Thank You Dear Heavenly Father for your Sacrifical Gift, in the Birth of Christ...
Thank you Dear Jesus for your willing obedience to the Father, and the sacrifical mission you came to fulfill.
In that Spirit of Love, Peace and Good Will Towards Men, Merry Christmas to All...
P R A Y E R !

When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
The Spirit of Christmas...
The Spirit of Christmas...
21 December 2011
It is
the 21st of December, the shortest day and the longest night of the year. While we are in the year 2011, I believe that
some folks still have the seasonal excitement that leads up to the 25th of December. However; this old salt Marine believes the
American culture has long forgot the true "reason for the
season"... We have historical
revisionist working overtime to remove every thread of our Spiritual heritage,
while scratching their heads wondering why society is tearing at the seams.
I for
one, am solemnly praying that God touch my heart and prick my spirit to keep
the meaning of Christmas in my heart. I
pray that in this little message, He will give me the ability to articulate the
True Spirit of Christmas, in a way that will challenge men and women's hearts
to look farther, and love deeper than ever before. I pray that all those that read this, would
learn the lesson that God provided me through a study a while back that
illuminated the Christmas Story unlike ever before.
see, the Spirit of Christmas isn't a theory, a concept or a thing that can be
explained, or worse yet, explained away.
The Spirit of Christmas was and is "a Spirit"! That's right, a
Spirit, so why don't you relax and settle in and we will uncover this gem from
a layman's perspective.
read the Christmas story in Matthew and Luke, a story some 2000+ years ago, of an
young teenage woman. Her name was Mary,
a young Jewish woman that through a Family arrangement for marriage, was
betrothed to a gentleman named Joseph.
Mary's linage went all the way back to the Great King David, which in
the validation of this story is both very important and significant. Why, because that fact would both fulfill
prophesy, and secure her baby's place as King of the World.
had a cousin named Elizabeth, and she was pregnant with another baby that would
have significance in the Christian faith later down the road. When Elizabeth was 6 months pregnant with her
son John, the Archangel Gabriel visited Mary to give her news that would change
her life and rock the world. This young
teenage woman, loved God, she was richly acquainted with the old testament
scriptures, Mary was a Godly righteous young woman that found favor in God's
eyes. However; she was human, she was a
part of the seed of Adam, as well as the linage of David. Which would have posed a problem, in that
whole original sin discussion. BUT, God
already had a plan to dismiss any claim of a sinful nature... Hmm, much to see, much to learn...
announced to Mary that she would bare a Son, and He would be The Savior to the
world. Now put yourself in this
situation, think about the event itself, an Angelic being just manifested
itself before your eyes. Is it a
dream? Is it a mental breakdown? Is it a thing to be easily dismissed and
forgotten? No... There was to be an unborn Child that would
manifest Himself in this woman's womb! there
would be physical, hormonal and emotional changes immediately in her life. For any normal teenage woman, this would have
undoubtedly shook them to the root of their soul, yet Mary seemed to take it in
stride. Her Love for and Faith in God,
was undoubtedly her anchor.
were several events that helped steady the reality of God's miracle in this
story. Mary visited Elizabeth's house,
and there was great joy and moving of the Holy Spirit amongst them. This had to be both comforting for Mary, and
a real confidence builder for her to travel back to Nazareth. There was also Zechariah's visit from Gabriel
to announce the Christ child, too many events validated and collaborated by
other folks of the time. Mary knew to
her core this was both true and real, there was no need or room for doubt, she
had an important role to fill in this story as it unfolded.
what about that sin nature question...
How did God prevent Mary's blood line from tarnishing or traversing to
the unborn child? Well, we need to think
this through. First of all in Luke
chapter one, we see an important question from Mary to Gabriel, and his
uniquely awesome answer. Luke 1:34 &
35; Then said Mary unto the angel, How
shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon
thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee; therefore also that
Holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God... THE Son of God. Two things we take from this.
God through His Supernatural Power chose to; and took action to stop the human
nature from entering the Child. Hence
Catholicism teaches the "immaculate conception", in layman's terms
from a Protestant's perspective, God supernaturally prevented the original sin
from being any part of the equation...
In addition, the second important point is that Christ was already a
person, simply put, He already totally and completely existed. He was God's only begotten Son, He was
already part of the creation process.
Therefore; there was no need for an additional father of human
flesh. Thusly, we have the supernatural
conception, or I would prefer, the incarnation of Christ in a human form
through Mary of Nazareth.
It is
because of this God orchestrated miracle that the Savior would come to us as
God and man. By the seed of Adam all men
were cursed and condemned, and by the seed of God, all men have been offered
redemption. Which brings me back to the
Spirit of Christmas. In John 4:23 &
24 we read that: But the
hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in
spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him
must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Spirit of Christmas was God Himself!!! Through
this young woman, God sent His Only Begotten Son, to come to this earth in obedience,
ultimately to go to Calvary and lay His life down for mankind. The lesson I learned through my study months
ago, was that God set the example, He lead His followers by example. He in all His Wisdom and Might, gave up the
best that He had that first Christmas night.
God showed us the model of sacrifice from Mary's Holy conception, to
Christ's first breath in that stable, to His last breath on the Cross of
isn't only about the gift of Christ, it is about Their (Father & Son)
sacrifice for us. You are scratching
your head, saying where is this guy going...
Stop and think about it folks, especially those of you with
children. What in this world,
would you be willing to give up the child you have always known, to send on a
mission that you know would take him or her away from you. Not only will this mission take them from
your presence physically, but it will force the ugliest vile contentious
manifestations the mind could imagine and beyond upon them. You will both endure unbelievable, unimaginable
pain mentally, emotionally and physically.
Could you do it? God Did!!!
the Father endured physical separation from His Son, while Christ walked this
earth as a man. While He was well
pleased with His Son and His obedience, on that last day on earth in human
form, God had to turn His back on His Son in wrath and disgust... For Christ took on the SIN of the ENTIRE
WORLD, to which the Father had to turn away, at that point all those pains were
married together as the weight of the world was bore by this Perfect Lambs body
and soul. At that moment, Christ endured
Mental, Emotional, Physical and Spiritual pain, to pay for my wretched sin. God showed Mercy to man, He provided the
Grace needed to find our way back to that cross and cover our sin in Christ's
shed blood. Through that transaction,
God wraps us in His Son's Righteousness, and we become justified in His site
through the Perfect Lamb's Blood Covering.
Spirit of Christmas is that of Almighty God Himself and His dear and precious
Son, Jesus Christ. Interpreted by this
layman, the spirit of Christmas is that of Sacrifice first, the gift
second. We must learn to love our fellow
man through sacrifice, which God the Father and Christ the Son taught us by
example. That sacrifice is the price of
the gift we offer to those we come in contact with each and every day, family,
friends, coworkers, acquaintances and yes, if God leads you - strangers
too. We that worship in spirit, must be
a witness of that Spirit that lives and dwells in us. The Spirit of Christmas is CHRIST, we must
place the Love and Spirit of Christ back into our Christmas...
to Worship the Living God, through His all so Precious Son in Spirit and speak
the Christ of Christmas this year... For
the day of reckoning is drawing nigh...
Be well, live and show the peace of Christ this Christmas, God Bless
each and every one of you. Merry
Sunday, December 4, 2011
It's Time To Pray, Watch & Wait...
Wars, Rumors of Wars, Earth Quakes, Weird and Violent Storms, Volcanic Activity, Famine, Pestilence, an Age of Information, and an awareness of Spiritual unrest around the world. The world feels like is quickly spinning out of control, and men and women participating in un-natural acts, with an agenda to make it a way of life and protected class. We are all heading for the climax of events, with only a few that truly recognize it for what it really is - a world wide culture of Sodom.
Just as in the 1st Sodom, GOD will pass judgment, but not before plucking out the Church & the Holy Spirit, ushering out the Age of Grace, and bring in the time of great Tribulation. Christian Brother and Sister, please help me pray that GOD will open the eyes of those around us, so that we may speak Christ and they will listen.
Also, pray with me "Oh Dear Lord, please come quickly", we fear for our Children and Grand Children coming into this world... We must be diligent and consistent in speaking the Truth in Love so that they will decide to Believe the Message of Truth, accept Christ and place all their faith and trust in HIM...
God Bless each and everyone of you, take care and Speak the Name of Christ... May all that you say and do, bring Honor, Glory and Praise to the Name of Christ...
Take Care,
RC Hall
Just as in the 1st Sodom, GOD will pass judgment, but not before plucking out the Church & the Holy Spirit, ushering out the Age of Grace, and bring in the time of great Tribulation. Christian Brother and Sister, please help me pray that GOD will open the eyes of those around us, so that we may speak Christ and they will listen.
Also, pray with me "Oh Dear Lord, please come quickly", we fear for our Children and Grand Children coming into this world... We must be diligent and consistent in speaking the Truth in Love so that they will decide to Believe the Message of Truth, accept Christ and place all their faith and trust in HIM...
God Bless each and everyone of you, take care and Speak the Name of Christ... May all that you say and do, bring Honor, Glory and Praise to the Name of Christ...
Take Care,
RC Hall
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Look For HIS Face, Speak His Name...
Dear Folks,
We are fast approaching the Christmas of 2011, with the world spinning out of control, and the culture trying to forget the Christ in Christmas, we must pray...
Please join me in praying for our nation, this culture that loves church but skirts the conviciton that Christ's life represents. When He sent the Comforter to us, it was for both comfort and conviction of the heart.
We must seek HIS face every day, and we must speak HIS name and the Truth He brought to this world to all that will listen. Please pray for your neighbors, un-saved family and this country, looking to spark a revial in the hearts of men and women.
God Bless,
RC Hall
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Heart Pain of Happy Valley (State College, PA)
Dear Folks,
The events that have unfolded here in my home community, scream loud and true of the fallen world that we live in. It points also to the depths to which the human heart can fall.
I am currently working on a piece addressing the American Church, and it's version of the "christ". This issue at PSU just adds credence to some of my conclusions, and validation of Biblical Prophesy.
Tonight, I hope that all my Brothers and Sisters in the Risen Jesus of Nazareth, will pray for these dear children that have fallen victim to an evil and hideous crime.
It is also my prayer, that this community, county, state, and country will soon find the path to revival... For we have most certainly lost our moral compass, when we began to write the True Christ out of our Churches in this country.
God Bless those of you praying, may these dear folks find the True Peace through Christs ever loving arms and forgiveness.
Good Night,
RC Hall
Monday, November 7, 2011
Let every soul belonging to the God of Abraham, paid for by Jesus of Nazareth, the true Christ, pray for Revival - unlike anything that has been seen to date in this country!
Dear Lord God, revive the hearts of Your people... Set Your Body of Believers, the Bride of Christ on Fire this very day...
So that everything we say, we do, and we think bring Honor, Glory and Praise to You, in Christ's name we pray...
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Have You Smiled For Him Today?
Folks, I just finished putting a lesson / message together for tomorrow night.
My heart is heavy and burdened for He that gave me life. I realized tonight
while studying, and penning my heart that He loves me - in spite of myself...
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
I Had My Eyes Opened to God's Authority
Quite a few months ago, I had my eyes opened to God's
authority through a real life lesson...
Many months back, I had the most awesome opportunity to deliver an accelerated
expositional study through the book of Joshua, the Old Testament Book and Hero
by which my eldest Son is named.
The book of Joshua lays out for us the Power,
Might, Sovereignty, Righteousness, Mercy, Grace and yes, His Ultimate Authority
over all things in and of creation.
God had shown His Love, Mercy and Grace numerous times
to the Israelites, yet they continually murmured and complained. Thusly; He purged their ranks by allowing
them to wonder in the Wilderness for 40 years.
While Moses was on Mount Sinai, and the Israelites
proceeded to sin greatly against their Lord and God, Moses' plea and prayer to
Almighty God appealed to His Heart, and He showed Mercy and held His Hand of
Judgment from destroying Israel.
The point being made, is both one of the prayer, and
one of the submission of a Righteous and Godly man, is heard, and in some cases moved the
heart of Almighty God... But to get to
that point, Moses had to have a relationship with the Father! There was a healthy fear, respect, submission
to His Authority and an understanding of position and relationship. Because Moses had seen firsthand the Might
and Power of the Lord God, there was also a constant state of reverence and
acknowledgment of His Holiness.
The family was originally designed to be a model of
God's union of the Trinity, as well as a model of His Authority and our
submission. However; today's culture has
water down the intended family design to where most families today are
Biblically dysfunctional at most levels...
The media has portrayed Men as bumbling fools,
afraid of their own shadows, indecisive, indifferent and spineless to take
their God given place in the marriage, in the home, in the communities and
worse yet in our Churches.
The fact is, men are to model Christ... They need to step up to the plate and show
the Love and Compassion of Christ, willing to sacrifice it all, for the
Spiritual lives of their families and their Churches. Sacrifice; now, there is a word that is
losing both meaning and visibility these days in its purest sense. Let me pose a few questions for you to
1) When is the last time you
knew a man that sacrificed a day's meals so that another could eat?
2) When is the last time you
saw a man give up something he truly loved for someone he didn't know?
3) When is the last time you
saw a man yield to a weaker more vulnerable man?
4) When is the last time you
knew a man, to sell everything he had in the world, and went to serve the Lord,
regardless of what his family and friends said?
5) Do you know any men, or
better yet any MAN, that when you are in their presence, you feel that you are
in the presence of a Godly, Righteous and Holy man?
Chances are you don't know many - if any!
This brings me to a key point! Men, by Christ’s standards, biblical principles
and in light of our Christian ancestors, we don't submit ourselves to God's
authority, nor do we sacrifice to serve Him...
So, is it any wonder that our families can't get it right? Head of Household has to mean something to
them, for them to Honor it and Submit and Yield to it. The "do as I say, not as I do"
mentality has got to be thrown out.
We must live out our Faith in Almighty God, every
second, of every minute, of every hour, of every day, of every week, of every
month, of every year consistently throughout or lives. It must be on display in all of our routines,
habits and lifestyle. They must see the
Love, Grace, Meekness and Authority of Christ in us at every moment. We cannot serve God with a slothful Spiritual
condition, it is all about choices!
For those that have not taken their role in the
home seriously, they need to hit their knees, pray to Almighty God to give the
courage and strength needed to draw a line in the sand, and hold that
line... Don't give an inch to Satan, he
wants you to be a weak Leader, he wants you to be weak spiritually - he wants
our families to be weak and dysfunctional.
Remember Brothers, God will not honor a heart that is not submitted to
His Authority. Just as God withheld
Blessing and Victory from Joshua and Israel at Ai, because of one man's sin and
covetousness, He too withholds Spiritual Victory from us when we make the wrong
When Israel remained focused on God, the Lord
continued to provide Victory after Victory throughout Canaan. Time and time again, Israel physically saw
God's Power and Might in their victories...
Yet, they consistently had to be reminded. Joshua, was victorious because of his Faith
in God, and because he understood the relationship.
Do you remember the passage in Joshua 7 verses 18 thru 26? When Joshua confronted Achan, this man made an interesting, intriguing, and in the end a damning statement. In Achan's confession to Joshua, he basically said "I saw these fine clothes and these precious metals, I wanted them, and so I took them"! Now as we well know, God said not to take anything out of Jericho... Achan chose not to Honor and Obey God's sovereign authority, and in the end it cost him, his life, the life of his wife, children and cattle and all his possessions.
God takes His authority and Word seriously, yet
most men calling themselves Christians today yield their God given authority to
their wives and children. They coast,
don't want any waves, just want to be happy and do what they want to do, when
they want to do it without any thought to the Spiritual consequences.
There will be a Judgment in Heaven men! We Will Give An Account for how we submitted
to God's Authority and how we used the authority he gave us in our homes! So tell me men, are you working on your
spiritual bank roll? Do you care? If you care, are you concerned about what you
will have to defend? Are you honoring
God in your homes, in your marriages, in your families?
Does your wife see your undying love for her; does
she see your sacrifices for her, so that she may grow in Christ? You are to be her model of Christ in the
Home! Have you sacrificed time, or
resources to give her opportunity to recharge her spiritual batteries? Do you encourage her, build her up, and talk
her up in front of friends, co-workers and family. Do you rush to her aide when she is
challenged, threatened, fearful or doubting?
Do you know how to say I am sorry, and she knows it is coming from the
core of your soul? Do you rush to offer
forgiveness if she has offended you? Do you take time to communicate to her -
engaged at the level she wants you to or needs you to? Your authority in the home is not negotiable,
it is commanded by God, but it is throttled and controlled by and in His Love,
Mercy, Grace, Meekness, Compassion and Sacrifice! If you are not submissive to Almighty God and
His will for your life, you will never be willing to properly submit yourself
to your wife’s needs.
A Godly Man, will sacrifice his wants for his wife’s
needs, which will come full circle in the wife’s willingness to yield to her
husband’s authority. For outside of God’s
will, the husband has no authority to exercise, he is just a worldly man, doing
his own bidding.
God's Word Provides the only author you need to be
the Head of Household... If you wield it
as an offensive weapon to bruise and bully those which God has blessed you with
to call your own, you will bear the burning - scorching fire of Christ's Bema
Light at that day of judgment. But, if
you tenderly exercise that authority, to teach, guide, nurture and a tool of
Love and Provision, you will reap rewards both here and in Heaven.
Wives, do you Love Christ enough, to honor Him
through yielding your will to Him, giving yourself and your will to your
husband as Christ gave himself to the Church.
Christ yielded to the authority of the Father just by coming to the
earth in the first place. It took all
the more submission and discipline to give Him to be brutally beaten, bruised,
cursed, mocked, humiliated and then sacrificed for His Church - the Bride of
Christ. Do you look for signs of Christ
in your husband’s? Do you offer support
and encouragement to him in his Spiritual endeavors? Do you show him Unconditional Love before
your children, family and friends? Do
you come to his aide when he is tired, down and beaten by the world? Does he see Christ's eyes when he looks into
yours? Do you reinforce his authority in
your home, do your children see a biblical submission in your heart, or is what
they see, simply submission of obligation and requirement? Children know and sense the difference, but
more importantly, God knows the difference within your heart.
Joshua Loved the Lord his God! Joshua loved Israel! Joshua's authority was not questioned, and all
of Israel honored, respected and yielded to Joshua's authority. Joshua's Faith and Trust in God, was the
anchor that held all of Israel in the storms.
He was loving, just, and compassionate and his life was accounted unto Righteousness before the Lord. Joshua lead all of Israel to many victories, through his leadership and God's Providence and Promise, Israel in a very real way got to see and inhabit their "Promised Land".
Men of God, are you leading your wives, children,
neighbors, co-workers and Churches to the new Promised Land? Do those around you see Christ in you and
your actions and deeds? Do they want to
follow your lead? Are you praying for
them, for God to work in their hearts and yours? Men, God gave you the very best he had, how
can you dare to give any less - than the best you have - giving of yourself
until it hurts! See, if there is no
pain, there is no sacrifice...
Be the Leader He wants you to be and God will
provide the hearts to follow. His Word
and Work will not return void.
God provided me a little practical illustration a while back concerning a man's authority in his home. God requires our submission to his authority in our lives. That is achieved through tracing His hand and Knowing His Heart, which is converted into Faith and Trust.
As we Learn more about our God through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, that Faith and Trust in God's Character, Ability, and Love for us grows. In the times when we know and understand His direction through His Word the walk is easy. However; in the times that we don't quite understand the purpose or reason, it is then that our Love for Him, our Experience with Him tells our hearts to continue to obey his authority, because our Faith and Trust in Him is real and genuine! He has proven Himself to us, and we can trust His judgment and deliverance through our yielding and submitting to His will and authority.
Men, Husbands, Fathers, it is the same principal… Through your undying love for your family, through your Godly living and teaching, your family will honor your Authority... Even in the times when they don't totally understand or see your logic, they will exercise Faith and Trust in your Authority. If they don't, then take time to examine your own heart and practices, if God gives you peace, continue to pray for unity in the Family, and for God to work in the hearts of those struggling. If your family is struggling to Honor God in their own hearts and lives, chances are they will struggle and be challenged to follow your leadership. However; if you seek God’s peace and it escapes you, search your heart and seek council before you negatively impact the spiritual well being of your family.
Sanctification is a process that occurs in the
heart of a Spirit filled, God seeking individual. It is a process that may have some hills and
valleys, but the trend will be and must be constantly upward. Until we learn to fill our minds and hearts
with Spiritual things on a consistent basis, the devil will still have a foot
in the door. The old timers understood
that principal, and were faithful and devoted to seeking God's Face at every
opportunity. Read your Bibles and Pray
to get closer to Him and get to know Him.
If it is only a mechanical reading and prayer to do your God thing, then
you will never really get to where He wants you to be.
God loves you, He sent Christ to show you that, and
Christ sent the Holy Spirit to minister to you and reveal Himself to you through
His Word. If you truly have a
"Saving Knowledge" of Christ, use that knowledge to gain more, dive
into His Word and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. If you are truly seeking Him, He will rejoice
in opening His Word to you, growing you and as you yield to His Will &
Authority, he will make all things new, and sanctify you unto Himself.
The Joy in Christ is real, His Yoke is easy, and
when you engage in the spiritual battle, it is exciting and rewarding. So, get in the race, and then run to win... Anything less & you are fooling yourself!
God Bless and I hope to see you at the finish line!
Biblical References: Exodus 24:12-18; Exodus 31:18; Exodus 32:1-14 - God's Heart & What Prayer Can Do... Moses' prayer, or request to God swayed the out come, God held His hand from destroying Israel... How Amazing & How Encouraging...
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Counting the Cost...
When's the last time you counted the cost of doing the right thing? Have you ever really thought about, the time, the effort, the resources, the determination, the strength and the will it takes to keep on the righteous path? Godly men and women rarely think about the cost of the work we are investing in, but I believe that we should take time to reflect on the cost...
The Cost! My goodness the Cost!
To better understand the Cost, maybe we should look at the value of that work, after all the cost of the investment should equal the value of the work or item purchased. Right? Hmm, Cost, Value, Investment, these are more than just concepts, they are much more to those that are good stewards, Right?
Matthew 10: 31Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows...
Luke 12: 7But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
These two verse assess the value of a man as being more than many sparrows, for which God cares for every moment of every day. Christ made this illustration to boldly state the obvious, that God loved man beyond any comprehension that simple men can find in their finite minds to consider. VALUE!
My friend, God paid the ultimate price for the people we refer to as the "work".
John 3: 16For God so Loved the world that HE GAVE...
God through His Sovereign will, saw that for His Glory to be seen in all it's majesty, He had to allow the fall in the Garden to lay out His plan to redeem man, and Glorify Him and His Son. As we know the scripture tells us, He paid the ultimate price, He bore a cost far exceeding the value of the work, He spilt His Son's precious blood. He made His only, begotten, loved and adored Son endure the pain of beating, flogging, humiliation, and in the end a physical death of His flesh. In the end all of that paled to the real pain... Jesus, the Christ, the True and Only Son of the Living God, who spent all of Eternity past in the presence of the Pure Light and Love of His Father... Now, to fulfill the Father's plan, He had to endure total and complete separation from His Father, from the Father's Light, and from the Father's Love!
The pain, the cost of that separation is not known by any human, we can not fathom the pain and suffering that Jesus' endured during that time of separation from the Father. There was certainly a cost for that True Redemptive Work at the Cross. Unlike many religions today, I believe that cost of Christ's Crucifixion was complete, finished and resolved. The Cross is empty, the Tomb is empty and the Veil into the most Holies was torn from top to bottom to expose the High Priest. For from that very moment forward to this very day Jesus the Christ has been established as our High Priest, our intecessor and our interpreter. There is NO OTHER, None, noone else, Christ was the 1st and the last, He is the ONLY WAY, Period. If you don't know Him, if you don't have a relationship with Him, you are most definitely LOST.
1st Corinthians 6: 20For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.
1st Corinthians 7: 23Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the servants of men.
1st Peter 3: 4But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.
The Price was greater than all of creation could understand, but The Father offered up His Son to pay the ultimate price, and Jesus willingly went to bare the destructive demand of Sin, and paid the price completely. The Scripture tells us that if you are of the elect, that your name was written in the Lambs Book of Life... If your name is in that precious book, you have another gift of the Father, you have the Holy Spirit living within your heart, bearing witness to your soul of His presence and work in your life. For those of us that refer to His commandment to serve one another and spread the Gospel as work, please take time occassionally to reflect and consider the True Cost of that Work was not our time, efforts, energy, resources or determination... The True Cost was that of Christ's sweat, blood, death, burial, trip to sheol and resurection witnessed by many people and well documented...
He paid the cost that Sin placed on our heads, paid the price to redeem the entire world. Those that have a heart to hear His voice, will heed the call of the Spirit as He beckons us out of the Dark and to the Light of His Mercy, Grace and Righteousness. There is no room in those hearts for anger, conceipt, jelousy, fear, frustration, want or covetousness... The heart that beckons the call, is tender, moldable, conformant, and desires Righteousness and Holiness, always seeking the Face and Heart of God.
John 3: 16For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
God sent Christ to save the entire world, but the world at large doesn't want this free gift, they would much rather take and hold the riches, and things of this world - that ultimately belong to the Creator. The worldly choice comes with a punitive action by Almighty God, a choice in following the Master of Sin, Lucifer, comes with the price that must be paid. If you don't accept Christ's payment, then you are left to pay it yourself. That payment is your very life, not just your physical life, but the one that will truly follow. That condemnation will condemn you to darkness and seperation from God in a very real place called Hell. A place that is dark, burning like fire, and full of all the evil of the world and all the fallen angels that followed Satan into damnation.
The choice is yours dear friend, take time to reflect and count the cost... Do you really think you can afford to pay that price? Believer, have you counted the Cost paid, and how it should impact your work for the Lord, and how you share Him with your friends and neighbors? Time is short, for believer and unbeliever alike, please, please, Count the Cost!
Robert C. Hall
23 August 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Share the Joy, While Guarding Your Heart...
Galatians 5:22-25
22But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
23Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
24And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.
25If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.
In trusting the Blessed Master, we must share and show the joy of possessing His Spirit. Yet we must remember we are in a Spiritual Battle, and this world doesn't want us to win that battle. The Fruit of the Spirit will flow in abundance from the new creation in us, Christ's Spirit will teach us to Love all mankind, praying for their souls to come to the Master.
As we yield to Christ's Spirit, we will naturally exhibit His Love, Joy, Peace, Long suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness and Temperance... These attributes of His Spirit and now ours will draw those truly seeking to you, at which time you may plant the seed. It is then up to Almighty God to determine when and if that seed shall be nourished and harvested. For God conducts the Good Work of Salvation, we are simply the servants casting the Seeds of Truth for God to do with as He pleases.
Separation from the world is a fine line for many. Yet Paul, tells us that all the lusts of our past worldly life were crucified at the foot of the cross. It is in that knowledge of the work done there at Calvary, that we can then Live In The Spirit - and making sure that our Walk In The Spirit reflects the life we profess lives within us. All the time guarding our hearts from allowing the temptations of the flesh to draw us to the side lines.
So dear friends, serve in the Spirit of Christ with a Joyful heart and a confidence provided by Jesus the Christ, who has done the Good and Hard Work at Calvary in our place. Walk in the Peace that passes all understanding provided through the shed blood of Christ. For you now boldly stand before Almighty God wrapped in His Son's Righteousness, and Justified through Him alone.
Be well, serve Him with Joy, and pray for your neighbors, for the end times are surely close at hand.
All My Love and Prayers In Christ Jesus,
Your Friend,
Friday, July 1, 2011
My Dear, Dear Father, Praise Your Holy Name...
Recently, I had a friend drop me a line to touch base, a young man that sings lead in a Southern Gospel Quartet. Their music speaks to my heart, and churns the spirit bringing a smile to my face and joy to the core of my being.
As I thought about Dear Brother Sellers, I began to reflect where this Spiritual Trek has taken me since we last saw each other. I have served as a Lay Minister, with a Teaching / Preaching ministry Wednesday nights, and a Sunday School ministry to the High School / College Age folks in our Church.
My, my goodness, what wonderful Truths I have learned in studying and preparing myself for these ministries each week. How can we not stand before Almighty God trembling in fear of His awesome presence in our lives? The more I learn of His Great Power, His Might, and the punitive judgments of men and nations of past days; I fall in silent thanksgiving for His Tender Mercies in the midst of that judgment. The more I study His Grace, His Love for us in spite of our fallen condition, and how that Mercy and Grace is offered freely, well then I see just how I must fall short of His perfection and righteousness.
To stand in the light of His Truth, we must clearly see the darkness of our own ways, and our need for regeneration, submission and yield to His Sovereign Authority in not just our own live, but in all of creation.
In Romans Chapter 6, we read beginning in verse 6....
6. For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly.
7. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die.
8. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
9. Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.
10. For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
11. And not only so, but we also joy in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom we have now received the atonement.
12. Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:
13. (For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law.
14. Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam's transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
15. But not as the offence, so also is the free gift. For if through the offence of one many be dead, much more the grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto many.
16. And not as it was by one that sinned, so is the gift: for the judgment was by one to condemnation, but the free gift is of many offences unto justification.
17. For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)
18. Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
19. For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous.
20. Moreover the law entered, that the offence might abound. But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound:
21. That as sin hath reigned unto death, even so might grace reign through righteousness unto eternal life by Jesus Christ our Lord.
The Lord Jesus Christ came to the forsaken place to pay a price that we could not pay on our own. After showing us the way through His earthly ministry, He showed us the way through the veil of Death, and back again. Oh Dear Jesus, how we have failed you as a people and as a Nation. We have truly lost sight of our First Love in Christ.
The words in this Holy Book that He has provided us for study and communion with Him, stand as Holy Ground; the last Bastian of Truth to a dying world. Lighting the path to Life, yet we have churches in this country that have washed away those truths to become more socially acceptable and bring in the numbers that will fill the offering plates.
In the name of evangelization, the Truth of His HOLY and RIGHTEOUS character attributes have been replaced with entertainment that is devoid of pure Truth and doctrine. To the point that Christ's Life is now called to question. From where I sit, from what I have been taught and learned on my own - that view is nothing short of Blasphemy.
A nation that Blasphemes the Life, Work and Spirit of Christ is damned - not blessed! For God in His own time, will turn a people over to their own heart’s desire, and they will serve that master right to their own destruction.
As Paul said in Romans 6; For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die: yet peradventure for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
For when we were yet sinners - Christ died for us, God gave His absolute Best for the filthy, for the unworthy, for the indignant, for the arrogant, for the pompous, he died for every race, every creed and every color. Yet in the Light of that Truth even those that claim His name, prostitute themselves to the ways of the world, and all its vices. Oh how His Dear Heart must pain, how it must trouble His Spirit to watch the wrong choices we often make.
Yet in His Economy of Time and Grace, He sees through to the very core of the heart, sealing those He called unto Himself. Precious are they in His sight, for they are Obedient to His voice, and they seek the very Holiness that makes Him God. He delights in their devotion, and blesses them with His Joy and His Peace even in the midst of emotional and physical pain.
Oh, My Dear, and most Precious Lord God, Praise Your Holy and Mighty Name. May my heart and voice carry your Name to my housetop? Thank you Father for saving such a worm as I, help me never forget the miserable being I was before you found me in that lost condition, without any Light in my life. Thank You Dear Jesus for coming to sacrifice yourself in such a terrible and horrific physical death, reversing the curse from Adam's transgression. Freeing me and all those before me that have Proclaimed the Name and Work of Jesus the True and Only Christ, freeing all True Believers and Followers of Christ from the bonds of Satins grip and Sins reward of Hell... We will never - ever fear Hells pain and destruction, because you paid our ransom, and we now serve a new Master who stands in place proclaiming our Kinship and position inside His Righteousness.
However; we will stand in review of our service and life for Him, the life that He paid for in full, hence we are not our own. In that knowledge, we must remember that every idle word will be weighed, and rewarded with precious metals and jewels, or with wood, hey and stubble. Action and Motive will be placed in the Burning Light of the Bema Seat, those things that were said and conducted in True Service to Him, will be rewarded; the rest will be burnt up and never mentioned again.
I pray that I find strength in these last days to stay focused on the main thing, finding strength in the Armor of God, ready to do Spiritual Battle with the enemy. Speaking His Truth to all that will listen, sharing His Love and Sacrifice with those less fortunate than myself, and those truly seeking Him out. I want to let my heart reflect the Light and Life of Christ to all that cross my path.
May His Joy shine through to a smile on my face even when it hurts to walk and go on? May I never forget all that He gave to secure a place for me by His side through eternity? May I forever remember the sufficient Grace that I enjoy, and the power of His Spirit that lives within me? Yes Dear Father, Praise Your Holy Name, and may all that I do in these last days, bring Honor, Glory and Praise to your Precious Son. May I forever Revere Your Sovereign Presence and Authority, and yield and submit myself to Your Will.
In Love & Joy I serve you, resting in Your mighty arms, Thank You Dear Lord for these Blessings and Lessons.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Lately Father...
Lately Father, I find it comforting that I can’t get You off my mind. You are in my thoughts, even when I am relaxed and not wound tight, when I do the little things that don’t matter much in life, I find myself looking for Your face. I constantly wonder if You are happy with me, am I pleasing You, are You smiling with me – crying with me? I find myself thanking You for even the most trivial events in my day, and praising You for all those big things that make life - Life. I guess it has been a gradual thing – but lately events have made me more aware and conscious of Your presents. So I found myself asking this morning – why is it that I love You so and what brought me here?
Dear Father, here is what I came up with, which I know is no surprise to You. Your Spirit, which You gave me as a gift to comfort me has convinced my heart gently but firmly of my inability to see You or get to You without petitions to Your Son. He gently prompts my heart to read and listen to your word. I find myself thanking You many times a week for placing me where You have, and providing and placing a loving Pastor that taught and mentored in Your will. The Holy Spirit has shown me that without that which You first gave me, I am a condemned man, without excuse. That even in the presence of Your precious Gift and Blessings – I am but a worm dwelling in the rotten apple we call reality.
The man I thought I was – now looks back at me from what seems to be a distant past. He taunts me over the things that are different, but when I look back through straining eyes I find it harder to recognize that image of the past. Today, I realized that because You have taught me how to love You, that image I strain to see is no longer the man that You see. You have placed people in my life to remind me of that old pit once in awhile, but I feel You leading me more into the new creation You are teaching me to rejoice in. I find myself sitting in the quiet of my study, peaceful and content to rest in Your arms. The truth of Your word coming alive off the pages and speaking to my heart – it is Your voice I hear. I yearn so much to seek Your face, to be with You, to walk with You – this is a love that You are teaching me.
This man You gave me as my earthly father has sought You father and You speak to him as well. Praise You for answering prayer, thank You for touching hearts that were once cold, glory to You for 1st choosing us when we were yet still in our wretchedness. Father, You have shown me Yourself in the eyes of this man I call Dad. You have shown me tenderness through the heart of this man that I once thought was heartless. I once heard that a man’s perception of You is directly correlated to the relationship he has with his earthly father. With me – You proved the opposite, if we don’t first honor our relationship with You; we can never fully enjoy the relationship with the earthly father You gave us. Praise be to You Father, for working a good work in my heart, and showing my dad and I the best You have to offer – in your Son Jesus Christ.
Why do I love you so? Because I am compelled to – because as part of that transaction @ the cross, you gave me a cleanly washed heart to seek you out – and wonder in Your love – unconditional and unbridled to those that truly seek Your face. Thank You Father, for all the Godly Fathers through the ages, Abraham, Issac, Moses, as well as those in my linage – Robert Tormey, John Hall & Byron Hall. Thank You Father, for the role models that you have placed in our lives, Joseph, Joshua, Peter, Paul and today’s role models like Stephen Burns, Marvin Apple & all the Godly Pastor's that love your people and sacrifice for them.
Praise Your Holy Name - I Love You Father!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Forever Thankful For His Forgiveness
These last few weeks I have been buffeted quite a bit... Trials have been over abundant, and I haved made a few bad choices. Conviction is a wonderful thing, and reassuring that His Spirit still works in the hearts of men...
I pray that my testimony has not been bruised, He knows my heart and knows that I am forever Thankful for His undying Love, Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness...
Remembering, when you ask to dawn the "The Full Armor of God", be prepared to do battle.
Stand Strong in the Truth and Stand Firm in the Faith - He will take care of the rest...
I pray that my testimony has not been bruised, He knows my heart and knows that I am forever Thankful for His undying Love, Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness...
Remembering, when you ask to dawn the "The Full Armor of God", be prepared to do battle.
Stand Strong in the Truth and Stand Firm in the Faith - He will take care of the rest...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
What's On Your Task List?
Hello Fellow Saints in our Dear Lord Jesus...
In Christian Love and Concern,
Your Friend,
Well, since May 21st has come and gone, what remains on your personal task list for the time we have left here to serve the Risen Christ?
Here is what mine looks like:
1) Share the Gospel with those seeking the Truth.
2) Pray constantly for Mercy, Grace, Love and Faith to continue.
3) Work at showing Mercy, Grace, Love and Faith to those He places on my path.
4) Pray for the Holy Spirit to help me in dawning the full armor of God, then stand firm in this Spiritual Battle.
5) Learn to make Him larger in my ministry - while making myself smaller. Point to Him, while fading into the back ground, dying to self and the pride I carry.
6) Pray for the Lost, the Suffering, and help where I have the means and resources to do so.
7) Watch and Listen for that Trump to sound, for His calling to the Marriage Feast.
Folks - my Bible tells me that there are several major events to occur yet for this old world. When God is ready to close the door of Grace (the Church Age), He will send His Son to the earth to call out His Children, those names that are written in the Lambs book of Life. Those that live for Christ, seeking God's face in their life, and seeking righteousness, those that the Holy Spirit has begun a work in the heart and True Change is manifested in them. Those dear folks, those dear Saints in Christ both Dead and Alive will be caught up with Him in the clouds and whisked off to a Marriage Feast.
The next event (maybe simultaneously) the Anti-Christ will rise to power, and promise peace, but it will be short lived. Three and a half years into his reign, this person will turn on the world, and bring his power down on our Dear, Dear Israel... He will seek to destroy her, while defiling all that is Righteous and Pure, but GOD will not allow this to happen.
Just 7 short years after Christ took away the True Church, he will return to the earth for the 2nd time. When he touches down on the Mount of Olives, His Power and Wrath will split the Mount. He will then destroy the defiance of the Anti-Christ and bind him. Christ will then take His Rightful place on the Throne of Israel and the world and rule for a 1000 years.
There is more to this story, but, you will have to read, and learn those truths on your own. This very brief and unsophisticated summary of the events to come, is meant to be an encouragement to those that Truly Know Christ. Also, this is meant to be a warning to those that scoff, or even those that have decieved themselves into believing they are alright. They do their church thing on Sundays, or on Easter or on Christmas - so they are OK... Could not be further from the truth...
If you are still walking the way of the world and there is no Change in your life, if your sin does not make you ill, if there is not love for all man kind in your heart - you are just fooling yourself into a false sense of security.
Christ paid the price for our sin nature, He calls to all men, to come out away from the ways of this world, to wrap our selves in His Righteousness, and seek to be Holy and Sanctified unto Him. HE does the saving, not men, not preachers, not pastors nor the likes. When True confession occurs, and True Repentence and Turning from our own way is the result, He saves. Christ sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of His Own, He Knows them, and they Know Him.
Faith in Christ, is the only road to True Salvation and a Life Eternal in the Light of God's Love and Peace. Christ Himself told us - there is NO other way... None... We either pass through His work on Calvary to get to God and Heavens reward, or we remain eternally damned and imprisoned in hell.
The choice is yours... So really, what is on your task list while waiting, maybe you should re-prioritize your list and hit your knees.
For at one point or another in your eternal existence you will bow your head and bend your knee beneath His Authority... Either you do it now in the light of His Mercy and Grace, with Joy of Service... Or you will do it on Judgment day by force and in fear... If I were you - I would check that list...
In Christian Love and Concern,
Your Friend,