P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Christ's Love Defines Forgiveness - As A Life Choice


**notes (taken by RCH) from a message by Pastor Aaron Hoffman**

The Gateway to True Forgiveness - is understanding "the past is just that, the past and is unchangeable, therefore; you must tell yourself I Chose To Forgive"

Forgiveness is a Choice!

Forgiveness is a decision or choice to release the person that has hurt or offended you from the obligation of paying for that sin of hurting you. We are then obligated in restoring the relationship, or fellowship that was broken by the sin. Choosing to Forgive, releases all the pain and suffering associated with the hurt, and lays it at the Cross. Christ paid for all that sin, all that pain and all that hurt, we have no business or right in carrying it as Christians when Christ paid for it, and released us of all our own sins and offenses.

If you are not living a Forgiving Life Choice in Christ, you are living an Un-Forgiving life choice of the world and their Father the devil. Un-forgiveness leads to and propagates Bitterness, Anger and a Heart that says "you will continue to pay for your sin against me, until I say you have paid enough - or am no longer here to carry out the sentence of your continual paying".  This attitude, or life choice is in fact inflicting pain and suffering on the person that has offended or hurt you.  What we don't realize is that it also hurts others close to you or the situation. Christ's testimony is hurt and tarnished through Un-Forgiveness. (1)** Matthew 18:15-17 (2)**Matthew 18:21-35**

a) Forgiveness IS a Choice
    To live out Forgiveness is a life choice that leads to Joy

b) Un-Forgiveness IS a Sin
    To live out Un-Forgiveness is a life choice that leads to Bitterness, Frustration,
     Anger, Vengeance / Retribution.

If you are the offender - you must learn to yield and submit, as unto Christ / God, admitting and verbally confessing "I was wrong, will you please forgive me"?

Forgiveness as a Choice will be seen in your attitude, your walk and your disposition, as you grow in Christ and this Choice becomes your lifes choice, the Joy and Forgiving demeanor will attract people around you, family, friends and co-workers. When you are subjected to an offense against you, you will find yourself defaulting to your Spiritual Life Choice - the forgiving heart of Christ, through the Spirit that lives within you. It will become your nature, part of the new creation.  Just as LOVE is a Choice - Forgivenes is a Choice that will define you as Christ's, what a wonderful testimony to Him.

Forgiveness is proof of the Spirit that lives within you, and the Faith & Trust you have in God to deliver you from all manners of Pain and Hurt... Forgiving 70 times 7, that is 490 times, the point being, if you have had the longsuffering to forgive and restore that many times, then keep on going, continue to forgive until God changes the person, He takes them home or until your gone!

The World tells you that hurt and pain is not healthy, to get away, to put away, to walk away, but Christ suffered more pain than any other human on the planet has...  He has paved the way for our forgiveness of others... The world tells you "you can forgive - but you can never forget"... The Bible tells us that "You Can't Forget because you do NOT Forgive"... **1 Cor 10:13**

Jesus said, you must let the offenses go, you must release the offender, for I have already paid for that sin, just as I paid for yours!

We must remember - if we Truly Believe in Christ and Follow Him, a life choice of "Un-Forgiveness, destroys the Offended (you and your Spiritual walk), the Offender and in most cases, it causes collateral damage to those within reach of the Offended... A state of unforgiveness creates shallow and guarded relationships / friendships.  Real - True Heart Depth Relationships, will escape those involved due to mistrust, pain and suffering.   In essences, the Offended becomes the Offender, and in many cases lashes out with a greater reaching offenses that spills out over many more than if the original offense / offenses would have been dealt with in a Biblical fashion.
Surrender your pain and hurt to Christ, then Choose to Forgive the offender, continually forgive, Your Parents, Your Spouse, Your Children, Your Friends, your Co-Workers and Your Neighbors...

You can't Love without learning to Truly Forgive!  You can't Forgive without Truly Having Christ's Love Eternal!  Do you walk with Christ?  Then Learn His Forgiveness and Restoration, the Spiritual Joy and Reward will be not of this world...

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