, I will give YOU the Honor, the Glory, the Praise and the Thanks, in Your strong Son’s Name I pray, in Jesus the Christ we pray, Amen.

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