P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Resurrection Day… This is Your Choice!

From the Word Of GOD, the Story of Salvation...

He rode into town to a Kings welcome and fanfare, the crowd was ecstatic to see Him, they hailed and praised Him. It was a wonderful and glorious scene, they appeared to Love this Man, wanting Him to be their King… My goodness, how the hearts of men and woman can be swayed, for by the end of the week, this wonderful blessed man was beaten bloody, kicked, spat upon and mocked.

It started when a few of unscrupulous men in Religious Power, a group called Pharisees,  the Sanhedrin, decided that this young man’s miracles, good deeds, and love for the people challenged their own influence. They were afraid that this man had a great impact on “multitudes” of people through His preaching and teaching and was gaining great favor with the people. He on more than one occasion called these Pharisees a “brood of vipers”,  “hypocrites” and “serpents”; he called them out as untrustworthy or deceitful leaders in front of the very people they were to lead.

He had sternly, intentionally, and authoritatively overturned tables of moneychangers, and sellers of wares and doves in a court of the religious temple of this town. He recognized the false teachers, corrupt religious leaders, scam artist and evil of all kinds, and called them such. Leaving in His wake, a growing number of unrighteous enemies, all of whom would want to see Him destroyed.

Then, one from His own circle sold his loyalty to the Religious Leaders of this town that feared the power and influence this man was building. So it was settled, His friend would betray Him for 30 pieces of silver. The mode of identification on that fateful night would be that of a “kiss” on the cheek of The One they feared. He was then kidnapped and falsely accused by the Religious Foot Soldiers and taken off to a Religious Council held in the dark of night.

This was a plot, a conspiracy of great proportion and they knew it must be carried out with great precision… For the people truly liked this man, so they decided not to kill him themselves, for this may truly turn the people against them, instead they must influence others to do their dirty deed. For it is told, in Matthew 26:4 of the Holy Scriptures “Then the chief priests, the scribes, and the elders of the people assembled at the palace of the High Priest, who was called Caiaphas, and plotted to take Jesus by trickery and kill Him". This indeed was a plot, and Caiaphas was at the center and knew how to play events to keep above the ripples. The record shows that they had decided not to kill Him “during the feast, lest there be an uproar among the people”. They painted this man as a blasphemer of Almighty God that ultimately deserved death.  Knowing that Rome agreed to honor their Religious Laws, and that blasphemy brought a death sentence, they would use Roman authorities to do their dirty evil deed...

In the Gospel of Matthew we see that when Jesus the Christ was brought to the Sanhedrin, “The Chief Priest, the elders, and the council sought false testimony against Jesus to put Him to death” (26: 59-61), and found several. Jesus’ own words were found sufficient to condemn Him to death. For, in the morning, “...all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death” (27:1). Later, when Pilate tried to release Jesus, they fervently insisted He had to be crucified, and the angry crowd that was present, as well as the priests, finally prevailed (Luke 23: 23). Based on the scene at hand, our knowledge of the corrupt lengths these men would go to get their way, the angered crowed was probably handpicked.

So it was settled, this wonderful, kind, righteous, holy, perfect man would be destroyed at the hands of the Religious Right of the day. That this man, the TRUE SON of GOD, was to be crucified over the fear of losing power! It is this writer’s belief that Caiaphas carried out this deed with his eyes wide open. His heart was not of GOD! Yet, it is the writer’s belief that He knew this was the Christ, but just as Satan is under the delusion that he will overthrow God’s people – Caiaphas thought He could destroy the Son of God and retain his power and influence over the Jews.

Those of us that claim HIM as our own, and have received the Holy Spirit as His Comforter and guiding influence, know that HE is raised this day - HE  IS  ALIVE !!!  He has conquered both sin and death on our behalf. He now sits at the right hand of Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, poised to stand and come quietly and take His Bride to the Father, for a long awaited Wedding and Feast… For the Church – The Bride of Christ is waiting and watching for His return. For Faith come by Hearing, and Hearing by the WORD of GOD. That FAITH is even a gift of GOD, and He Freely gives it to those He Calls out from among this sin laden world. If you have heard His Voice, the tug on the heart by His Spirit, then separate yourself from the ways of the world. Follow Christ, take up His Cross, and share the Good News with those that are seeking. Time is short, He will soon come to take His own, and there will be no other opportunities. For once He takes His Church away, the age of Grace is over, and all that is left is Judgment and Damnation.

God Is! He Is! He created all that you see; all that you know was formed by Him. Even YOU! The first step to salvation is to recognize GOD! He is Righteous, Holy, Sovereign and all powerful. He as the Creator created man, to walk and commune with Him in the cool of the evening. He gave us free reign over all that He laid before us with one exception. One thing was forbidden, the rest was ours for enjoyment and learning. BUT, an evil one cursed through the ages influenced that first couple in the Garden. The woman was deceived, and her husband, disobeyed the Heavenly Father with his eyes wide open. For he knew it was wrong, and he decided to disobey regardless of the outcome.

God, found them naked in their sins, and cursed the action as well as the earth. At that moment their Spiritual Lives were snuffed out, and while God had designed them to live eternally with Him their physical bodies would now die. Through the ages, God gave the decedents of that first couple numerous opportunities to walk righteous and holy lives, but they continually chose not to. God then sent His Son, this young man named Jesus, the Christ that you read about previously. He came to earth with one simple purpose, to tell of His Heavenly Father, to show the people the path to the Father and Righteousness. For He told them and us, that “God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever would believe on Him, would have everlasting life” (John 3:16). That “gave” is the Gift of His Life for ours, a payment for the sin that we on our own are not capable of providing. “For the wages of sin is death (physically and eternally); but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:32). Christ told us, there are not many ways to God, unlike what the world wants you to believe today. There is but one way to God… “For I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no man cometh unto to the Father but by me” (John 14:6)!

Dear readers – the choice is yours, and it is a choice – that you make voluntarily. Remember one last thing “For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved”. It is God’s will for you to choose Him over the offerings of this corrupt, cruel and dying world. Please make the right choice, before it’s too late!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

HE IS...

HE IS...
The Alpha,
The Omega,
The Beginning,
The End...
HE IS...
The Creator of ALL that IS,
The Light of the World,
The Sum of ALL that ever was...
HE IS...
Savior, Redeemer, Comforter and Lord...
WE Will...
Bend our knee & bow our head now in Humble Loving Obedience... Or...

We Will Bend our knee then by force in Fear and Trepidation under HIS Judgment... Upon raising to our feet we will be sentenced to eternity apart from HIM and banished to Hell for ever and ever...

The Choice is ours, while we stand in the midst of His Grace, and realize HE IS our only way to God and Eternal Salvation!!!