He wept in the Garden as he prayed to His Abba Father, sweating drops of blood, knowing He would have to bear my sin... Punishment that I rightfully deserved, for the Sin I knew I was committing, as well as sins of omission. He took my stripes, the words of anger, the beating, the bruising and the thorns. Then he carried my cross in agony, and pain beyond anything I could bear. Finally, He took the spikes that were meant for me, thru His hands and feet. Then as they stood that old cross up, all the weight of my sin and yours pulled on those wounds around those huge old spikes. He took it, He bore it, He carried it, then He suffered the most horrific and agonizing pain of all, His Abba Father turned His back on Him for in the midst of all my sin on His shoulders, it repulsed His Father, for He could not look upon that sin which weighed and sucked the life's blood from His horrifically beaten body. Yet in His Sovereign power He kept His life until He was ready to lay it down for US !!!!!!!!!!
As a child of His, it hurts my Heart to see fellow Christians living like the world... Folks claiming the name of Christ, while cheapening Grace with their worldly vocabulary, with their pompous attitudes, with their worldly activities and their lustful eyes. My heart aches for my Jesus and the pain He bore and the sorrow He carried, when people claim His name in one breath, and dishonor it in the next.
Salt of the Earth... A Gospel that is offensive to the world... Light in the midst of Darkness... The "Armor" of God... To Seek Righteouness... Revere and Fear a Holy God...
Oh My Dear Jesus, how we must hurt and grieve Your Heart & Spirit... Forgive us Father, and help me keep the logs from my own eyes and confess & repent my own horrid sin moment by moment each day... Help me walk up rightly in the midst of Your Marvelous Grace...

Salt of the Earth... A Gospel that is offensive to the world... Light in the midst of Darkness... The "Armor" of God... To Seek Righteouness... Revere and Fear a Holy God...
Oh My Dear Jesus, how we must hurt and grieve Your Heart & Spirit... Forgive us Father, and help me keep the logs from my own eyes and confess & repent my own horrid sin moment by moment each day... Help me walk up rightly in the midst of Your Marvelous Grace...