P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Heart Pain of Happy Valley (State College, PA)

Dear Folks,

The events that have unfolded here in my home community, scream loud and true of the fallen world that we live in.  It points also to the depths to which the human heart can fall.

I am currently working on a piece addressing the American Church, and it's version of the "christ".  This issue at PSU just adds credence to some of my conclusions, and validation of Biblical Prophesy.

Tonight, I hope that all my Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Jesus of Nazareth, will pray for these dear children that have fallen victim to an evil and hideous crime.

It is also my prayer, that this community, county, state, and country will soon find the path to revival...  For we have most certainly lost our moral compass, when we began to write the True Christ out of our Churches in this country. 

God Bless those of you praying, may these dear folks find the True Peace through Christs ever loving arms and forgiveness.

Good Night,

RC Hall

Monday, November 7, 2011


Let every soul belonging to the God of Abraham, paid for by Jesus of Nazareth, the true Christ, pray for Revival - unlike anything that has been seen to date in this country!

Dear Lord God, revive the hearts of Your people...  Set Your Body of Believers, the Bride of Christ on Fire this very day...

So that everything we say, we do, and we think bring Honor, Glory and Praise to You, in Christ's name we pray...
