How Do They Know The Difference…
Are you making a difference in this world as a Christian?
Does the world see a difference in your life, from the one they live?
The Bible Teaches us that GOD IS HOLY, (Leviticus 11:45 For I am the LORD who brought you up out of the land of Egypt to be your God. You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy) we are to Stride with Him to be Holy seeking Righteousness. God's power is beyond our comprehension, He knows every hair on my head, every cell in my body. While we may not be capable of comprehending the total awesomeness and Power of God, we should be humbled and fearful in the knowledge of Him that we do have.
We are to share His Gospel Message, His Love, and His Compassion with all that we meet. God loved us enough to give the Best that He had to offer – Christ our Blessed Savior and Lord! Do they (the world) see the difference that HIS sacrifice has made in you? Do you show charity to those less fortunate? Do you share His Spiritual Blessings with those seeking? Do you build your brothers and sisters up in the spirit every week here at Church. Have you traced The hand of God lately, or just been frustrated with the choices you have made on your own? Do you share the Blessings God has bestowed upon you over the past week?
OR - Do you dabble in the worlds offerings that appeal to your senses? Forgetting through the week that we are only passing through this world and we are not to grow roots. Must I remind you that the world is watching, they are waiting to see what it will take to entice you to leave the path that God has placed you on.
How do they know the difference? Dare I say - By every word you speak, by every step you take, by watching how you react when you stumble – oh yes they are watching. Will you Honor God, and walk the straight and narrow? Or will you take the easy way, yielding to the lusts of the flesh and the path of least resistance. When we make the wrong choice – they are watching, and we are marginalizing the testimony and impact of this Church. SO - When you stumble, will you grumble, cuss & curse His name, or will you give Him praise and thank Him for another growing opportunity?
THE Truth - will stand the test of time... Will you stand for the Truth at the time the test comes? That my dear loved ones will Truly be the difference!
**(PRAYERFULLY)** Praise His Holy Name – “Dear Father, may we live humbled lives before you, and we pray Father that this Church is living the Difference for You! Dear Lord Jesus, we watch and wait for your return – and pray that You will find us busy about Your work when You get here. Teach our hearts through a spiritual mind today, this very day Father give us a double portion of your Spirit to honor and praise YOU with. We pray in Your Strong Son’s Name – In Jesus Name Amen…
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