P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Has Our Culture - Cheapened True Grace... ?

Jesus died on that Old Tree to forgive us of ALL our sin. The story didn't end there. He rose again 3 days later to defeat death and fulfill the punitive portion of the law requiring a life payment...

He nailed our sin to that cross, and put it behind Him... We as His Followers are to do the same. To forgive one another, and place those offenses behind us and walk away in His Spirit... To forgive, time and time again, just as He does and we expect Him to do for us...

He commands us to follow His Lead and Example. Yet some of those professing His name pick & choose what parts of the Faith & His Word they will Honor... They hold past hurts and offenses as badges of courage or rights of passage. Holding captive to those sins themselves, and others around them, rather than truly Forgiving and letting go. Never fully understanding Christ's Love & Compassion for us in the midst of His Unconditional Forgiveness and Love.

They want or demand His Forgiving Grace for themselves, while not freely showering those around them with that same Grace from the Heart of Christ. American Christians are spoiled, and arrogant, we feel that we have the "in" and understanding of Christ's Love. All the while forgetting He went to that Cross first out of obedience to The Father, to Glorify and Worship Him. He sacrificed His own Will and Life that the Bride might be purified and made righteous. We American Christians know so little of sacrifice, hardship or true suffering. Dear Father Forgive US...

Oh, how we must grieve Our Blessed Savior... For I know that I am such an unworthy soul, that He would Love even me, born in my sin with an evil heart. Yet, He gave His Life for mine... Oh What A Savior...

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