P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Friday, March 30, 2012

His Love For Us...

Have you ever asked your spouse - "Honey do you Love Me, do you Really Love Me"?  Marriage is to be the ultimate earthly example of Christ's love for us, giving us a real picture into the depth and scope of His Love for each one of us.

The Passion of the Season is but a dimmed glimpse into the awesomeness of the events and "Heart" of Christ in His obedience and sacrifice for the human race...  Obedience to the Father, in fulfilling the mission of redemptive ransom for the kidnapped children of the Father by the evil one.  Sacrifice, in that He put the precious "nearness" of His Father off to the side long enough to endure the horrid physical and emotional pain that this ugly world would throw at Him...  As well and the unbearable pain of separation from the Father - which was the worst of the pain He endured.  Being God in the flesh, Christ went to that old cross with each and every name of us on His mind, willingly carrying your name and mine to that cross.

Christ - Do You Love Me?  Why yes my child I do!  I carried through time, eternity present back to eternity past - in my economy of time, I carried your name with me to that old tree...  I have given you this gift, an offer to "free you" from the bonds of sin.  All you have to do is, Trust, Believe and then Walk with Me in Faith that I will fulfill all the promises of my Father which has sent me.  Why yes my Child I do Love You - even when you walk in the sin of the evil one, I loved you enough to die for you on that tree...  Now My Child - Do You Love Me - enough to let the ways of the world by the side and follow ME?  With His arms wide open He calls to us, "come unto Me and I will give you rest"...

"Honey - Do you love me?"

The next time you hear those words, remember that we are to yield to our Spouse in obedience to the Father - Just as His Son did to redeem His Bride - the Church.  Men and women, are you dying to self to show your spouse the depth and scope of Christ's love through you?  Church, are you spreading your arms wide open, to unconditionally love the ones that dare to enter your doors in this fallen generation?  If HE would walk among us physically, would He witness HIS LOVE shown to each other? 

Are WE - reflecting HIS  LOVE  FOR  US...

Dear Father in Heaven - Forgive us for our unkind, hurtful, sinful ways - for we look thru the glass dimly and strain to see your Righteouness...  Lord, please do not hold to their account those that have hurt us, and sinned against us.  Teach us dear Jesus to Love those of this world as you Loved them - Unconditionally, Sacrifically and Completely...  Then Father, when presented the opportunity to show your Love with our words, actions and deeds, let us do it in YOUR NAME - the Holy Name of Christ Jesus!  It is in that name we pray - Amen...

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