Hosea 2:
16 “And it shall be, in that day,” Says the LORD, “That you will call Me ‘My Husband,’ And no longer call Me ‘My Master,’
17 For I will take from her mouth the names of the Baals, and they shall be remembered by their name no more.
18 In that day I will make a covenant for them with the beasts of the field, with the birds of the air, and with the creeping things of the ground. Bow and sword of battle I will shatter from the earth, to make them lie down safely.
19 “I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in loving kindness and mercy;
20 I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall know the LORD.
The Awaiting Bride
She remembers the promise she made her Father before he went on, to remain pure and reserved for the One that she will meet to commit her life to. She had become lost in the world, got involved with the wrong crowd, participated in activities that made her shutter as she thought about them. She had a run in with the LAW, and in her upcoming trial was more than likely going to face a hard judgment. Her life was a mess, and she was at the end of her rope when she met this One, He was different than all the rest.
She smiles when she remembers the wonderful and amazing moment that she met her betrothed. He was strong and kind, yet He was not over bearing, and He spoke with Authority and showed so much compassion and control. He told her, “I can take you from all this, show you joy beyond anything that you could possibly comprehend. I will pay the price for your offenses to the LAW; all I ask in return, is your Whole Heart! No more running with this old crowd, I want you to change your mind and heart. I will give you the strength you need through My Love and Devotion to you. I have already committed myself to you; I only ask the same in return.”
She agreed, and was swept off her feet. Tough times still came, but she relied on Him to get her through it. He carried her through many trials, and she called to Him in all types of temptations. He provided all that she needed; and nothing more. He met every need with a loving kind word of Truth, and deeds that showed the heart of a servant, not that of a man with such stature and high regard in the community. He showed her humility and meekness all the while providing for her and protecting her.
The music is growing louder, the bridal party is making its way, and she is whisked back to the reality of this Great Wedding. She looks to her future Father, HIS Son she is about to take as her own through this formal Wedding procedure. He smiles, and says well done Child, as I promised you to My Son, the time is near. Have you the kept the promise of the ring?
Oh yes Father, while there were many that tried to prevent me from the Purity YOU require; I have kept the promise. Your Son gave me the strength to persevere, for as you know He brought my requests and desires before you’re thrown. It was your power and strength and righteousness that kept me Pure and Honorable.
Well done in deed, enter into this room now and offer yourself to the One in whom you have been promised! My Beloved Son is anxiously awaiting, He is coming to gather you up child. You shall join Him and reign over this Kingdom for ever more...
Folks how are you doing today… Are you ready for the Big Wedding Coming Soon??? Are you prepared??? Have you kept yourself pure and untouched by the world around you???
Abstinence, well, it’s a pretty important word and concept to the guy standing at the end of the isle on his wedding day wouldn’t you think? We must abstain from engaging in worldly activities that do NOT Glorify God.
PURE! Translates to White, clean, unblemished, promised, set aside, untouched, uncompromised, set apart, separated, righteous, sinless, committed, holy….
The boundaries in a Christian life are not to make life drab or boring, if that is the attitude, then Christian Liberty is not truly understood, nor is the Freedom that Liberty provides from SIN!
Those boundaries protect that which is betrothed to the Son of God as His rightful ransomed Bride, to be and to remain pure as the driven snow…
If we look at, listen to, speak of, or participate in un-righteous, un-holy activities we are cheapening and soiling that which is promised to the Prince of the universe. He is coming to claim His Bride; she is expected to have waited for Him and Him only. His word tells us that if our heart does not harbor the things of Purity, Righteousness and Cleanness, then we ARE NOT HIS! We are the bride of another, much darker groom.
Check your mind set! Check Your Heart! Does it truly belong to HIM, or are you sleeping around with the world and its offerings to the lusts of this flesh? You can’t have two grooms, you can’t serve two Masters. Which one is truly yours?
These are the Activities to purify and shield the Bride: Prayer, Biblical Study, Meditation, Guarded Friendships, Eye Filters, Ear Filters, Speech Filters, Proper Choices, Church Involvement, Mind Set, and Discipline…
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