These last few weeks I have been buffeted quite a bit... Trials have been over abundant, and I haved made a few bad choices. Conviction is a wonderful thing, and reassuring that His Spirit still works in the hearts of men...
I pray that my testimony has not been bruised, He knows my heart and knows that I am forever Thankful for His undying Love, Mercy, Grace and Forgiveness...
Remembering, when you ask to dawn the "The Full Armor of God", be prepared to do battle.
Stand Strong in the Truth and Stand Firm in the Faith - He will take care of the rest...
P R A Y E R !

When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
What's On Your Task List?
Hello Fellow Saints in our Dear Lord Jesus...
In Christian Love and Concern,
Your Friend,
Well, since May 21st has come and gone, what remains on your personal task list for the time we have left here to serve the Risen Christ?
Here is what mine looks like:
1) Share the Gospel with those seeking the Truth.
2) Pray constantly for Mercy, Grace, Love and Faith to continue.
3) Work at showing Mercy, Grace, Love and Faith to those He places on my path.
4) Pray for the Holy Spirit to help me in dawning the full armor of God, then stand firm in this Spiritual Battle.
5) Learn to make Him larger in my ministry - while making myself smaller. Point to Him, while fading into the back ground, dying to self and the pride I carry.
6) Pray for the Lost, the Suffering, and help where I have the means and resources to do so.
7) Watch and Listen for that Trump to sound, for His calling to the Marriage Feast.
Folks - my Bible tells me that there are several major events to occur yet for this old world. When God is ready to close the door of Grace (the Church Age), He will send His Son to the earth to call out His Children, those names that are written in the Lambs book of Life. Those that live for Christ, seeking God's face in their life, and seeking righteousness, those that the Holy Spirit has begun a work in the heart and True Change is manifested in them. Those dear folks, those dear Saints in Christ both Dead and Alive will be caught up with Him in the clouds and whisked off to a Marriage Feast.
The next event (maybe simultaneously) the Anti-Christ will rise to power, and promise peace, but it will be short lived. Three and a half years into his reign, this person will turn on the world, and bring his power down on our Dear, Dear Israel... He will seek to destroy her, while defiling all that is Righteous and Pure, but GOD will not allow this to happen.
Just 7 short years after Christ took away the True Church, he will return to the earth for the 2nd time. When he touches down on the Mount of Olives, His Power and Wrath will split the Mount. He will then destroy the defiance of the Anti-Christ and bind him. Christ will then take His Rightful place on the Throne of Israel and the world and rule for a 1000 years.
There is more to this story, but, you will have to read, and learn those truths on your own. This very brief and unsophisticated summary of the events to come, is meant to be an encouragement to those that Truly Know Christ. Also, this is meant to be a warning to those that scoff, or even those that have decieved themselves into believing they are alright. They do their church thing on Sundays, or on Easter or on Christmas - so they are OK... Could not be further from the truth...
If you are still walking the way of the world and there is no Change in your life, if your sin does not make you ill, if there is not love for all man kind in your heart - you are just fooling yourself into a false sense of security.
Christ paid the price for our sin nature, He calls to all men, to come out away from the ways of this world, to wrap our selves in His Righteousness, and seek to be Holy and Sanctified unto Him. HE does the saving, not men, not preachers, not pastors nor the likes. When True confession occurs, and True Repentence and Turning from our own way is the result, He saves. Christ sent the Holy Spirit to dwell in the hearts of His Own, He Knows them, and they Know Him.
Faith in Christ, is the only road to True Salvation and a Life Eternal in the Light of God's Love and Peace. Christ Himself told us - there is NO other way... None... We either pass through His work on Calvary to get to God and Heavens reward, or we remain eternally damned and imprisoned in hell.
The choice is yours... So really, what is on your task list while waiting, maybe you should re-prioritize your list and hit your knees.
For at one point or another in your eternal existence you will bow your head and bend your knee beneath His Authority... Either you do it now in the light of His Mercy and Grace, with Joy of Service... Or you will do it on Judgment day by force and in fear... If I were you - I would check that list...
In Christian Love and Concern,
Your Friend,