Sometimes, Our Abba Father allows circumstances to occur in our lives that simply confuse the mind long enough to shake our focus from ourselves.
He allows events and situations to play out in our lives that directs us to reflect on Him and what we truly believe. It stretches our Hearts to develop a deeper Faith & Trust in Him. That process strengthens our resolve in Who He Is universally as well as Who He Is in our lives.
We have a choice, to allow these trials of the Spirit to soften our Hearts and strengthen our Faith and Trust in our Mighty King... Or... We can choose to let the events and others influence us to "wall up" and become embittered and hard Hearted. This is the worlds way, take that tooth, require that pound of flesh.
God's way, is to Love, Yield and Submit to His will, His Authority, His Desires for your Heart & Life which is designed to purge the world from you... The result of the trials and tests of this life, let you standing in His Holy Spirit resembling The Lord Jesus Christ more than this world and this flesh. Sanctification costs something - It costs you your will, as you learn to lay it down and pick up your cross and carry it with and for Christ.
A word that is nearly hated in today's culture, we must "conform" to the ways and will of God - if He Truly called us out from among the world... In conforming to His Will and His Spirit, we will then realize His Purpose for the moment and for our lives... Folks, as my Sunday School Teacher Doug Olson often reminds us - it is "all" about the relationship!
Romans 8:28-30 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified.
Reward / Payday is not always Friday... When we endure suffering in doing what's right and what is commanded in God's Holy Word - we may not see reward this side of Glory. The world's ways are not His ways, instant gratification is of this culture - God may take a man's lifetime to polish him into a shining jewel. Sometimes Faith is measured in inches of upward progress, but is most always measured in continuance! KEEP GOING !!!