P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Where Have All The Godly Men Gone?

Good Morning Dear Folks,

I have been working on this post off and on for over 6 weeks. The Lord has burdened my heart to address Christian men in this country. This burden includes Pastors, Elders, Deacons, Teachers, Ushers, Church Office Workers and yes the men in the congregations of every local Church in America. I want to offer a word of encouragement, and offer a little insight as to how to maintain a strong and powerful Godly influence with those around you.

A little over a year ago, our Pastor of 30 years had decided it was time to retire, he was a very loved man, and led by example. He walked Faith, he exercised Trust, he showed Forgiveness, he practiced Compassion, but more than all those wonderful attributes – he was a man of his Word!  If he told you something, you could take to the bank, his Word was solid. He poured his heart into our Church, and on many occasions sacrificed personally to keep things afloat. He taught his congregants the Love of Christ, the doctrinal truths of the bible while disconnecting us from the religiosity developing in many churches today. This Pastor dedicated his entire life to Christ, and devoted much of his waking hours to the Church, building folks up in the Faith. Pastor Burns taught and preached the Word of God, with conviction, with power and without excuse.

There is a very dear lady in our Church that once was part of the Billy Graham Ministry Team. She once told me that when Mr. Graham was out and about, he never had less than two men with him. A Godly Man, he put the full armor of God on, and worked at and protected his testimony. What the world saw, was a Godly, Righteous man that lived and practiced what he taught around the world.

My Grand Fathers were both strong Godly Christian men. Both of them walked that which they spoke, their lives were above reproach. Both men were deeply active in their respective Churches. Grand Dad Hall was a Christian from a young age, and stood on the Spiritual shoulders of his Father. Grand Dad Hall was an ordained “old time” Methodist Preacher, that eventually started a Baptist Church in his hometown. What a Spiritual Giant! He knew the Bible inside out, upside down, and loved his Lord with all that he was. You could set your watch by his morning devotions, and evening Bible studies. He served as a Deacon and Adult Sunday School Teacher in that Baptist Church, where he was a "prayer warrior". He challenged the Pastors that served in that Church and truly enjoyed Theological discussions and debate. He too was a man of his word, and truly Trusted and Waited on GOD. Grand Dad Hall once thought that I would be a Pastor someday, but due to my own arrogance and playing Church through my 20’s, he never realized that dream. But, God did hear his prayers, and I am active in several ministries today, using some of his old studies and notes.

Grand Dad Tormey was saved later in life, one of those miraculous conversions that if you didn’t see – you have a hard time grasping it. My Grand Dad Tormey, was an alcoholic, smoked many packs of cigarettes each day, and was somewhat abusive to his family. My Grand Mother Tormey coaxed him to an old tent revival meeting one night, and Christ laid his hand upon him, and he accepted Christ as his Savior and Lord. Like a light switch being turned on, he gave all that up that night, he was a “new creation” all the old vices and abuses ceased. I only knew Grand Dad Tormey as a fine and upright Christian man. He was a great outdoorsman, and he taught me to fish for food, and through his life for Christ, I now know how to fish for men.

A question in my mind that begs to be answered. Where have all these GODLY men gone? Are they passing with that generation of Reverend Billy Graham, my Grand Dads and my former Pastor of 30 years? I want to believe that there are still seminaries that are turning out great Godly men.  But… Unfortunately, the Head Lines and news stories don’t seem to confirm that thought. What GODLY men of the past once believed with all their hearts, and taught as foundational Truth, is now called to question. Life Choices that are clearly highlighted in the Bible as an “abomination to GOD” are now freely being accepted as normal and politically correct – even in the old rock solid Churches of my youth. The Bible clearly tells us to “love the sinner as Christ loved him, but hate the sin and the damnation that it will bring”. Where have all the GODLY men gone?

Just a little over a year ago, we called a new Pastor to replace our retiring Pastor. This man had a Testimony similar in some ways to that of Grand Dad Tormey. Saved later in his life, being rescued from a few vices. A few years my junior, he seems to know his Bible well, and teaches a good lesson. Due to other commitments, he isn’t a 100% full time Pastor yet, so he does not yet have the luxury of devoting the time and energy the previous Pastor did. He answered the call of our Church and God to lead us into the next level of Glory in service to our Precious Christ and the Father. There are folks in the Church watching, wanting to see those same wonderful Godly characteristics in this Pastor. Due to previous employment commitments he didn’t start his preaching ministry in our Church until mid March of last year. In those 9 short months, I see the heart of a servant of God. His messages were strong and pointed, addressing issues of the day in our Church and many Churches today.

In his Sunday Morning messages, he has addressed the “luke warm spiritual condition of many”. The lack of commitment and devotion to our Lord, and in turn the lack of commitment to the brothers and sisters in the Church. He has taught us of Christ’s words, “Let your yes be yes and your no be no”. He has taught us to serve with conviction, devotion, and all sincerity. He has taught us to put Christ first, then to exercise our belief, by totally and completely Trusting in Him, and have the Faith that HE will meet our needs.  He also teaches the Scripture without reservation or excuse.

This is our Encouragement for this day! That if men, take up the cross of Christ and lean on Him, not relying on their own means to survive, but on Him – it is then that we will reclaim our Spiritual Heritage. Pulling ourselves out of the Church of Laodicea, and being on fire for the Lord, making a difference in the lives around us – starting with our own families. Men, I just heard a statistic this very morning on Christian Radio. That if family men turn to Christ, allow HIM to change their lives and live good Godly examples, that statically better than 90% of those families will follow his footsteps toward Christ.

Remember those wonderful Godly men I referred to earlier. You must be a man that practices what you PREACH! You must show your family Love and Encouragement. You need to read the Beatitudes in Matthew 5 and the Fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5. These are not suggestions, these are Truths brought to us through Christ’s own words and the pen of Paul. If we are Truly saved, if we are serious about living a life for Christ, then get up men, put your faith into action.

Start by keeping your word when you give it. Then live out your Faith by Trusting in God, the power of His Grace, and the ability that Christ has given you to stand before the very throne of GOD!!! Don’t rely on your own means to succeed, put all of who you are in your Trust in Christ’s ability to save you and provide for you. IF – God is who we say we “Believe He Is”, then we must put feet to that faith men. Pray that He will provide opportunity to serve, have a Godly Christian man, Pastor or Deacon help you realize your Spiritual Gifts. Then – put them to work! In your home. In your office or place of work. In your Church. In your neighborhood. “Don’t just be hearers of the Word – be Doers of the Word”.

Take time to think about your answers to peoples questions, then say what you mean – and – mean what you say. Build a reputation of Honor, Godliness, Holiness, Righteousness and work out your Faith in the eyes of God and men. Don’t give Satan and temptation an inch, draw a line in the sand, and never cross it. Live a life that is beyond reproach, be a man that can be trusted, counted on and looked up to as a man of God. These will be the Spiritual Shoulders our children stand on in a world that becomes more Godless every day. Remember men, your weakest or lowest level of Spiritual Growth, will be the next generations highest level of Spiritual Growth.

Seek God’s Face, reach for Christ, pray without ceasing, desire a double portion of the Holy Spirit; then Walk the Walk! Holding your head with all humility, walk the faith, share the Gospel to all that will listen and devote yourself to His Cross and His cause. He came here to die, He gave it all for mankind. If we claim His Name, and Possess His Spirit, how can we possibly not give it all for Him? The Right, the True answer is, “we can’t give Him any less”.

Philippians 4: Verses 4 though 13

(4) Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. (5) Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand. (6) Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. (7) And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (8) Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. (9) Those things, which ye have both learned, and received, and heard, and seen in me, do: and the God of peace shall be with you. (10) But I rejoiced in the Lord greatly, that now at the last your care of me hath flourished again; wherein ye were also careful, but ye lacked opportunity. (11) Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. (12) I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need.  (13) I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.