P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

His Singular Gift - For ALL of Humanity...

*(A repost from one of my earlier posts a few years back)*

I had several different messages I thought of bringing to you wonderful folks, yet this is the one He has laid on my heart as a Christmas Gift & Message. Please, forgive this layman's attempt at transcribing such a precious message.

By one man, Adam, our complete fellowship with our Heavenly Father was disrupted. A veil between HIS Holiness and our Humanness was introduced through Adam’s choice to go his own way. God’s desire was to receive the unconditional Praise, Worship and Love of HIS creation. It was God’s design for us to walk with HIM in the cool of the evening, to commune as one family. His Love For Us – established before the very foundation of the earth.

Adam chose to defy our Precious Father – hence convicting every single generation of his offspring to pain, suffering and death. Both spiritually and physically – death was the ultimate penalty for this transgression. There were several major transactions that took place that day in the Garden, not the least of which was curse of sin. Adam’s race through one simple act of eating of the forbidden fruit was condemned to slavery. Every child of the human race since that day has been born a sinner, born into the bonds of sin slavery, the direct results of a choice to have our will and not God’s.

To fully understand the significance of a baby born in Bethlehem 2000+ years ago, you must fully understand the Theology of Creation, and the doctrine of sin. If you don’t understand or believe these things, then this celebrated day of remembrance has no meaning or value to you. The post modern culture that we find ourselves immersed in, simply replaces the True meaning, with symbolism and materialism to fill that emptiness.

Truth be told, those things never truly fill the void of not having God present in a man’s heart. Satan has sold the lie to the world quite well, and he is smiling and rolling on the floor laughing in cynical joy for the souls he has destroyed. For the Truth of Christmas is that of a miracle, that a young Jewish girl named Mary was touched by the Holy Spirit of God. The Holy Spirit planted the seed of Truth & Life in this woman that the Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God could come into this fallen world. That a Single Child, one lone being (God incarnate) came into this world on a dark cold night with one purpose – and one purpose only. He came to save the human race from the curse of sin bondage.

HE was born of a virgin, walked this earth for 33 years, ministering to common man, the down trodden, the oppressed, the poor, the sick, the needy and the dying. Jesus came to us and corrected our view of the Law by showing us the Heart of God, and announced to the world that He was here to fulfill the law and prophesy of old. He commanded us to LOVE one another, as He loved His Church, to the point of spreading HIS arms wide open, and dying for those that literally nailed HIM to the cross.

A SINGLE GIFT OF SACRIFICE – He offered up Himself from his first breath in that manger in Bethlehem, to the last breath He took as He laid down His life on that Cross 33 years later. HE came to this earth with one purpose; to bruise the head of that old serpent with the heel of His foot, saving humanity from the bonds of sin.

That Christmas gift of long ago tore the veil that separated us from the Heavenly Father giving us un-tethered access to God. For through accepting His gift (once again a choice we must make), dying to ourselves, and yielding to Him we can once again stand before GOD – wrapped in the Love and Righteousness of HIS Son – Jesus Christ, the TRUTH in Christmas! Please, please let me introduce you to this Wonderful man that has called me friend! For yet a little time, HE holds the door of Grace open for those to walk through that heed the call. Don’t spend another Christmas without HIM, don’t be left to a dark empty eternity. Choose Christ, and have a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!

From the Manger to the Cross – Remember His Love, Obedience, Sacrifice and GIFT this Christmas!

Your Friend,


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