P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Spiritually Minded and Earthly Good...

We are not to wear our Christianity on our shirt sleeve, nor is it to be sheltered or hidden from public view. Christianity is to be shared from the heart with unconditional Love and genuine concern for all those He puts on our path. Our Christian testimony isn't what we say it is; our Christian testimony is what we show it is. Through our generosity, our charity, our prayers and our sharing the Fruit of the Spirit that God so richly blesses us with when living a Godly Spiritual life.  We must show the world our Love for our Christian brothers and sisters, and then share that love with those around us that have not yet met the Master. He - Christ commanded it! 

I have a friend at work that tells me not to get a narrow vision of God’s character. He reminds me of that, because I often bask in God's Love and Grace, and that probably dominates my conversations and writings. However; I do believe that He is more than just “the big loving man upstairs”. Yes, there must be balance in recognizing, acknowledging and understanding all the attributes of God (that we can know). Balancing our meditation and worship, knowing He is both Loving and Just. Understanding that those same arms that offer His children tenderness, can and will also deliver justice and wrath to those that deny the Son. 

In the end it is that understanding and balance in our Spiritual life that allows us to revere Him and understand our rightful place, “positional truth” in the Kingdom. However; his 1st and 2nd command to us in Matthew 22 was to LOVE the Lord our God, and to LOVE our neighbor. We are to share the TRUTH and LOVE that He put in us through the indwelling Holy Spirit; it is required of every Christian, not just pastors, deacons and teachers. Matthew 22:37-40; (37) He said to him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all of your mind. (38) This is the greatest and the first commandment. (39)The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (40) The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.” Galatians 5:22-25; (22) In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, (23) gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. (24) Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. (25) if we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit. (26) Let us not be conceited, provoking one another, envious of one another. 

These two passages set the tone for our service, to love our neighbor while exhibiting the Fruit of the Spirit that lives within us! Exhibiting Meekness (strength under control), restraining ourselves when confronted and offering charity to those around us(our neighbors). How can we march ourselves into Church every Sunday, sing the hymns, listen to the message and offer worship and praise to Almighty God, when we can’t even speak to our neighbors? Unconditional Love HE took to the Cross, no and, no if, no but, HE willingly carried your name to the cross and paid the price that you could not. 

The Father demands that you accept His Son’s sacrifice and payment to have access to them and Heaven, and that we love our neighbor / brother / sister as HE loved us. It really seems so simple reading it, hearing it, talking about it – but practicing it, well that’s another story for some folks. For submission and yielding escapes us – for we have conditions to let people in, or to share or to love. God’s Son – Jesus Christ set the example, HE quite literally, spread His arms and died for EVERY MAN, He then offered a transaction to the Father, (in my words) My blood for their souls Father. Then the Father sealed the deal, and Christ told us in John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me”.   There are no other ways, but through Christ and the spiritual cleansing through His final Blood sacrifice – Period. 

So there you have it, the Gospel message, and the challenge to do right by Christ, The One that freely gave you eternal life as a joint heir with Him. Salvation is free, simple and easy to receive, however; practicing the Master’s commandments and statuettes laid before us – well, that put’s us squarely into the spiritual battle. Once in the battle it is easy to duck out and sideline ourselves, falling into the old ways and mindsets. 

I challenge you this Saturday, the 11th day of July 2009 to make a difference for Christ! Get back into the battle, go tell your neighbor you love them, and ask them if they need any help with anything around the house. Or better yet, take over a fresh batch of cookies or pie and greet them with a smile and ask them what’s on their mind today. Look at them through Christ’s eyes, then; let them see HIS eyes in yours! Love your neighbor with a Charitable Christian Heart! 

 “Dear Lord, help us see those you put on our path through YOUR eyes, help us greet them with YOUR heart, help us love them with YOUR compassion. Through these acts of submission to YOUR will, grow us Lord to want to strive for YOUR Righteousness and YOUR Holiness. As we conduct ourselves in YOUR likeness, may the Heavenly Father give us strength to stand up to the fiery darts that will follow from finding ourselves back in the battle! Help us Lord wear the Spiritual Armor rightly, and use it fearlessly. Dear Father, help us display to the world and to our neighbors the Fruit of He (Jesus)that lives in our hearts! May my neighbors see Christ in every aspect of my life, through Your Spirit and Your Strength. Comfort us Lord when we inevitably receive rejection or confrontation in Your name, rush peace to our hearts and minds and we will readily accept Your comfort and recharging of our Spirit. In these things Father we pray in your Mighty Son, Jesus Name, Amen” 

 God Bless – Walk in Christ, RC

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