Five Precious Words - By John C. Hall (circa - early 1960’s)
How great were the activities of our Lord when He was here on earth!
As Mark tells us in his gospel, from the earliest morning, long before the day’s dawn, He arose to engage first of all in prayer, which was soon interrupted by the multitudes which sought Him. And so throughout the day, He worked incessantly and unsparingly. After the healing of the demon possessed maniac, as recorded in the fifth chapter of Mark, He was soon again surrounded by a large number of people.
But suddenly there rushed into His presence Jairus, the ruler of a synagogue. He was deeply agitated. He fell in a worshiping attitude at the Master’s feet. He had at home a little daughter facing death. He knew that the One he had sought had the power to heal and to deliver, and to save her from death.
And oh how readily the Lord responded to the faith of this trusting ruler. What a procession it must have been when the Lord Jesus and Jairus walked together, followed by the mass of people who swarmed around Him! Another miracle followed!
Faith touched Him! A suffering woman, whom He later acknowledged as a daughter, hence a believing soul, touched the hem of His garment. Faith prompted her to say “if I may touch only His clothing, I shall be whole”. She did not trust in vain. For He said, “thy faith hath made thee whole; go in peace and be whole of thy plaque”.
Then the scene changed. A messenger appeared to speak to Jairus, it was sad news he thought. “Why trouble the Master any further, thy daughter is dead.” The Lord had heard the news and then turning to Jairus He spoke these five words “Be not afraid, only Believe”.
Be not afraid, only believe. They are indeed precious words of comfort and of power which daily should be remembered as we follow Him. They find blessed application in different ways. He is still the friend of sinners. He still assures us, you and me, “He that cometh unto Me, I will in no wise cast out”. Some day that door will be shut, when the day of Grace and Salvation is over, then His gracious invitation will be withdrawn. For now it is “come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. “Be not afraid, only believe, cast yourself into My arms of love, trust Me, and then go in peace, thy sins are forgiven thee”.
Be not afraid, only believe, is His assurance, His words of comfort and peace to the saint. Christ loves the sinner, but the sinner who has accepted Him as his Savior and acknowledges Him as LORD, has become a Saint. A separated one, called into His fellowship, the Spirit of God joins him to the body of Christ, the Church, and he becomes a member of Christ.
The true Saint of God who lives in true fellowship with the Son of God is the constant target of the enemy of God. Against whom the fiery darts of Satan are aimed – and never as much as now, because Satan knows that before long he will be buried under the feet of Christ and His body.
But we can hear His voice – “be not afraid, only believe”. Believe in the power of the Cross, and His precious Blood. When the fiery darts of Satan begin to fly, if we will grasp the shield of faith to quench them, we can hear the voice of our great victor, “be not afraid, and only believe”. Resist the devil and he shall flee from you.
Our age is trembling, for it is a dying age. Soon, man’s day will end, and another day, Christ’s Day, the Day of our Lord will come. This old world has been plunged into a fear complex, the very thing our Lord announced to us “men’s hearts failing them for fear”. But this heart failure should never overtake the true child of God. If an atomic bomb should be dropped upon us, what should that dismay His beloved people? Man has never devised such a quick method of stepping into God’s presence. When the world trembles, fears, becomes despondent, loses hope, then Jesus speaks the louder, “Be Not Afraid, Only Believe”. Why should we fear when the dawn of our glorious morning is so near? We must Believe and Trust as never before.
The great work a Christian is called to do is to give the Gospel to others. The blessed Gospel we enjoy has made us debtors; we owe it to everybody else. What joy will it be when in eternal fellowship we shall meet those in Glory that led us to Him, and those whom we have helped to know the Savior. If we would think more of that word – ETERNITY – and what it means, what it means to the unsaved, those who are out on the road to eternal night and eternal woe. We would be more concerned for those souls.
We could try to become soul winners, but it is something we cannot do ourselves. The Lord, He who comes to seek and save that which was lost, must do it through us. We must put ourselves into His hands for this great work. This must be realized first of all, that He must do it through us, that it is He who gives the power to do it. We cannot do it ourselves, but we must look to Him. We must put ourselves at His disposal, follow His leadings, and trust in His guidance.
Sometimes believers, excellent Christians who live saintly lives are grieved because they could not point to many whom they had led to the Lord. Such feelings are not right. No one knows just how the Lord uses His people in the salvation of others. Many an unknown saint, whose name was never heard in public, was used in the salvation of others by his or her quiet and devoted life.
Every Christian ought to have a prayer list of names of those who do not know HIM, and should put these names in intercession before the Throne of the grace – daily! Let us remember the time is short. The day is fast approaching. The night is coming when no man can work. The fields are white with harvest and the laborers are few. We can be sure if we labor in HIS name, He will give us an abundant harvest.
The first time the word “come” is used in the Bible, was when God said to Noah “Come thou and all thy house into the ark” (Genesis 7:1) The last time the word “come” is used in the Bible is in Revelation 22:7& 12, the last page in the Bible. “behold I come quickly”.
“And the spirit and the bride say Come. And let him that heareth say Come. And let him that is athirst Come. And whosoever will, let him take the Water of Life freely”. The bride is the Church. She longs for her Bridegroom. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Beloved One, is the heart’s desire of every believer; to see Him as His is, to be with Him in glory, is the highest ambition of all who know HIM!
P R A Y E R !

When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
So where do you have your retirement plan invested? ©
Life – If Christ tarries, many of us are more than likely going to pass away at some point...So where do you have your retirement plan invested?
Here – or – Heaven?
(This is an excerpt from my manuscript for "Dear Father, How Did We Get Here?" I wrote a couple years ago)
I have heard unsaved folks say in my presence, hey, it’s only life you’re not going to get out of it alive, so relax and enjoy it, live and let live - do whatever man, just have fun. Yet if you ask them about their 401K or retirement plans, in reflection of recent stock market activity, they get a little more serious and pay attention. Why is that?
Has the church done such a lousy job in communicating the message to this generation that they are more concerned about the last days on earth than they are about all the days in eternity? Since this world as we know and more specifically this country no longer can be considered as a nation that believes in sin, there is no metric or measurement in which to measure ourselves. As a nation we are too wrapped up in making ourselves god; that we no longer require a moral compass – it’s all relative.
In this political climate we have allowed ourselves to gravitate towards; morality is no longer a topic to be discussed in the town square. I believe that we Christians are partly to blame for that, directly to blame due to lack of participation. We have lost the stomach to confront our members in a biblical way. Which lends Satan a hand in dismissing loving, tender hearted church discipline; oh, perish the thought of even bringing that topic up? No one is accountable, so we have preachers with their hands in people’s pockets, running with fast women, adultery in our pulpits, and adultery in our congregations, all the while continuing to allow the offenders to remain in the office they were appointed to, or allowed to continue teaching our children, along with numerous other offenses to Righteousness. The Christian is to love their Brother and Sister, unconditionally - but he or she is to hate the sin, that offends the very God we serve and the Son that took that sin to the gates of Hell to destroy its claim to the world.
Is it any wonder that we have lost souls looking at us and saying – “hey, why bother – they aren’t any different than the rest of us. Why should I seek out their God or be interested in their brand of faith”? Ouch, it’s that separation thing again, isn't it, you bet your life it's that seperation thing. When you walk so close to that line (flame) that your clothes get burnt, Satan is waiting to douse the flame with gasoline.
Christianity has fast become a marketable commodity that is a multi-billion dollar business in this country. It kills me the amount of money that is spent annually to improve business practices by self proclaimed Christians that have a better way to teach biblical principals than the Bible itself can do. What has happen to genuine discipleship in this country, or spiritual mentoring? The glitz of business somehow can take the biblical – moral principles and spin them into successful business habits, better than teaching men to fish? I think not!
Do we really live in a world that allowing the Holy Spirit to do His work in a man or woman’s life can be better done or “manipulated” by these business savvy Christians, and in their eyes do it better than God himself can do? I doubt it, and if you ask those men, they would tell you to your face that they are not competing with God and His word. They are just putting it into terms that men can easier understand, or delivering a message that they thought God wanted us all to know in the business world.
I have no dreams of grandeur here; I have gathered 18 months worth of notes and personal daily reminders to share with my family and friends. I will pay my twenty five hundred dollars to a Christian publisher and hopefully walk away with enough books to share with those family and friends. I hope to share the lessons learned by reading the book, praying over those words and lessons and applying them to my everyday life.
I have no super formula that is going to make your race any easier to run than the guy beside you. I am simply sharing the fortunate lessons I have learned sitting under an old fashion preacher that believed in teaching the word in an expository fashion. Showing an unbelievable capacity to love and forgive those fortunate to call him Pastor. LEADING BY EXAMPLE – wow, now there is a novel idea, actually work at living what you tell the world you believe. We should be fighting back the old man, giving God His due, and yielding more and more space in your heart to Him. We must practice submission, standing before the Throne of God every day humbly and reverently through prayer.
I learned at the young age of 19 how this man (my Pastor) walked in God’s Grace and then practiced it every day. He taught me to fish, he taught me to study, and he mentored me and loved me at the times when I was un-lovable. He practiced discipleship, teaching me how to practically live this new life we claim in Christ. He was there to encourage me when I fell or walked off the path, to do my own thing, which never turned out the way I wanted. I want to share those lessons learnt through walking off the path, showing to my friends and family that it is survivable and that God’s Love is worth waiting on.
I am not English major, I don’t have any real skills in writing, to that point I expect my editing fees will be off the chart. However; the message I wish to carry in this work is that Christ died for you! If you already know that and believe that and practice your faith and are running the race, I want to encourage you to continue. To renew your sense of urgency in making the finish line, on time and out in front. Run the race to win!
I want you to work on that eternal retirement investment. If I can help through a word of encouragement or sharing a story that I experienced in life that is similar to one you are in or have faced in the past as a help – then Praise God. However; I must tell you, I am not a bible scholar; I am a layman that was saved at 13 years of age, but never gave my life to Christ until I was 33 years old. His Grace is sufficient, patient and enduring; He waited on me, and gave me formidable nudges when I needed them.
Those lessons have been taught through the Holy Spirit – praise God. I didn’t always worry about my eternal retirement plan, even though I had parents and grandparents that gave me plenty of opportunity to see Christ. But the one thing I have learned is that God’s timing is the best timing and He had a plan! I don’t always do it right, but as I explained to my Sunday School Class, the trend line is steadily on the incline pointing skyward, there are a few dips from time to time, but the trend is up. That would look good in any board room in America, it’s all about conviction, and faith. My faith is in the unseen, the unheard and in the Light that men only see thru the glass dimly now. But when He sheds the light on that retirement plan, it will be blinding to those that failed to yield to the offer.
To those of you that are reading this by chance, but have doubts or think the whole thing is bogus. I am praying for you. It is my hope and prayer that you won’t wait another second to reconsider God’s offer to secure you a place in Heaven. The offer stands as long as the Church Age continues, but it won’t be long, for Christ will return to gather that which rightfully belongs to Him – His Church. Once you have acknowledged Sin, more directly your sin, realizing that God and His Son are sinless, and that on your own, in your fallen sinful condition, you cannot stand before Them. Upon acknowledging these things, and accepting God’s Gift to us to pay the sin debt for us, with the bloodshed of His Son Jesus Christ, you can be saved from the current road to destruction. Placing your Faith in Christ, accepting His work on our behalf, will remove you from the Great White Throne Judgment. For Christ died for all that sin, it’s free and no strings attached, and God said He will remember it no more. Upon putting your Faith in Christ, you will never answer for your past transgressions, and He will send a Comforter to help you work out your Faith. Don't put it off, if you cannot answer beyond the shadow of a doubt that you know and walk with Christ, do it now.
“Father, I pray that you will touch the hearts of those around me. I pray that you will continually yield my will to yours, and help me look for opportunities to help my unsaved friends and family start working on a new retirement plan. Help us make that retirement plan one that includes you at the core, and an understanding of their deficit in standing on their own. Let my unsaved friends and family not have a day of peace until they meet the author of peace. Let the seed be sown, and then please place a Godly man or woman on their path to bring them to the harvest. I will give you the honor, the praise and the glory. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
Saturday, August 15, 2009
How is your Joy Today? ©
John 15:9-11 (9)“Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love. (10)“If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. (11)“These things I have spoken to you so that My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be made full. (NASB)
Hello Dear Ones, how is your Joy today? Are you weary of the walk? Do you have pain in your heart? He is here to bring you joy, to fill your heart to overflowing. Christ gave up all that He had at His disposal in the Glory of Heaven, to walk this earth as a human so that we might experience His joy. Cast those concerns and pains at His feet, then sit at those feet in prayer, and calm your heart and listen to that “still small voice”. He will bring you peace and joy!!
Our Heavenly Father gave us the best He had in His only begotten Son, so that we might reach Him. We have no idea of the depth of that sacrifice this side of Glory, but we can understand the result of that submission of the Son to His Father. That result is the sin debt paid in full for the entire human race. However; we too must submit, sacrifice our will to His after accepting and believing in that redemptive gift through faith, to receive that stamp “Paid in Full”.
Oh my, what a Joy it is once we hand over the deed to our heart to the Father. He then hands us an adoption decree giving us full family access to the Son’s inheritance. Then the joy begins to build, to an overflowing state as we learn to submit to His will in our lives.
As a friend of mine states often to folks, “hey, it’s all about the Son friends, it’s all about the Son”! Then and only then do we really experience and understand the Joy Christ referred to in John 15:11. Those of you with Grandchildren truly understand this concept. Those grand babies, and grand kids listen a little closer and behave a little better when we’re around. They sense the Joy of that unconditional love, and they see the Light that has matured in your faces and eyes. As we mature as Christians, we see through that spiritual veil much clearer, and that sense of Joy becomes more evident as we draw closer to the Blessed Master. It becomes a little easier to keep on the path, because we are closer to Him and want to please Him.
For those of you that have handed that deed over to our Lord, welcome to the table. There is room for more, so share when He opens the door, but know this – He is coming. Praise God, He is coming again to gather His Bride. My goal is to invite all that will listen, by prayer, by pen and by voice. Guard your hearts, love them all, and share HIS Joy in your Heart – the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest of the process.
Be well and God Bless, your Friend, RC
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Needs of People - Life Together ©
Needs of People - Life Together
• Originally Posted by Mercedes on August 11, 2009 at 11:56pm on
God's Word tells us to "cast our cares on the Lord and He will sustain us; He will never let the righteous fall". (Psalm 55:22) And He tells us to "present our requests to God". (Philippians 4:6) We aren't supposed to fix ourselves. We aren't supposed to worry and fret; we are supposed to cast our cares and burdens on God. When we do what His Word tells us to do, we can then experience real fellowship and sympathy; sympathy is not giving advice or offering quick, cosmetic help - sympathy is entering in and sharing the pain of others.
Sympathy says, "I understand what you're going through, and what you feel is neither strange nor crazy." As Christian people, we are expected to be sympathetic, kind, humble, gentle and patient." (Colossians 3:12) Sympathy meets two fundamental human needs; the need to be understood, and the need to have our feelings validated. Every time you understand and affirm someone's feelings, you build fellowship. The problem is that we are often in such a hurry to fix things that we don't have time to "sympathize" with people.........we're preoccupied with our own hurts.
There are different levels of fellowship or life together, and each is appropriate at different times:
a) The simplest level is fellowship of sharing and studying God's Word together.
b) A deeper level is the fellowship of serving, as when we minister together on mission trips, etc.
c) The deepest, most intense level, is the fellowship of suffering. This is where we enter into each other's pain and grief and carry each other's burdens. Christians who understand this level best are those around the world who are being persecuted, despised and possibly martyred for their faith.
The Bible teaches us to "share each other's troubles and problems, and in this way we obey the law of Christ". How wonderful it is for God's people to live together in harmony! God intends for us to experience life the Bible it's called "Fellowship". (Although today we usually refer to fellowship as socializing, food and fun.) Real fellowship is experiencing life together. It includes unselfish loving, honest sharing, serving, sacrificial giving, sympathetic comforting, and all the other "one another" commands found in the New Testament. Another important factor in sharing - smaller is better. If a group is larger than about 10 people, you lose some of the effectiveness.
In Christian fellowship people should experience authenticity; i.e. not superficial, surface-level-chit-chat. It's genuine, heart-to-heart, sometimes gut-level sharing. It happens when people get honest about who they are and what is happening in their lives. They share their hurts, reveal their feelings, confess their failures, talk about their doubts, admit their fears, acknowledge their weaknesses, and ask for help and prayer. Authenticity is not found in many church groups.......instead of honesty and humility, there are pretending, politicking, superficial politeness and shallow conversation. People wear masks, keep their guard up, and act as if everything is rosy in their lives. These are the attitudes that kill real friendship. It's only when we become open about our lives that we experience authentic fellowship. "If any of us say we have no sin, we are fooling ourselves." (1John 1:7-8)
Of course, being authentic requires both courage and humility. It means facing our fear of exposure, rejection, and being hurt again. Why would anyone take such a risk? Because it's the only way to grow spiritually and be emotionally healthy. The Bible says, "Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed."
(James 5:16)
Saturday, August 8, 2009
In The Midst Of The Bumpy Road - Do You Find Joy? ©
I Thessalonians 5:16-18; (16) Rejoice Evermore. (17) Pray without ceasing. (18) In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Wow, my toes have been rolled over; especially after this past week.
What a roller coaster ride it has been, as was pointed out by a dear friend this week, this was a practice what you preach week. Satan gave me numerous opportunities to weaken, allowing the spiritual vessel to crack and leak the water of Life for all those around me to see.
He pushed my buttons through people, and because of some physical issues I began to wear down, life’s road was becoming very bumpy, and I was looking for a fast lane to by-pass it all. Christ knew perfectly when to intervene, who to place on my path, and what vehicle to use to calm the storms.
Through the kind words of truth, He used Mr. Fred to speak the Truth in love, reassuring the truths I had hidden away in my heart. Through kind deeds, He used Ms. Tracey to take my mind away from the stress of the bumpy road.
His Sovereignty this week was disclosed through His compassion for a child in distress. His grace is sufficient, but too many times we become so wrapped up in the events of our lives that we overlook or worse yet dismiss the very Hand that ushered us through the trials.
Rejoice Evermore!
Finding joy in life sometimes is a tall order walking in this flesh, yet Paul wrote this with great authority, as a commandment. He is reminding us of our heritage, that in Christ we are to live in the joy of the Spirit that lives within us. Remembering the Joy of the Spirit that lives in us can be tough when the storms of life are raging all around us, and the road becomes bumpy. It is when we remember our relationship to the King and who we are in Him that HE uses the trials to grow us and strengthen us.
This is not just a feeling – this is knowledge, foundational knowledge as kin to the King – Remember, Rejoice Evermore. Pray without ceasing! We must develop a state of God consciousness, a sense of Holiness, reaching for Righteousness, a spirit of prayer, communion with Christ through the Holy Spirit constantly through the day. Wow, this is such a change from the cursed flesh we walk in, yet we all know people like this.
Prayer warriors, the folks we looked up to when we were younger that you loved to be around, because they were close to God. This week, I lost touch with that sense of Holiness, and a few times Righteousness was not in the forefront of my mind.
These Study Verses – well; they rolled over my toes at just the time I needed to hear them. We must remember to yield our hearts to Him and develop a mind that Prays without ceasing. In everything give thanks!
OK, here is where I must inject the Spiritual lesson learned this week.
Last weekend as I was teaching my class, I began to feel like I had been dunked in 120 degree water, dumped into the washing machine, through the spin cycle and then run through a wringer. Physically I was fatigued, developed a fever, the sweats, achy and through the course of the day, developed swelling glands and lymph nodes. Being the Marine that I am, I complained a little, but kept going. I went to work Monday, as the day progressed, I began to feel like a Mack truck used me for target practice, then ran over me a couple more times just for good measure.
In the afternoon, Ms. Tracey called me up and ask if I would be interested in an early morning flight (O dark thirty). Anyone knowing me knows I would fly with one foot in the grave, so I obviously answered in the affirmative for the flight. The rest of the day went downhill, and one of the projects I was setting up was hitting a brick wall. People were not cooperating, schedules were being rushed, and I was not keeping the mental gymnastics all together.
Ah, 17:00 time to go home, but alas I had a house full of family, and I was in no condition physically or mentally to be cordial. I excused myself to the Hot Tub to try and relieve all the knots and aches. I was asked to please come to the dining room and at least sit with the kids since I had no appetite. Which, I prayed Lord, keep me upright long enough to visit with the kids and grand kids.
Well, I made it through dinner and that’s it. I am a guy that normally can run 18 hours on 6 hours of sleep. That night I fell into bed @ 18:00 and did not rejoin the conscious world until 04:30 Tuesday morning, early enough to make the flight. Well, as rotten as I felt – getting above all that in Gods beautiful early morning sky somehow made it all better.
It took no time at all until, I felt quite comfortable in that right co-pilot's seat. He filled a need without me knowing it, without me understanding it at the time or even giving Him credit for any of it until a few days later. He wiped the grim face of pain away and replaced it with a smile, and filled the frustrated heart with joy. As icing on the cake, Ms. Tracey gave me a second flight the next night out west, where I got some time with our “Chief Pilot” who is an amazing young man. There was more joy, peace and relaxation packed into those 4 hours than I can go into in this Blog post.
That night after I got home late, I sat down and HE filled my tired, sore and fatigued old body with a boat load of joy. Then I got it, from Sunday morning through Wednesday night the road got bumpy, I wanted to take the highway – but He said, no, we will take the bumpy old scenic route. Wednesday night, I sat here at the computer reflecting on the past four days, and the smile on my face from flying made it to my heart. He showed me what I have been preaching for 15 years really does work. I have always tried to offer words of encouragement to those hurting, to those broken hearted and to those sick and afflicted. I was stricken with a pretty funky virus that has me down yet… MY God, saw me, heard me, and reached down and used people on my bumpy road to calm my heart and offer encouragement, filling my heart to overflowing with joy.
To Fred, Tracey and David my heartfelt thanks for all that you did for me last week. God used all three of you through your words and deeds to wipe my eyes from the dust of the road and see the bigger picture. Sometimes in midst of life’s little road bumps, we often find ourselves annoyed and irritated with the rough ride. We often look for an easier route or head for the highway, too hasty to know or even realize that God allowed those bumps in the road of life to slow us down. He gives us these times to pause, to look around, and watch for bystanders. To take in His blessings in this life, and to touch those He has placed on our path.
So the next time you feel the little bumps in this trek we call life, look around to see where you are and who you can help along the way.
My Dear Precious Father, Thank You for the powerful promises and Truth you have provided us in Your word. Forgive this tired old heart for missing your hand through this rough week Lord, I felt the bumps of life, but neglected to look for Your hand to deliver.
Thank You Father for giving such a friend in Fred, that I can trust his heart and accept counsel from this young man when I knew I needed to hear it. Thank You Father for this wonderful, joyful friend I have in Ms. Tracey. You have blessed her with a heart to see beneath the surface Father, something I truly needed this week, thank You Father for the vehicle you provided for her to get me back in the air.
Then Dear Lord, I want to thank you for dear David, what a wonderful young man, talented and knowledgeable and lots of good stories. Father, this kind and gentle man single handedly left me see your hand in the week. He brought smiles, laughs and peace Father – I truly see your hand in that evening. I walked that pilots lounge in pain, and he came over and took my mind away, with stories and memories of days gone by.
Thank You Dear Jesus for placing these kind, wonderful people in my path when the road was bumpy. Bless them as only You can this week Father, touch their hearts and lives and fill them to overflowing with the Joy of the Spirit. If any of them do not know You Father, or do not have a Saving knowledge of Your Son, then present them an opportunity do so, I pray Thee. In all things Father I will continually give you the Honor, the Praise and the Glory, in Your Strong Son’s Name I pray, in JESUS name. Amen
Wow, my toes have been rolled over; especially after this past week.
What a roller coaster ride it has been, as was pointed out by a dear friend this week, this was a practice what you preach week. Satan gave me numerous opportunities to weaken, allowing the spiritual vessel to crack and leak the water of Life for all those around me to see.
He pushed my buttons through people, and because of some physical issues I began to wear down, life’s road was becoming very bumpy, and I was looking for a fast lane to by-pass it all. Christ knew perfectly when to intervene, who to place on my path, and what vehicle to use to calm the storms.
Through the kind words of truth, He used Mr. Fred to speak the Truth in love, reassuring the truths I had hidden away in my heart. Through kind deeds, He used Ms. Tracey to take my mind away from the stress of the bumpy road.
His Sovereignty this week was disclosed through His compassion for a child in distress. His grace is sufficient, but too many times we become so wrapped up in the events of our lives that we overlook or worse yet dismiss the very Hand that ushered us through the trials.
Rejoice Evermore!
Finding joy in life sometimes is a tall order walking in this flesh, yet Paul wrote this with great authority, as a commandment. He is reminding us of our heritage, that in Christ we are to live in the joy of the Spirit that lives within us. Remembering the Joy of the Spirit that lives in us can be tough when the storms of life are raging all around us, and the road becomes bumpy. It is when we remember our relationship to the King and who we are in Him that HE uses the trials to grow us and strengthen us.
This is not just a feeling – this is knowledge, foundational knowledge as kin to the King – Remember, Rejoice Evermore. Pray without ceasing! We must develop a state of God consciousness, a sense of Holiness, reaching for Righteousness, a spirit of prayer, communion with Christ through the Holy Spirit constantly through the day. Wow, this is such a change from the cursed flesh we walk in, yet we all know people like this.
Prayer warriors, the folks we looked up to when we were younger that you loved to be around, because they were close to God. This week, I lost touch with that sense of Holiness, and a few times Righteousness was not in the forefront of my mind.
These Study Verses – well; they rolled over my toes at just the time I needed to hear them. We must remember to yield our hearts to Him and develop a mind that Prays without ceasing. In everything give thanks!
OK, here is where I must inject the Spiritual lesson learned this week.
Last weekend as I was teaching my class, I began to feel like I had been dunked in 120 degree water, dumped into the washing machine, through the spin cycle and then run through a wringer. Physically I was fatigued, developed a fever, the sweats, achy and through the course of the day, developed swelling glands and lymph nodes. Being the Marine that I am, I complained a little, but kept going. I went to work Monday, as the day progressed, I began to feel like a Mack truck used me for target practice, then ran over me a couple more times just for good measure.
In the afternoon, Ms. Tracey called me up and ask if I would be interested in an early morning flight (O dark thirty). Anyone knowing me knows I would fly with one foot in the grave, so I obviously answered in the affirmative for the flight. The rest of the day went downhill, and one of the projects I was setting up was hitting a brick wall. People were not cooperating, schedules were being rushed, and I was not keeping the mental gymnastics all together.
Ah, 17:00 time to go home, but alas I had a house full of family, and I was in no condition physically or mentally to be cordial. I excused myself to the Hot Tub to try and relieve all the knots and aches. I was asked to please come to the dining room and at least sit with the kids since I had no appetite. Which, I prayed Lord, keep me upright long enough to visit with the kids and grand kids.
Well, I made it through dinner and that’s it. I am a guy that normally can run 18 hours on 6 hours of sleep. That night I fell into bed @ 18:00 and did not rejoin the conscious world until 04:30 Tuesday morning, early enough to make the flight. Well, as rotten as I felt – getting above all that in Gods beautiful early morning sky somehow made it all better.
It took no time at all until, I felt quite comfortable in that right co-pilot's seat. He filled a need without me knowing it, without me understanding it at the time or even giving Him credit for any of it until a few days later. He wiped the grim face of pain away and replaced it with a smile, and filled the frustrated heart with joy. As icing on the cake, Ms. Tracey gave me a second flight the next night out west, where I got some time with our “Chief Pilot” who is an amazing young man. There was more joy, peace and relaxation packed into those 4 hours than I can go into in this Blog post.
That night after I got home late, I sat down and HE filled my tired, sore and fatigued old body with a boat load of joy. Then I got it, from Sunday morning through Wednesday night the road got bumpy, I wanted to take the highway – but He said, no, we will take the bumpy old scenic route. Wednesday night, I sat here at the computer reflecting on the past four days, and the smile on my face from flying made it to my heart. He showed me what I have been preaching for 15 years really does work. I have always tried to offer words of encouragement to those hurting, to those broken hearted and to those sick and afflicted. I was stricken with a pretty funky virus that has me down yet… MY God, saw me, heard me, and reached down and used people on my bumpy road to calm my heart and offer encouragement, filling my heart to overflowing with joy.
To Fred, Tracey and David my heartfelt thanks for all that you did for me last week. God used all three of you through your words and deeds to wipe my eyes from the dust of the road and see the bigger picture. Sometimes in midst of life’s little road bumps, we often find ourselves annoyed and irritated with the rough ride. We often look for an easier route or head for the highway, too hasty to know or even realize that God allowed those bumps in the road of life to slow us down. He gives us these times to pause, to look around, and watch for bystanders. To take in His blessings in this life, and to touch those He has placed on our path.
So the next time you feel the little bumps in this trek we call life, look around to see where you are and who you can help along the way.
My Dear Precious Father, Thank You for the powerful promises and Truth you have provided us in Your word. Forgive this tired old heart for missing your hand through this rough week Lord, I felt the bumps of life, but neglected to look for Your hand to deliver.
Thank You Father for giving such a friend in Fred, that I can trust his heart and accept counsel from this young man when I knew I needed to hear it. Thank You Father for this wonderful, joyful friend I have in Ms. Tracey. You have blessed her with a heart to see beneath the surface Father, something I truly needed this week, thank You Father for the vehicle you provided for her to get me back in the air.
Then Dear Lord, I want to thank you for dear David, what a wonderful young man, talented and knowledgeable and lots of good stories. Father, this kind and gentle man single handedly left me see your hand in the week. He brought smiles, laughs and peace Father – I truly see your hand in that evening. I walked that pilots lounge in pain, and he came over and took my mind away, with stories and memories of days gone by.
Thank You Dear Jesus for placing these kind, wonderful people in my path when the road was bumpy. Bless them as only You can this week Father, touch their hearts and lives and fill them to overflowing with the Joy of the Spirit. If any of them do not know You Father, or do not have a Saving knowledge of Your Son, then present them an opportunity do so, I pray Thee. In all things Father I will continually give you the Honor, the Praise and the Glory, in Your Strong Son’s Name I pray, in JESUS name. Amen
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Things? ©
Philippians 4:13; I can do all things through Him who strengthens me. (NASB)
I can do all "things", hmm, all things? Liberty in Christ is sometimes construed to mean "license" to do all things that appeal to the senses. Our dear and precious Paul warned the church of Corinth about living fleshly, too close to the edge of the world and their old ways.
(Corinthians 3:1 - 3) (1) And I, brethren, could not speak to you as to spiritual men, but as to men of flesh, as to infants in Christ. (2) I gave you milk to drink, not solid food; for you were not yet able to receive it. Indeed, even now you are not yet able, (3) for you are still fleshly. For since there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not fleshly, and are you not walking like mere men?
Sometimes we cling too closely to the material pleasures of this world, to the point that they impair our judgment. As we walk that path, it dims our view of the Light; callusing our ability to spiritually discern those things that would call us away from our first love. Paul knew this, he warned of the impending dangers of flirting with those things in the world.
Today, the temptations are greater than ever in the history of our existence. Will power to resist the devil and his traps is worn away by the media, music, movies and a host of other things that appeal to the eye-gate. Righteous, healthy spiritual living is “too restrictive”, and explained away as something that was meant for generations gone by, but not for the enlightened generations of today. Rubbish!
If we dwell on Christ and the Spiritual Light that He has provided, and the comfort He provides through the Holy Spirit, then there will be no room for darkness. The “anything goes culture” that we live in, can’t get a foot in the door if we are guarding our hearts. Righteousness, Humility, Modesty and Purity are not Christian principals of years gone by. They are a result of a submitted heart to the God of the Universe and His precious Son – our LORD and Savior.
The fruit of the Spirit is just that, fruit, a pleasing product of the seed He planted in our Hearts. So that we can then “do all things through HIM who strengthens us”; to do the “THINGS” that are pleasing to HIM, and bring Glory to HIM. Guard your hearts dear ones; Guard your Hearts for Christ alone!