Brother Dunkel and I went to a Pastor’s conference earlier this week, and I heard some powerful teaching and preaching… Some of the material in today’s message was drawn from notes I took at that conference
I want you all to Remember and Think about Your Wedding Day…. The smiles and the Tears, we are going to talk about it for a few moments…
a. American Dating being flawed as it is, tell me about how you met your spouse
b. What was the Courtship like?
c. Tell me about the Engagement time?
d. How did the wedding plans go?
e. Tell me all about the Wedding Day – Right through the Reception.
f. How about the 1st year?
g. What’s Marriage look like now?
This line of questioning all has a point, and we will eventually get to that point – but for now….
Let’s take a look at a few passages of scripture; our 1st stop will be Galatians 5:21 thru 32… Would anyone like to read this passage for me?
Galatians 5:
21Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God. 22Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord. 23For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the Savior of the body. 24Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything. 25Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; 26That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, 27That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. 28So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself. 29For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church: 30For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones. 31For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh. 32This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church. 33Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband.
Hmmm, maybe some context is needed here… Chapter 5 Verse 1 & 2, Paul states “Be ye therefore followers of God, as dear children; And walk in Love, as Christ hath also loved us, and hath given Himself for us as an offering and a sacrifice to GOD”.
We are to be FOLLOWERS of GOD, as DEAR Children… Not as rambunctious kids, not as little children – AS DEAR CHILDREN… Why do you suppose we followers are referred to here as Dear Children?
How many of you have adult children, maybe even with their own families? (wait for hands and comments) Are they any less “dear” to you today; then they were when they were little? In some cases aren’t those relationships with your children different and maybe even sweeter than previously.
They are adults, responsible for their own actions, and in many cases are following your footsteps in Faith. When you ponder on it long enough, it tears the eyes – these Children of ours are DEAR to us. Is the Spirit of God any less Paternal than we? That’s absurd we say, of course not, He is our Heavenly Father – Right? He is the Creator of all that is, men and women included, thusly our Father none the less as Creator. But – Through Christ He is all the More – HE IS OUR FATHER!!! We, those filled and sealed with HIS Spirit are HIS Dear Children… Remember that, we may need that later…
Back to our passage, and continuing to understand context… Verse 3 thru 20, Paul explains what being a follower of GOD looks like in deed and conduct. So we understand the foundation that he has laid before us. So, just for a second – lets zero in on verse 21…
In verse one Paul said to be followers of God as dear children, then in verse 21 he says, “Submitting yourselves one to another in the fear of God”. So, What I am getting here is that We must develop and have a heart that is “Submissive” to follow this “direction” from Paul. Please Forgive Me… Let me slightly digress just for a moment… See we are an established Church of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Son of the Living God, so we have established that CHRIST is the Head and Ultimate Authority in this body of believers – RIGHT? So tell then, is Paul suggesting that we be submissive? Is he leading us to be submissive? NO, he is telling us to, he is directing us to, and he is commanding us to - in Christ’s authority…
Christ’s authority; in which we have previously, nearly 30 years ago, agreed is the only authority in this Church and in our lives to obey and follow – Right? OK – Just wanted to make sure I am on the right path here…
OK back on course, “We are to submit ourselves to each other in the fear of GOD”… So Paul is telling me, that I am to have a heart that is submitted to GOD, given to me by God through His Mercy and Grace. With that submitted heart, I am to submit myself to YOU, and YOU, and YOU. Not only submit to you, but do it in the Fear of Almighty GOD… Doesn’t sound like a suggestion does it, nope doesn’t sound like a suggestion…
So, we have just established the facts in these commands; that we are to submit ourselves both to God and to one another, we are to do so in fear of God, and as Dear Children…
Do we all agree with my assessment? Great, then we are of one accord! So, what’s the deal with remembering our wedding day? ? ? ? Great, I am so glad you asked…
At our Pastor’s Conference down in Lansdale, Brother Dunkel and I heard a new perspective on Paul’s letter to Colossi… David Doran, Pastor of Inter-City Baptist Church in Allen Park Michigan, offered this insight to Paul’s message in Colossians 1 verses 24 thru 29, please turn there and read with me.
24Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for his body's sake, which is the church: 25Whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God; 26Even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints: 27To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory: 28Whom we preach, warning every man, and teaching every man in all wisdom; that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus: 29Whereunto I also labor, striving according to his working, which worketh in me mightily.
FOLKS – HERE IS YOUR WAKE UP CALL FOR SUNDAY, the 27th of February 2011… Pastor Burns & Pastor Killian will present you to Christ the King of Kings as His Bride!!! When we look at the Greek text for this passage, a little research will help you see a more refined interpretation for us here in America… It would read that these two men will present us to Christ as a “perfected and pure Virgin” to be His Eternal Bride…
Galatians 5:22 Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.
Galatians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it.
Paul is working to present the church to Christ as a pure Bride! There is a sense of accountability here - that those Pastors and Teachers that teach and preach to us, will be presenting us to Christ at the Bema Seat. Thusly, Pastors will answer for the purity of the bride that they present to him.
A little illustration, if you had a congregation of 500 members, and only have 100 standing before Christ on that day of Judgment, there will be an accounting for that. So a question that begs to be asked here - Will the fruit of this ministry be complete?
God saves men to make them like His Son, we are predestined to be made like His Son, to be transformed into HIS image!!!
The Pastor's mission is not just to get them in the life boat! He is to follow the convert, and nourish them, to assure that they are a new creation in Christ... Pastors must cultivate the conversion into the likeness of Christ...
Some Pastors in this Country today have become men servers, letting the culture of the day slide through our Church doors… Some of these Pastors are pleasing men over being servants of God. They need to be working their Ministries to be the tool of God to work towards the purification of the Church....
GOD expects everyone in the Church to have a God focus, and anything less is falling short of God's mission for the Pastor and the Church...
So What? What’s that to do with the Bible Baptist Church of Warriors Mark? This brings me back to the original questions when I opened this morning about your relationships with your spouse before and after the Wedding… Where are we now, is He really still our First Love? Are we truly being Faithful?
ARE YOU TOTALLY SUBMITTED??? See, we, the congregation must also stand at that Bema Seat as well, and my dear friend there will be an accounting! Oh my yes, there will be an accounting to Christ. We will not account for our Sin, for He paid the total and complete ransom in our place. That Sin is GONE to be remembered no more. But, you will account for this life, and the Gifts He gave you. You will account for how you used them to serve Him. You will account for those you came in contact with every day. How you used the Joy He placed in your Heart to impact the lives of those around you.
A powerful statement I heard at this Conference, “if the Walk doesn’t last, chances are it was never real”. A Pastor’s heart is to be for Christ’s Bride, GOD’s Dear Children. His energy is to be focused on Discipleship, growing the Saints, to grow new Saints…
Did you get that!?!? MEN – Did you hear that!?!? Pastors are to look for Godly men to grow into Strong God Fearing Disciples to LEAD in the Church, to LEAD in the Community, to LEAD in the Work Place… YOU Men of God, the men that we just looked at over the last few weeks, that I referred to as the Corner Stone in a Rock Solid Christian Family. These same men are also to be the building blocks in this Church – GOD’s Church to be presented to HIS Son as a Perfect – Pure Virgin… We are to be unblemished by the wears and tears of the World. We are to be un-touched by the cultures hands, Clean, Separate, Pure, and Perfected as by fire. Men, we are to grow new Disciples behind us… We are to be strong fearful of nothing apart from Almighty God.
WE – The men in Christ in this Church are to teach our Children. Men, we are to teach these young men coming up behind us. We are to BE THE CHRIST That they see in our families and in this Church…
Not Just The Pastor… Not Just The Deacons… Not Just The Teachers… Not Just The AWANA Workers, But, EVERY MAN SITTING IN THIS CONGREGATION TODAY…
Galatians 5:25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it. HE GAVE HIMSELF FOR IT… WE too, are to GIVE ourselves to Him in service. We are to give ourselves to the Ministry of this Church.
Men, when is the last time we gave of ourselves for anything? Seriously men, what have we as men in our homes, at work, in our neighborhoods, in our communities and more importantly here in our Church, what have we sacrificed for? What has caused us effort or pain to serve HIM?
I ask myself this question this morning, “what have I, Robert Hall sacrificed on the Alter, of myself, to further the cause of Christ?” What time have I marked for and given to HIM, Where in this day, or in this last week have I showed HIM my love for HIM, other than a routine mechanical devotion…
Folks, we can’t tell people we are a Christians, and not be willing to get up an hour early and give someone a ride to Church, or give someone a ride to the Hospital, or a neighbor a ride to work… See, if there is no Christ Actions rushing to get out of the heart and to the aid and help of our fellow man, and Christian brothers, all we have are empty words.
I want you to listen to this statement I brought back from the Pastor’s conference in my notes this week…
Congregation – “what you believe, or what you think you believe is reflected in how you live your life!!! If Christ is the center of your life, he can be seen in you and your actions from every angle... Paul said, “Don’t be just hearers of the Word, but be Doers of the Word”. People around you, should see the glory of Christ in you. Everything about you and your proclamation of Him should point to Christ!!! Anything else will, any other attitude, any other profession will, trip up those around you!!!
Pastors, Elder Saints, Teachers – Men of God, we are to grow Disciples and send them to grow others in the Name of our Precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Listen to this - “BEING must always precede DOING”!
We must be in HIM in Spirit, before we can ever truly do anything in HIM physically! My Dad would call this – “a gut check”…
Folks just being busy for Jesus is not a real testimony of what is in the heart! We are to look for and work towards completeness. See there are some folks in Christian Circles that sometimes just don’t get it, yet they want to be a part of the local assembly. When they lack the Christ likeness, we, the Men of God, must be ready and willing to approach them in Love, and challenge them, encourage them, teach them, keeping the Gospel ready to present at all times. Not everyone that claims then Name of Christ, Possesses Christ’s Spirit. We must be ready to speak the Truth, when our Likeness to Him draws them close and yields their hearts. Christ will draw them to repentance, but you must be ready and willing to share the milk of the word to help them grow.
Remember – we are HIS Dear Children, HE first loved us, and Gave His Son for us. What exactly is it that we are giving back… What crowns are you storing up in heaven? What jewels of the Faith are you storing up in Heaven for those Crowns.
We can’t be and should not be content with members of this Congregation that are content with coasting Spiritually… This is another topic for another Sunday, but Paul also talks quite emphatically and strongly concerning a “slothful” approach to this Faith.
I have come to the conclusion that Pastor Kilian, Terry Varner, Myself and any other Teachers we have here at this Church, can teach and preach the Doctrinal Truth of the Scripture! BUT we will not see one seed reaped if we follow the Politically Correctness of the American Culture and the World outside these four walls. We are called, to come out and apart and away from the world. Our ways are to be His ways, which should CLEARLY be different than the world.
I can teach you and even help you memorize Matthew 5, Galatians 5, and a whole host of other scriptures that depicts “Christian Behavior”. BUT, if it doesn’t come from within, and if you don’t believe it, our growth collectively & corporately will be stifled. As Tim Dunkel and I heard first hand this week, “Spiritual deception is NOT just somewhere out there, Spiritual deception is right here in Churches all over America… yes, even in the Churches once considered Rock Solid”. Men Deceiving Men to believe they are alright with God, when their hearts belong to the things of this world. Pastors, becoming men pleasers, deceiving souls from there pulpits to think they are fine with God, while partaking in all that the world and this well blessed country.
I want to offer some questions for you to answer quietly to yourselves this morning and over the next few days…
They are not rhetorical, nor are they empty, they are meant to prick your heart into action!
Do you really KNOW Christ?
Are you truly submitting to His Authority?
Do you Really BELIEVE in what you say you Believe?
Just what exactly is it about Christ that You believe; and can you defend it?
Do you look for opportunities to share HIM with others?
Do you truly love your neighbor; and are you willing to show him or her with your actions and good deeds?
If the Deacons secretly followed you around for a week, what of Christ would they see in your activities and conversations?
Husbands, do you pray with your wives and children?
Do they see God’s Man, Christ’s Love, and the Spirit’s comfort in you and the Role God placed you in?
Wives, do you pray for your husbands, and God’s purpose for their lives?
Do your families see your undying love and commitment to the Spiritual success of your husband and his authority in the home?
Teens – Do you truly yield yourselves to Christ, and to the authority of your parents in your home, even in front of your friends?
As I have asked my Teens before, is Christ the first person you think of in the Morning, and the last person you think of before you pillow your head at night?
You see dear friends; the Church is to be made up of GOD’s People, sacrificed on the Alter of SELF.
The Body of Christ is to be purged – free from open sin, free from self pride, free from outside influence. The Church MUST be a Spiritual Transformation of men and women by GOD Almighty, through His Power, His Mercy, His Grace – for His SON… The Real Child of God can’t be mimicked, can’t be forged, and most certainly can’t be explained away. For it is a miracle provided to us by the Father, through His indwelling Spirit.
May I please have the liberty to explain it as a transaction, a unique occurrence, that upon a total understanding of our depravity and sinful condition, that outside of God there is NO Hope for our Souls? Hence we understand that we are sinners and lost!
Upon recognizing our Sin condition, we instantly realize we need Help, we cannot reach the Creator without Help. We need Redemption, we need a Savior. Someone shares the Gospel with us, and we see that in God’s wonderful Mercy, He shows us and we see the Cross, a real tree that held the Son of God while paying the only acceptable payment for our Bond to Satan. That, in His Pain, in His Suffering, in His Humility, He took our names from the bond document of slavery to that old Devil, and presented it to His Father somewhere in God’s economy of time and eternity.
Those names of His Saints were then written in the Lambs Book of Life, and marked, Sin Debt – PAID IN FULL. Upon, reading the Divorce decree from the Bond of Sin, we are instantly handed Adoption Papers, listing us now as the Dear Children of God the Heavenly Father – Not just bought with His Son’s Blood, but Justified in that precious blood to Stand Whole and Complete before the Father, OUR Heavenly – Abba Father.
The Father sent forth the Holy Spirit to each and every “Dear Child” of His, to help them dawn the Armor of God, to walk prepared and yielded to His Son’s Authority. That Spirit brings with Him, Strength and Might that turns average men, into courageous giants in the world of fear and condemnation. The Holy Spirit uses the trials and tests of the world to purge and purify the Father’s Dear Children. On that Great Day, when the Father calls for the Trumpet to Sound, His Dear, Loving Children, will be Called Home, to stand, presented to the King of Kings, the True Christ as HIS Perfect Pure Bride. To be taken to be HIS own for all Eternity… The Transaction, A Divorce from Sin, An Adoption sealed by the Spirit, and A Marriage sealing the Honor of Serving and Reigning with Christ for all of Eternity.
We are to see our Marriages as a Model of God’s Family Structure. Men loving their wives as Christ loved the Church – willing to die that they might spiritually live. Women that love their husbands to the point of selfless and total submission to his authority – that he may in return reflect that undying love and devotion. Children, nurtured by this loving couple, for they are as Dear to these Godly Parents as all the Saints are to Almighty God. These Children raised in the Light of Christ, and reflect back total submission to the parents in Honor and Respect. The Godly Family is the Model of the Father’s Love for the Son, and for Us. The old is made new!
Folks after Salvation; there is NO OLD NATURE! We are NEW CREATIONS… Sin is no longer a part of our Nature… It is simply relegated to a Choice! How will choose this week? Will we choose to be the Dear Child of God that we are? Or will we choose to be a reflection of our ugly sin past, that which we were before we knew Christ, and His payment for us to walk free from Sin? With Christ, we are no longer compelled to be a part of this world; we choose to be a part and partaker of it!
Let’s close with prayer…