P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Take a long look...

Take A Long Hard Look...
By rch originally 03/2014;   edited for repost 07/2018

I have personally known quite a few of these men, several very well, but all in one way or another left an indelible mark on my life...  Recently, an event in my life made me better understand these men, and God has somehow, made me stand back a take a longer look at them.  Please, indulge me these few minutes while I share briefly - then take the time to look for yourself.

When I was just a little guy, 3 or 4 years of age, I was surrounded with Godly people, my Dad's Father, was instrumental in starting the First Baptist Church in Bellefonte.  A Minister himself, he had a powerful presence in our home, and those in his circles.  His demeanor, his social grace, his unmistakable endearing words for God, Son and Holy Spirit were drenched in respect, honor and reverence.  My Mother's Father, was a towering man, he was rugged and strong, yet in the most humble meek way, he had an internal gentleness and Love for his Savior that was ever present in the room.  These men were giants in my world, they walked uprightly, they modeled Godly, Righteous and Holy lives.  I race to keep stride with them in their absence, we indeed need more men like this today...

An older gentleman I met from Altoona, was yet another Godly man that left his mark on me.  When you were in his presence, you knew and felt the very presence of God's Spirit.  He studied Hebrew on his own, he knew his bible inside out, a wonderful endearing man, I loved him so.  He was such a delight to sit down with and just talk bible and of Spiritual things.  He kept my attention and interest even for a young man, he drew me in. 

My Father-in-Law Pastor James Hays, had such a Heart for God as well, when we had Spiritual or Theological discussions - as the Spirit filled his Heart, he over flowed to tears.  He had such a wonderful deep seated Love for Christ, he LOVED to talk and sing about HIM...   I truly enjoyed our talks, and thoroughly enjoyed his perspective and encouraging stories.  He would show such wonderful grace and reverence when sharing his testimony, and how he saw God work in his Church and the lives of the people that attended.  He went to be with His Lord & King May of 2018, but I will always remember his zeal and love for Christ and his still showing that Pastor's Heart to his last day. 

These four  men had / have a common spirit that I now understand and see in other men of this Spiritual make up, but there are fewer and fewer to find today.  They had / have an inner peace, an inner confidence and an inner competence of God's Person, an indwelling of the Holy Spirit that was literally acknowledged by your human / Spiritual senses.  It drew you to them, it warmed your soul, it lightened your heart, it was simply remarkable and fulfilling beyond words.

In this life time, I have known and or sat under the teaching of George Keith, Leroy Fetterolf, Marvin Apple, Alvin Mink, Richard Diffenderfer, Steven Burns, Edgar Burns, Ron Berrus, Paul Sweitzer, Roy Hunter, Larry Weaver, Lou Hielman, Alan Kilian, Alistair Begg, Greg Shipe, James Hays, Shane Wilson and Tim Farkas.  All good, honorable and respectable men in their own right.  Yet they have something bigger that binds them, more than the common grace among men, unfortunately they are part of an ever shrinking circle of men.  These men, all stand / stood for God, standing tall, strong, boldly, firm and without reservation.  They claim His Power, Sovereignty, and live the Faith they claim, teach and preach.  These men are God Fearing, Bible Believing, Christ Loving men that share the burdens of their Hearts with you and I several times a week.

Of these 18 men mentioned, I know / knew several of them as close friends, one of them was as close to me as my Dad and closer than my Brothers.  Their walk was every bit the Word they taught, and more, there is / was a gentle Spirit and Love in these men, that it compelled me to seek God's face for myself.  These men have shown a caring that went beyond human dignity, a genuineness that can only be seen in the eyes of few men in this world today.  These men, stand on the shoulders of men like my Grand Fathers Hall & Tormey and those pastors that have gone on before them.  In a very, very real way, these men give / gave their lives to Christ pouring their Hearts into the Ministry - Loving People while enduring Spiritual, Mental, Physical and Emotional suffering in leading obstinate selfish people like me towards the finish line.  Drawing the Body of Christ together in union with His Holy Spirit.

These men, stand / stood before their congregations every week, pouring their Hearts into a message that in it's very essence is simple - so very simple - "Look, Understand, Confess, Repent, Believe and Walk"...  Yet we make it so stubbornly hard, because we can't get out of our own way, to allow His Message to fall on our Hearts.  Oh how these poor men must have labored and shed tens of thousands of tears over us.  Yes Friend - Take a long hard look at your Dear Pastor, look into his eyes and see the deep Joy of Christ along with the burden of Ministry.  He needs your support, He needs your Love, He needs your Prayers, He deserves your Respect, and dear friend He craves your Devotion and Submission to Christ and HIS Work in your local Church Body.

As a personal note, one of those 18 men lead me to Christ.  One of those 18 men tutored me in Youth Group.  One of those 18 men became my Spiritual Mentor and life-long Dear, Dear Friend.  One of those 18 men became my friend and I promised Loyalty to him and then failed him in a major Spiritual battle.  Finally, one of those 18 men, God used, to rescue my "walk" in the midst of that deep Spiritual battle, he too became my friend modeling Christ's Love & Patience to me, which is a fascinating story in itself.  Most of those 18 men were 10 or more years older than me.  In my life, I had developed a deep respect and honor for the older Saints and Pastor's.  A good friend of mine, that is an Elder in a Church in Altoona, teases me about that filter I use when looking at God's men.  Yet, God used a Pastor, younger than I, to walk me thru the deepest darkest valley of my life.  On this side of God's Miraculous Work in "brokenness", when I take a good, hard, long look at this younger Godly Pastor - tears well up, and I tell Jesus, I want to be like him when I Spiritually grow up Dear Lord.  For his counsel and compassion show wisdom beyond his years.  Yes, I have been fortunate to know several wonderful Godly, Righteous Pastors in this life time.  Oh what a Blessing they are.

Grand Dad Hall, was a old time Methodist Preacher before I was born - he and a couple other men started the First Baptist Church in Bellefonte.  He Loved and cared for his Pastor's, and sacrificed for some of them even though they didn't know it.  My Grand Fathers both, looked after their Pastor's, so I guess the Love and Caring in my Heart for God's Preacher's comes honestly.  Several of the men mentioned I have grown to Love deeply, all of them have my respect for the position they hold as Christ's Under Shepherd's, and a passion for the Burden of Ministry that they Loving take in stride.

These men - oh, these men, they ALL point / pointed to Christ - never taking or wanting recognition, they Love their Lord, and constantly and continuously direct your attention, your gaze and your Hearts towards Christ.  When a Pastor is doing it RIGHT, you will always see Jesus in the man and in the eyes of that man.  They Love Us in Christ, and want us to be One with Him, and hear His voice in their messages.  So dear friends, Love them in our Lord, and bathe them in Prayer before the Father.  Help them where you can, and plug into the ministry of your Church, use the gifts God gave you upon your receiving Christ.

Yes, these men carry the Torch for Christ, Honoring God the Father in their lives, in their testimonies and in their Ministries.  PLEASE - Take a Long Hard Look at your Pastor - then, lovingly and willingly  roll up your shirt sleeves, offer him a smile and ask him "where can I help you Brother"?......

I Pray that those that have sat under these men I have listed here have been as Richly Blessed as I have been.

In the order of my introduction to their Ministries:

Pastor George Keith
Pastor Leroy Fetterolf ***
Pastor Marvin Apple
Pastor Alvin Mink ***
Pastor Richard Diffenderfer
Pastor Steven Burns
Pastor Edgar Burns ***
Pastor Ron Berrus
Pastor Paul Sweitzer ***
Pastor Roy Hunter
Pastor Larry Weaver
Pastor Lou Hielman
Pastor Alan Kilian
Pastor Alistair Begg
Pastor Greg Shipe
Pastor James Hays***
Pastor Shane Wilson
Pastor Tim Farkas

*** As I am aware of their whereabouts – these Pastors are with Jesus today in Heaven - with Him their knowledge now complete - no longer in the "Pastor's Study"...

I Stand United In Christ with these men, on the shoulders of God's Blessed Saints before us..

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