A Little Teaching - Preaching Moment & quote from Charles Spurgeon...
Today's Feel Good / Prosperity Gospel has left an indelible mark in the hearts of some of today's congregations. That dark mark is one of God's Grace equating Moral License free from Conviction of Sin or thought of Hell. Today's Gospel Zero's in on God's Great Love, negating the Doctrinal Truth in the rest of God's Character Attributes... This gospel grabs onto His Deep Love, Endless Mercy and Amazing Grace - but fails to speak of His Holiness, Righteousness and His firm Hand of Justice. The Bible I read teaches that if I have a true relationship with God and His Dear Son, there are certain "attitudes" that His Spirit in my Heart will manifest. It also teaches that as I grow in His Spirit there would be certain "fruit" of His Spirit that dwells in me that would be shown in my Heart, Speech, Deeds and acts of the will.
The True Gospel leads to conformity to Christ / God's Likeness. Isn't it obvious, that if the rebellious flesh desperately fights that conformity, and if we do not yield and submit to that Holy Spirit, that the flesh will win out. In essence, making ourselves god, because we want to feel good, and enjoy all this world has to offer, so we in essence yield to our own wants and desires. When we yield to our own heart & will we keep our own idols and effectively are replacing God & His Will with our own...
Where in "Take up your cross and follow me", do we incorporate, it is all about being happy at all cost? The very picture of a cross should bring a word picture to mind of suffering, pain and humble submission. There is no room for the worlds happiness and emotional feel good gospel while carrying your cross following in the Light of Jesus.
True Gospel - Will Lead To The True Christ. The Spirit Dwelt Christian Will Follow In Obedience... Seeking His Light, His Holiness and His Righteousness, which I assure you is not native to this world or anything it offers to make you happy.
Romans 1:1-6 Paul, a bond-servant of Christ Jesus, called as an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God, which He promised beforehand through His prophets in the holy Scriptures, concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh, who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord, through whom we have received grace and apostleship to bring about the "obedience" of faith among all the Gentiles for His name’s sake, among whom you also are the called of Jesus Christ;
From the pen of Charles Spurgeon:
Just a moment or two upon the third point. Let us consider THE SORT OF LIFE WHICH WILL COME OF THIS FAITH AND OBEDIENCE.
It will be, in the first place, life without that great risk which else holds us in peril. A man runs a great risk When he steers himself. Rocks or no rocks, the peril lies in the helmsman. The believer is no longer the helmsman of his own vessel; he has taken a pilot on board. To believe in God, and to do his bidding, is a great escape from the hazards of personal weakness and folly. If we do as God commands, and do not seem to succeed, it is no fault of ours. Failure itself would be success as long as we did not fail to obey. If we passed through life unrecognised, or were only acknowledged by a sneer from the worldly-wise, and if this were regarded as a failure, it could be borne with equanimity as long as we knew that we had kept our faith towards God, and our obedience to him. Providence is God's business, obedience is ours. What comes out of our life's course must remain with the Lord; to obey is our sole concern. What harvest will come of our sowing we must leave with the Lord of the harvest; but we ourselves must look to the basket and the seed, and scatter our handfuls in the furrows without fail. We can win "Well done, good and faithful servant": to be a successful servant is not in our power, and we shall not be held responsible for it. Our greatest risk is over when we obey. God makes faith and obedience the way of safety.
Dear Abba God in Heaven, forgive me, a pitiful sinner, not worthy on my own, but in the redemptive power of Christ's Blood, I stand justified in His Work. Please help me in my unbelief, give me the Faith & Trust I need to "obediently" follow and conform my heart to Yours. In Jesus I pray and yield my heart to You - Amen.
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