Are you making a difference? Does the world see a difference? We are to take part in this world, but not grow roots. We are to share His Love, His Compassion and His Message with all that we meet. God's power is beyond our comprehension, yet He knows of every hair on my head, every cell in my body. He loved us enough to give the Best of what He had to offer – Christ our Blessed Savior and Lord! Do they (the world) see the difference that HIS sacrifice has made in you? Do you show charity to those less fortunate? Do you share His Spiritual Blessings with those seeking? Do you dabble in the worlds offerings that appeal your senses? The world is watching, waiting to see what it will take to entice you to leave the path.
Bless His Holy Name - We watch for your return Dear Lord! Come Quickly...
By the way, have you traced His hand lately, or just been frustrated with the choices you have made on your own?
How to they know the difference?
By every word you speak, by every step you take, by watching how you react when you stumble - they are watching. Will you Honor God, and walk the straight and narrow? Or will you take the easy way, yielding to the lusts of the flesh and the path of least resistance.
Truth - will stand the test of time... Will you stand for the Truth when the test comes? That's the difference!
P R A Y E R !

When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Meekness? ©
Acts 7:54 – 60
Stephen, oh what a wonderful, purposeful example he showed us of Power, Strength and Conviction under total and complete control. Meekness, growing from the heart out; reflected in his physical, mental, emotional and spiritual condition. Composed to his last breath, Stephen kept his eyes on Christ to the very last second of his life.
Why is it that in this day and age, we find it so easy to become distracted from our focus on Christ? Normally in my blog, I offer numerous examples of why or how we got to this place on the road. Not tonight, I want you Dear Ones to think about your walk with the Lord. What has it taken in the last 24 hours, the last week, the last month or the last year to hijack your focus? What little thing or what little squabble have you allowed to get in the way of righteousness?
If you haven’t struggled with losing focus, and your walk is on target, then take time to share your insight and wisdom with a brother or sister that is struggling. Speaking the Truth in Love, offering unconditional Love, Guidance, Encouraging Scripture passages along with a few of your experiences and how God brought you through. These acts of loving kindness will help a struggling Christian see God’s hand in your life, and will teach them how to watch and trace God in their own life.
This journey is not for the weak at heart, it takes faith and submission of the will to the Holy Spirit to grow. Growth is the end game goal, to grow in Spirit, to seek God’s face, to constantly reach for righteousness. As the Holy Spirit ministers to your heart and you are willing yield more of the corners and crevices to Him, you grow. That growth will happen though Reading your Bible, Praying, Meditating on the Word and disciplining your focus on Him.
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Do you possess Spiritual Meekness? Do you have inner Power, Strength and Conviction that is resolute under stress? Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek; for they shall inherit the earth. Christ thought that meekness was important, he mentioned as the third be-attitude when he was teaching on the mount.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Where does your light shine? ©
We that share the Faith in Christ, all have a part in the body. Some are teachers, some are encouragers, some are gifted with a servant’s heart, some are built for leadership and others yet to continually pray. No matter what the gift you have been blessed with, we all share the common Light of His Truth. The Gospel! That wonderful blessed Light that He has placed within us – through His Holy Spirit. How’s your testimony today? Are you shining HIS Light in all the places He opens the doors for you to share? Shine the Light in your part of the world, and then let your testimony be the seasoning or “the salt of the earth” that they are all looking for. Your joy in Christ will lead them to the Light, His word hidden in your heart will provide that precious Gospel message, and His Spirit will take care of the rest. Let His Light Shine In Your Life and He will bring those looking for that light into your life.
Christian Living,
Spititual Encouragement,
Saturday, October 10, 2009
This new life You have given me...
I don’t understand this, the way YOU constantly apply Grace and Blessing. I have walked this road today and on numerous occasions wondered how in the world did I get here? Where did all this blessing come from, where did the right to escape the pain from failing originate from? Why is it in the midst of these failures I am blessed with joy?
How many times in your week have you looked back and asked some of those same questions. Spiritual growth has both inward and outward signs, Paul spent a lot of time writing letters to the early churches explaining, exhorting and in some occasions admonishing those churches on this subject. As we grow in the Spirit of Christ, we take on some of His attributes; Paul gave us examples of that in Galatians 5:22 & 23. However; in Galatians 5:24 Paul specifically states that if we are in Christ, that we have crucified the flesh and the afflictions and lusts with that old man. So, then walking with Christ, seeking His will and His definition of life, we die to the old man, and the Blessings of the Father begin to manifest themselves in our lives.
Occasionally when things get tough we have the rock solid fact in the promise of Philippians 4:13; I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me… Yes when it gets to the point that we can’t see straight or think straight, Christ carries us THROUGH the trouble, not around, not over, He carries us through. The process then builds and strengthens our Faith in Him and the power of the Spirit grows in our heart.
Our relationship to the Father is not of our own doing, lest we boast, it has been established through His strong Son’s willingness to pay the price. His strength, not our own and we are reminded of His power and sovereignty in 1st John 4:4; Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them, because Greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world… God is in control, so in spite of us, He takes everything and in the grand scheme of His awesome plan, when it comes out the other end – it’s all good. In the end because of the Doctrinal Truths provided through the work of those New Testament books we stand Blameless in Christ’s righteousness before God Almighty. Jude 24 & 25; Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy, 25to the only God our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion and authority, before all time and now and forever…
These great promises are then backed up with 1st Peter 1:8; Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see Him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable full of glory… Ah, there lies the joy, an earthly reward for having faith in Him that we have not yet seen, but know Him and feel His presence in our lives. In spite of our failures, in spite of our vain attempts at righteousness, we are wrapped and secured firmly in His Righteousness. Then the Father sealed the whole deal.
This life that YOU have given me… Father, thank you for having a plan to fix all that we as a people have broken through the ages of time, for all the sin that runs ramped through the world today; it can’t escape your judgment and your great plan. This life that YOU have given me, is more abundant and full, knowing that in my weakness you are strong, and your shed blood on the cross has paid the price that I could never in my life pay. Thank you for that wonderful Mercy, Grace and Blessings that I in no way deserve or measure up to. Help those loved ones that choose to read this Blog, see Your will in their lives; help them find Your blessings by honoring your commandments and lessons given to us through Your word. In all things we give You the Praise and Glory Dear Lord, in Christ’s name, Amen… Keep Going dear ones, KEEP GOING!!!
Saturday, October 3, 2009
There is No Fire Insurance outside the truth!
There is No Fire Insurance outside the Truth of the Gospel!
Repentance, Faith in Christ, Sacrifice & Service will bridge the gap between hell and heaven!
Outside of Christ there is No Justification, No Righteousness and No Salvation - Period!
Romans 3:10
Romans 3:23
Romans 10:9
John 3:16 - 18