RCH - from my keyboard to your heart...
What of the Heart…?
Many strong & powerful men have been reduced to a pile of rubble on the ground over a devastating blow to the heart. Not that beating cardio muscle in the chest, but the much more fragile core of a man’s being and spirit – the Heart God gave him to touch those around him. The eye gate to the soul in which God communicates to men, the Heart…
Proverbs 4:23 – Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of Life…
Many men, yes many men, have chased dreams and desires, shaping their lives with those passions and manipulations of their will. Men finding they have come to the end of the journey, beaten, hurt, empty, broken hearted, void of real purpose and meaning, humbling themselves to Death’s grip on their body and soul. For they knew not the Master, they cared not for His counsel, they despised His offering, and they spat upon His gift. For as those dear men in Mark 6 were described, when He tried to comfort them as He climbed into the boat – “they had not understood… – because their heart was hardened”… Human Nature – the Sin that bears the curse of Adam – courses through our veins, but it doesn’t stop there… Yes, we are born with the nature of Adam, but our hearts are only harden to the Joy of Life as we choose our own way, our own desires, our own wants… For as those men, those 12, when they allowed their Hearts to be touched thru The Word, men & women today are born with the same opportunity to respond in like kind to the Light – The Word.
Yet these words are intended for those that “claim” His name, those that call Him Master, those that pray to the Father, yet have troubled hearts and feelings of despair. Where is their comfort? Where is their helper? Do they walk with a book of words? Or, is it The Word that walks with them? Are they clinging to a book they have intimate academic knowledge of? Or, does He that is The Word know them intimately, calling them Friend… For knowledge of the words in that book, will not save you alone… The Word must possess your Heart, but, HE will not possess a Heart not freely given, yielded and submitted to Him. For the Holy Spirit is a fine gentlemen, and will not force a door open that is not unlatched from the inside. Here is where this man finds himself, an unlatched door, from the inside – with a foot firmly planted preventing the door from freely swinging in… Not willing to accept the cup before him, not willing to allow the Spirit to enter any further…
So friend, have you given it ALL to HIM? If you have in your heart and mind, given it all to Him, have you “Guarded your Heart” from the outside? Have you drawn a line of Honor, and said no entrance beyond this point to the world? What in your life have you sacrificed in His name and for His purpose and that of the Kingdom? Is your life a living sacrifice? Are your whispers Worship to His ears? Have you given Him all of your time, your checkbook, your house, your car, your energy, your marriage, your children, your family – have you kept anything in reserve for yourself? I did… Lord forgive me - I did… Brother – Sister, I write to you from the brokenness of man that kept in reserve a heart that was consumed with past transgressions in the life of little boy… Things I held onto, having no right to, nor any good purpose to other than building walls.
We humans are so apt to draw conclusions, those conclusions sometimes wall up the Heart from risking any other opportunity to feel or connect with any depth. We become comfortable with shallow connections – it’s safer and easier to flee if old pain is brought to the surface. But the Spirit of God wants us to yield our whole Heart, we must submit completely – without reservation. Many times, God’s Plan to show His most tender gentleness – is to allow us to be broken to the point that none of our own planning, scheming or manipulations can repair our image or perception of those past conclusions. We realize that our walled up Hearts can no longer survive and the remaining choice is to either Pine Away to Death – or yield to His Heart, and let go of the hurt that until now has defined our identity – to ourselves…
1st Peter 2:9 – but, you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light…
Ephesians 1:4-5 – For He chose us in Him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love He predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will…
Proverbs 3:5 – Trust in The Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding…