P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Semper Fidelis...

This "old Marine Corps Motto" means, "Always Faithful", Forever Faithful, Eternally Faithful...  I now realize and understand I was very, very fortunate to have a Dad that believed that motto to his very core...  Always Faithful...   This is a term that has been lost in the last couple generations...  For FAITH has seemed to escape many.  See, my Dad taught my siblings and I that Faith, Truth, Trust, Honor, Integrity, Character, Respect and Loyalty were deep foundational truths that defined the man.  

We have lost those core moral attributes in this world, culture & society.  In the wake of that foundational shift, we ditched our moral compass along the road somewhere as well.    The collateral damage of these moral pillars failing has been most noticeable in our relationships, or, the failure of our relationships.  Husbands and Wives throwing marriages away after investing 30, 40 and even 50 years of their lives.  Friendships lasted a lifetime 100 years ago, today, if your closest friend doesn't meet your wants and perceived needs, simply walk away and find someone else that will make you "happy".

Today, a man must be the rock of the home, a good provider, a good lover, a good house keeper, a good gardener, provide emotional security as well as be Mr. Mom when called upon.  The culture has emasculated men, and in many circles confused the Biblically appointed roles of the genders so drastically, that the Home has become a battle ground.  All this because of that illusive American Dream...  Nice House, Nice Car, Toys, Vacations, Nights Out - money, money, money...  It became too much for one income to achieve the American Dream.   So, we ripped the baby out of Mommy's arms, dumped them into the baby sitters arms (now day care centers), and put poor Mommy out there into the work force to earn more money.  Subjecting her to diverse opinions and worldly influence and lustful eyes and smooth talking wolves.  We have given parental authority by proxy to the daycares & the school systems with a significant liberal bent, and then wonder why we have shootings, stabbings, rapes and bullying on school property.  Really???  Where are the voices of Reason??? 

50 - 70 years ago, families got involved with each other's struggles, there was a sense of accountability, to God and to each other.  God was just a matter of fact.  The Bible was revered and honored, considered God's Holy Word and Instruction to man, let alone His written will for our lives.  Prayer was an essential to get thru the day.  Modesty was exercised by most folks, and inappropriate conversation was never within ear shot of children.  When our Son or Daughter was having marital issues, we encouraged and exhorted them as the Good Book instructs to do.  We "worked" at our marriages, and sought help from our Pastor, Mother, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa when our marriages or life became a struggle.  We stuck with things and fixed them, rather than throw them in the garbage can and go out and get a new one.  We allowed our Children to read the Bible in School, Pray in School and recite the Pledge of Allegiance in School...  ALL THREE HAVE BEEN REMOVED from the majority of schools today...  AND - We question why 15 to 17 years old kids are signing up for ISIS and running away from home?  Really???  Where are the voices of Reason???  Where is the Public Outcry For The Moral Staples of our Society to be brought back into the Public Schools????

Today, God is Optional - if He even exists in most people's minds.  The Bible - is considered simply a book of suggestions, and at best is an ala carte menu choice as it is relevant to my wants.  Prayer - who needs prayer, I have a secular Shrink that has the whole world figured out that I pay good money for advice - who needs prayer...?  If you have turned on a TV or Radio lately, there is NO Modesty or Appropriateness to conversation or entertainment any more.  We might as well de-commission the FCC, because they are an unneeded and morally irrelevant government agency today.

If we Believe In God, and His Son Jesus Christ, then inherently we will also believe Faith, Truth, Trust, Honor, Integrity, Character, Respect and Loyalty are essential parts of a man or woman's soul.  We will practice Faith in God and trust His will in our relationships, friendships and marriages. We will work at making them wholesome, pure and above reproach.  We will Honor God in honoring those He has placed in our lives.  We will be Biblically Obedient to God, by sacrificing our own desires and wants for our spouse until He calls us Home thru Death or at the Trumpet Sound.  We will honor our other relationships and friendships by showing Christ's Love, Compassion and Charity in those relationships for a lifetime, not just while its convenient.  FAITH is not as we define it - it is as HE Defines it.  Do NOT Trust this old layman - Read The Book for Yourself...

Here are some Passages To Start With - then KEEP  GOING !!!

1st John 1:8-10

8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

2nd  Timothy 4

1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

Philippians 4:8-9

8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things.  9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Where Are Your Accusers…?

In the Gospel of Christ as written by The Apostle John, we read in the first 12 verses of an ad-hoc trial that the Scribes & Pharisees put on for Christ to trap Him.  What transpired is nothing short of amazing, better described as just simply Awesome.

My vantage point for this piece is thru the amazing Theological eyes of Matthew Henry, and his wonderful commentary on this passage.  From my perspective, a novice man’s opinion, Mr. Henry’s commentary is delightful and exhaustive enough to fill my appetite for academics on the subject, while stirring the Heart with Spiritual food of Christ’s Devine Power in the midst of acutely controlled Strength in the form of Meekness.  Oh to have been there to see and hear our Lord speak with Authority and Compassion in the same breath, wow…

We all know the story.  Scribes & Pharisees marched this woman in before Jesus.  Just as He had spoken to the woman at the well in Chapter 6 of John’s Gospel, here to, He knew as God incarnate that He indeed would see this woman brought to Him as an adulteress.  He knew her Heart.  He knew the accusers Hearts.  Yet He in the composure of The Master, He knelt down and drew in the dirt / sand.  We do not know what he was drawing or writing, but I admire Matthew Henry’s comment on this subject.  “Conscience is God’s deputy in the soul, and one word from him will set it on work, Heb. 4:12.”  I see this moment as a dramatic pause for these Scribes and Pharisees; they must have delighted in His silence as He knelt there.  Then He stood, to them, He stood there as a man they were about to trick or trap into saying something they could condemn Him with.  But after He stood – He spoke, as God’s Son He Spoke, the wisdom of the ages formed as The Word of the moment, timed and exercised perfectly.  “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first”. 

Thump, went the first stone, thud went the next, then, as a bag of marbles spilled out unto the ground, they all dropped their stones.  For He alone, among all the men present that morning – He alone was without sin, He alone was blameless, He alone was pure and clean, The Very Word of God convicted their conscience.  They dropped their stones along with their ability to accuse this woman of anything in light of their own filthy sins.  Christ knew their Hearts.

His Moral Object Lesson was over – right?  No.  He carried on a brief conversation with her to show “us” the Heart of this dear woman; she was in need of a Savior, a Redeemer, and a Champion to rescue her from her own poor and sinful choices.  When she was placed in the presence of This Great Light of the Living Water of Christ, she recognized her sin and saw it as He saw – maybe for the very first time. 

I see Christ looking at her with deep concern, deep compassion for the condition of her Heart, and as He looked upon her, He had already forgiven her in His Dynamic Economy of Time.  For in His Eternity, the Cross was already a finished work, thusly, her sins were forgiven.  Christ died for all sin, Past, Present and Future.  She had been forgiven.  She stood there alone, with The Master still stooped and drawing on the ground.  He knew they were all gone, yet He stood up, looking around as to indicate to her with His body motion / language, they are not here.  Then He spoke to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”

Her answer was more than likely offered with a shaky and broken voice, “No One, LORD”…  Ah, acknowledgment of His Lordship, knowing in Her Heart she had just been saved, physically from these corrupt men, and Spiritually by her Lord…

Then the words spoken by our Dear & Precious Lord are the words that those of us that Truly understand the weight and depravity of our sin long to hear…  “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”  You are no longer condemned to a stoning, no longer condemned to death…  Now go on with your life and SIN  NO  MORE !!!   Folks, this is a call to Obedience of the Word of God in its authority and Sovereign Holy direction for our lives.

Grace – means there is nothing we can do, say or negotiate to win God’s favor, for Christ fulfilled God’s requirement for a death payment for sin.  If we take Christ’s Salvation – we must submit and yield to His Lordship.  1st Corinthians 6:18 thru 20 - 18 Flee sexual immorality. Every sin that a man does is outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body. 19 Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20 For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.

We are no longer our own – He bought us with His own Life, thus His Word is ours to Obey…

America’s new culture is contradictive to any sort of accountability, thus it teaches our citizens of all walks that we are a group of individuals accountable to no one but ourselves.  “It’s all about Me, what I want, when I want it and where I want it – period”.  Satan’s schemes are all alike, nothing new under the sun.

Choose this this day whom you will serve…  Will you choose God, to which the Blessings are first to be joint aires with His Son in Eternity, and all the riches of Heaven are your reward.  Or…  Choose the ways of the world, believing there is no accountability for living this life apart from God’s Holiness, and in the end discovering you were serving your father the Devil.

The Gospel of Christ as written by The Apostle John
Chapter 8 Verses 2 thru 12

2 Now early in the morning He came again into the temple, and all the people came to Him; and He sat down and taught them.  3 Then the scribes and Pharisees brought to Him a woman caught in adultery. And when they had set her in the midst, 4 they said to Him, “Teacher, this woman was caught in adultery, in the very act.  5 Now Moses, in the law, commanded us that such should be stoned. But what do you say?”  6 This they said, testing Him, that they might have something of which to accuse Him. But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear.

7 So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.”  8 And again He stooped down and wrote on the ground.  9 Then those who heard it, being convicted by their conscience, went out one by one, beginning with the oldest even to the last. And Jesus was left alone, and the woman standing in the midst.  10 When Jesus had raised Himself up and saw no one but the woman, He said to her, “Woman, where are those accusers of yours? Has no one condemned you?”

11 She said, “No one, Lord.”   And Jesus said to her, “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.”

12 Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.”

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Truly Making A Difference...

A Re-Post from my timeline in 2009:


I ...was kind of wondering, what if we all hugged a toddler tomorrow, or tell a teen we were praying for them & care about them, or maybe help an elderly person. Do you suppose it would make a difference in a "world of me, mine and I’s"?

Do they see what we claim to be and have?  Do they know the difference between those of us that Truly Know Christ, and the rest of the world?  You change the world, one person, one relationship, and yes - One HEART at a time. Make a difference to one person at a time; let them see Him in your eyes and deeds. AND - May you always see them thru HIS Eyes of perfect Love!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Do You Tell Others About Your Family?

I was just thinking... Of the folks that are around me from day to day, many claim the name of Christ, or consider themselves "Christian"...   But, as I recall many of those conversations each day, I don't remember hearing the name of Jesus brought up much.  In fact in most conversations, at no point do I remember any reference to Him.  I mention my Wife, Children & Grand Children several times a day in conversation whom I love. Yet when I mention my Abba Father, or Jesus - ...even among family sometimes, I can sense tenseness or a virtual wall / curtain begin to go up?

Where have we come as a culture and society that we can't converse of the most Holy and Righteous of our Family?  That when we mention the name of our Precious Jesus or His Heavenly Father, people around us become uneasy, and even family roll their eyes?  Who is this Christ we follow that no one seems to want to talk about thru the work day or at family events?

Luke 9:25-26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost?  For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.

Yes Pastor Burns I remember - 70 times 7, then start all over again, and again, and again until Jesus comes - or takes me home. Hypocrisy grows out of the Heart that forgets or chooses not to Love, Offer True and Authentic Forgiveness, Show Mercy, and Bless with Grace in every relationship...  We are not His by simply claiming His name - we are His by the Spirit that lives within us, and the immense Love that must be shared with others thru that Spirit within us. I speak His name because if I don't my heart will scream His name thru the wall of my chest!

I was just thinking, when I woke up this morning, and this is what rolled off my finger tips...
Praise His Holy & Mighty Name - Thank You Mr. Olson for the Reminder of the Relationship!!!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

An Apology For Lack Of Eloquent Writing Skills...

I am sorry, I am not the normal FB friend, Internet Blogger, neighbor, user or contributor. I see it as a platform to share ideas, concerns and issues facing our culture, society and the human race. Since my Faith defines my person, that is the filter thru which I see, hear, speak and post. I have been posting since 2009, and have in that time apparently offended a few folks 2 or 3 times (maybe more).

I apologize for my lack of skill and talent in the presentation, however; I do not and will not apologize for the content. God / Christ IS...  Accept HIM Now, or HE Will Deal With you Later...

He is Loving, Merciful, Compassionate, Tender Hearted, Long-suffering, Meek and Forgiving... But... He is also HOLY, RIGHTEOUS & JUST... Regardless of the feel good gospel being presented today, there is still payment for our sin and worldly ways. There are only two payments available, YOUR Payment in Full -or- the Payment Christ already Paid In Full for us... See - Love has Always been about CHOICE !!! We will answer for our Choices...

The Bible - His Word - The Absolute Truth... The thing about Absolutes, is they divide, you are on one side or the other... A Choice... You Must Choose, there is NO middle ground... No negotiations, no picking and choosing the things you like versus the things you don't...

Acknowledge your failures and sin, contritely confess and turn from it, accept His Gift and Payment for us, then pick up your Cross and Follow Him for Eternity... This is the only Choice that assures your Blessed continuance - the other choice leads to a much darker outcome.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Do You Really Forgive Your Spouse... ?

I think it is safe to say, that in one form or another, we each offend God on a daily basis. Yet, we pray, ask and expect immediate forgiveness and restoration of the fellowship with God almost as though it is owed to us...

Yet, when our husband, wife, friend or neighbor offends us, we are slow to offer God's Mercy, Forgiveness, Grace and Restoration.

Where is the Love of Christ in that? Where is the testimony in that? Where is the Biblical grounds for that? My NKJV teaches quite the opposite. The Bible states that if we want God's Mercy, Forgiveness, Grace and Restoration, then we are to offer it unconditionally and continually to our Spouse, Children, Parents, Family, Friends, Co-Workers and Neighbors.


Prayerful Consideration Is In Order...

Friday, October 3, 2014

I Believe...

(A layman's perspective)

I Believe in One Sovereign Supernatural Creator, that in His magnificence and almighty power He  "spoke" all that man knows and those things that man can't possibly know into existence.  I Do Believe that God Is !!!  That in His Devine & Eternal Existence that He has the Intelligence, Power & Sovereignty to Speak all that is into existence in 6 literal days - after all, He Is God !!!  

I Believe that man specifically one man named Adam, chose his own will in the Garden of Eden, rather than the will of his Creator.  In that choice Adam not only followed his own desire, he chose Satan's words over God's.  Therefore; Adam died a very real and immediate Spiritual Death, and some 900 years later, died a very real physical death.

I Believe that God "chose" Abraham, and set aside the Jewish Nation of Israel as His People, that to this day, Israel is God's chosen people, and that He will keep them unto Himself. 

I Believe that thru the ages our Creator, from here forward named "God" and / or Abba Father" made many attempts to show man his Love, Mercy, Long Suffering, Compassion and Grace.  But, due to man's cold heart, he constantly rejected the very being that breathed life into him.  God, had a plan.  His Love for those that would Love Him was & is Eternal and Unconditional.  However; His Holy Righteousness and Anger toward Sin must be satisfied, those that reject Him still choose their own way rather than His, and will face Eternity without Him. 

I Believe that God the Father, sent His Son Jesus in human physical form to this world as a Baby born in a stable, placed in a manger & worshipped by both shepherds and royalty alike. 

I Believe that The Abba Father Loved His Creation so much, that He chose to Sacrifice His Own & Only Son Jesus to redeem all of Creation (past, present & future).  

I Believe that those that would Truly Accept Him as their Redemptive Substitute, and thru that Sacrificial process at Calvary - Jesus became their / our Christ.  That at the moment of True Salvation, God sends His Holy Spirit to each individual in their Belief & Submission to His Will.  At that point, each Believer becomes a Follower of Jesus Christ, and they acknowledge Him as Savior, Lord & King willingly.  

I Believe that The Word Of God, is infallible, it is written by men, inspired and breathed by The One and Only Living God.  I Believe it to be Truth in its entirety, and in the absence of the original Apostles, it is our Gift from The Abba Father to guide, direct and live our lives by.  I believe it to be God's Spoken / Written will for mankind, that it is complete, and is to be obeyed as His Authority in past, present and future ages until His Son's Return.  

I Believe that according to His Word, that the Father will in fact send His Son to Return in the clouds, to call out His Bride the Church from this world.  

I Believe in a Literal Resurrection of the Body & Spirit from this world, that the Dead in Christ first will rise, then those that are still physically alive will join Him and be taken away for a wedding and celebration as part of their Eternal Reward for submitting their will and lives to the True Christ, Jesus.  

I Believe that the world that chose their own will / way will be judged, Jew and Gentile alike.  That without The Sons Shed Blood, all men will be judged according to their words and works.  Without Christ, they will stand guilty of breaking God's Law, and sentenced to Eternal Separation from God and Damnation to an Eternal Hell.  

I Believe in A Holy, Righteous, Loving and Gracious God, that His Character is revealed to us thru the pages of His Holy Word, and thru His Holy Spirit to those He Chose and wrote their names in "The Lambs Book of Life".  

I Believe that God in and thru His Son, reveals His Word & Glory to His Elect thru His Spirit.  To Know Him & Worship we too, must meet Him in Spirit.  I Believe this privilege escapes all men that do not Truly Seek God.  I believe that pride of self, blinds all men and women from truly seeking The Light.  For pride seeks self satisfaction and gratification which pleasures selfish delight in darkness.
I Believe that where there is True Light - there can be NO darkness...  For the Light of God is in Jesus Christ & His Comforter - The Holy Spirit, in them, in their presence there can be NO darkness.  Which is where Gods True Grace is revealed.   That while we walk in the cursed flesh of Adam, Christ as the new Adam provides substitutionary Righteousness.  His Sacrifice covers all sin of the believer, which is not excuse or license for sin...  We are to Live The New Life In Christ as directed by His written will...  God works in the hearts of Men to do His Will, and a Heart submitted to The Lord will truly want to do His will.
I Believe that God shapes men's Hearts and Lives thru trials, tribulation and suffering.  That when Jesus told us to take up our Cross and Follow Him, that it had both Real & Symbolic meaning in the life of each Christian.
I Believe that Abba Father thru His Spirit, places in every Believer's Heart both Light & Joy - unexplainable, undeniable Joy...   NOT  THE  HAPPINESS  CONJURED  BY THIS  WORLD,  BUT - A Holy, Righteous, Loving, Peaceful JOY of The Spirit of God...
Yes, I Believe in The Creator, the Creation, The Law, The Christ, The Cross, The Death, The Resurrection, The Judgment and The Eternal Reward for those that Truly are His Own both Jew & Gentile sealed thru the Blood of Christ in Eternity Past, Present & Future.  Yes, I Believe in a Glorious Heaven that God's Light will Eternally Illuminate, and I Believe in a dark Hell where men's souls will be sent to burn eternally in damnation and punishment for rejecting His Son.
I Believe that the Followers of Christ will also stand before their King, in Judgment of their works and use of the Gifts and Talents He gave them.  Where they used those gifts selflessly to Serve and Glorify God there will be reward.  Where those gifts were used for selfish gain, there will be loss of reward.  I also believe that all rewards, even if the Crown of Salvation is all we have, it will thrown to the foot of His Throne in Love and Appreciation, for  he Alone Is Worthy To Be PRAISED...
If My Belief leads to a path of ridicule, harassment, persecution and death, I Pray that I will have the strength and conviction to take that bullet for My Jesus...  Blinded, Sampson saw The Light, in the midst of pain and suffering of the stones breaking and crushing his body, Steven saw The Light.  God comforts and shows  Mercy & Grace to His own in their time of need, for He is Glorified in their deliverance...  Live for Him, for He is all that matters in the end, His Purpose will bring meaning to your life that the world on its own will never understand. 

Because "He Is" -  I Believe,  and because I Believe - I Live...

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Defending The Faith (1 Peter 3:15)...

If we are living it right, our Spirituality should attract those that God called to be saved... But, it should also create angst for those that want no part of Him. He came once, and is coming again to divide, Truth from lie, Holiness from evil, and the Righteous from the Worldly... In the Christian, the attributes are not the result of works, heaven forbid. In the Christian, these attributes of Character and a Spiritual life are the result of changes of the Heart and Mind, produce works from the New Spirit from within...

In the end! It is ALL About Christ - period... Wrestle with it, argue it, twist it, debate it, let the world taint it in your mind & heart... But - in the end, if you didn't bow the head, bow the heart, and bend the knee in loving submission to Him and His Ways voluntarily, you will have it bent by force and declare Him King of Kings!

He showed us how to forgive by giving his Son to die for us! We must in turn, die to self and likewise learn and practice the Love and Complete Forgiveness for and towards others.

The world is on a collision course with a Spiritual Destiny that is going to Rock the Universe - it's ALL About the King and the relationship you have with Him first, and the others He places in your life next...

Hopefully, I will see you at the table...