P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Hungry and Hurting - Changed...

I hooked up with an old friend a few months back.  We started spending some time together, and I distinctly noticed this isn't the guy I used to know.

His bold arrogant personality is now quiet, gentle, observant and soft spoken.

Where there was once a constant treat of dry arrogant cynicism, there was now meek words of tender encouragement.

Then one day he floored me...  This once stingy tight wad of a guy and I walked into a local quick serve burger joint.  We stood at the back of the line, and he just quietly watched.  Silently, soberly and slowly scanned over everyone there.

Then he walked past me and all those people, went up to the counter and asked for the manager.  I figured, OK, here we go, my old friend is about to resurface.  

The manager came out, my friend bent over counter and quietly spoke something to the manager...  The manager's face reflected shock and confusion.  Then my friend handed the manager something, he looked down, as he looked back up at my friend, his face reflected a wondrous smile.

My friend then shook his hand walked away from the counter, grabbed my arm and escorted me out the door.

Puzzled, confused and hungry, I asked, is the food bad in there?  No, no he said the food is OK.  Well, I am Hungary I said firmly...  He smiled, and said OK let's go up the road a little ways.

As we sat in the car, I said what gives there?  He then asked me, did you see that guy in there with the beat up coat, and the two little girls with him with the torn coats?  Yeh, I saw them...  Well, he was searching his pockets and counting all his loose change...  They were hungry my friend, very hungry, so Jesus just fed them...

My eyes instantly filled with tears, my heart instantly skipped a few beats and both  joy and hurt filled my emotions to overflowing...

The Joy of seeing the True Christ in this changed man, and his meek selfless act of Christian Charity towards these dear poor folks he has never met, not to mention the witness to the manager.

The hurt was for my own slightly hardened heart towards the physical and Spiritual need that is around us all everyday that goes un-noticed...   Oh we see it, but the culture conditions us to look past it...

True Christianity changes the man from the inside out...  In many folks the change / sanctification is slow and steady.  In others it's an overnight transformation.  The point being, true conversion, true belief, true trust in Christ starts in the Heart and is reflected in the actions & energy provided by the Holy Spirit.

This man's life is changed, he shines the Light of His Savior to those around him in deed and kind words...  He speaks The Truth meekly, but matter of factly.  His focus, no, his Spiritual gaze is Heavenly, while his Hearts work is the suffering and lost in this world.

Christ used this changed man to show me Gods desire to use me in an un-formal ministry to serve others than myself with the gifts and blessings God has freely and Graciously given me...

So, the next time you are in line to eat, or at a gas station, or waiting in a park to get on a ride, and the person attending says, "it's ok Sir / Mam, your fee has been paid in full, go on and enjoy".  Remember Dear Friend, Jesus paid it all, and He touched someone's heart to show you He paid it all on that special occasion...  God still works in the hearts of men, and I am just old enough to remember, the old timers used to call that a miracle...

Matthew 25:40 The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’ 

God Bless,


Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Son of The Living God...

Son of the Living God...

Matthew 22:37-38 Jesus said to him, “‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.’ This is the first and great commandment.

I think the Bible pretty much lays it out from Genesis to Revelations that this entire reality we call life "is all about Him", not us, not our spouse, not our children, family or friends.  "It is all about HIM !"

If we understand the Vertical Relationship with God, and the Love, Mercy, Forgiveness and Grace that He imparts upon us thru His Blessed Son - those other relationships will fall into place and become all the more precious to us.

We show Him our love thru our everyday actions, works and deeds.  The Music you listen to, the Movies you watch, the Conversations you participate, the Foundation for the Opinions and beliefs you hold are all to be filtered thru The Holy Spirit...  We make hundreds of choices every day, what influences those choices in your heart & mind - Christ's Spirit in you, or your own will, emotions and desires?

Look at the picture I posted of our Blessed Sheppard, while this is only an artist's rendering of His image, just the same, it is good for this illustration.  Do you think of Him in your daily life in all the little things as well as the big things?  Do you have a personal image or thought of Him when you start your day, each and every day?  What truly influences your daily choices (left or right, up or down, right or wrong)?

Would your Country, Rock, Rap, or whatever your genre you want to insert here, would He listen, really can you imagine He would listen to it with you and enjoy it with you?  Would He set thru that movie with you?  Would He blush or turn away in that conversation you had today with your friends?  Where does does Worship & Honoring Him Start in your life? What parts of your life are off limits to Him?

This isn't legalism folks, this searching your heart for Holiness and Righteousness...  I was raised in an extended Family of Christians that still believed in calling sin - just that - Sin.  Today, the culture has infected our congregations to the point that in many cases - the Church looks much like the world.  Sin is not discussed, nor is Hell mentioned as the final judgment for Sin...

Sanctification - is the "setting ourselves apart" from the ways of the world.  We can't be the salt of the world when our seasoning offers no flavor / difference - therefore; offering no moral compass or flavor to the world...

Legalism, is mentally and practically believing that our works and living by our standards will satisfy God's judgement, that we will earn His favor thru how we love our lives.n this is error, and will lead to the gates of Hell.  The person calling themselves a Christian living by these self imposed Standards rather than yielding to the Son of the Living God, needs to meet Him and place all Trust, Faith and Belief on Christ - John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

When in reality, Christ's work paid it all, and our behavior, actions and deeds should be a result of the Holy Spirit changing us from the inside out.  Creating in us, Godly  hearts and unconditional love, in reality - converting us into little Christ Like beings...  Yielding and Submitting to His Spirit, yes, conforming to His Holy and Righteous Spirit.  Our Fruit / works will then bear the testament and contents of our heart...

The Son of the Living God - will change your heart, from the inside out - a lasting change...  Anything else is just deception, and as a wise preacher man once told me, "once you have deceived yourself to believe you're alright on your own, and see no moral difference from the world, you are beyond hope".  For you have believed the lie and in essence become the reprobate that scripture tells us that God has given over to their own hearts desires...

Galatians 5:22-25 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit.

So dear friend, Honor the Son of the Living God, and walk in His Spirit today!  If you see a brother stumbling, don't be politically correct, walk over and put your arm around them and say "hey friend, how can I help"?  Love that brother, forgive the Sin, and help carry the load restoring them back to full fellowship.

In Christ's Love,