Two Judgments! The Great White Throne & the Bema Seat...
Which do you plan to attend?
(A followup to last weeks Blog - Retirement Plan)
You would be surprised at the number of Christians that get this weird look on their face when you pose this question. My Grandfather taught me this since I was old enough to understand the Gospel. I have used it as an intro to folks that were inquisitive into my faith and why I am the way I am.
From time to time at work I am in other co-workers offices for a meeting, a morning greeting or an infrequent social call. Too many times to comment on, I have walked out of a room in the middle of an off color joke or slanted Christian judgment from someone that ask too many questions and didn’t like direction the answers were going.
For the most part my co-workers understand my low tolerance for the profane and immoral conversation and do not conduct such activities in my presence. But, the one thing that gets me in a pickle the most is my intolerance of a professing Christian taking Christ’s name in vain. I cannot and will never tolerate that behavior, from a person incapable of articulating the English language without taking our precious Lord’s name.
My very soul shutters in those rare moments, I become angry and agitated. Where is the reverence, where is the sense of humility in uttering His name.
How can people express their acceptance of His gift and then curse using His name in a foul, vulgar or heated angry setting? My favorite come back has been, “you claim to know Him personally, yet you take His name in vain, you better be careful, or the next time you utter that name you may be staring Him in the Face”!
Yep, two judgments – one for those that truly know Him and the sacrifice He made willingly for us. One for those that have deceived themselves into thinking they know the way and keep on marching to the worlds drum.
The Great White Thrown Judgment where every man not covered under the blood of Christ will stand before God and give an account for his or her life. Standing alone before the Almighty Creator, with no excuse, no righteousness to stand in before He that is forever Righteous. Not accepting Christ's perfect sacrifice, they will stand before God with no redemption. They will then finally bend their knee by force, and acknowledge He and His Son as Rulers of Eternity. In the end, those men and women will hear him command that they depart from Him. , and enter into eternal damnation.
Those of us that bent our knees and bowed our hearts before Him in this lifetime will face a different outcome. For we that accepted His selfless plan of salvation, truly repented of our sinful ways and turned around to follow Him will see the light of the Bema Seat! If we are growing in His Love and in His Word this is not a judgment to worry or fear. For this light will separate those works in our life that were done for His Glory, from the ones we did for our own glory or gratification. If we want the reward now, it’s only now that you will get it. If you give Him the praise and glory, that reward will follow you through eternity. I still battle daily with pride, but my heart is in the right frame, and He is constantly giving me new chances to improve.
Dear precious Father, thank you for the daily reminders to seek your will and exercise humility. Keep me on the straight and narrow path, and I will gladly accept the spiritual scolding when I stray. Help me Father work my faith out giving you and your son all the glory and praise through this sanctification process. The jewels in the crown I may earn, I willingly, lovingly and reverently offer them to you on that day. Amen.
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