P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Amazing Grace... Do You Live It?

Ephesians 1 Verses 4, 5 & 6

4 - According as HE hath chosen us in HIM before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before HIM in love:

5 - Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of HIS will,

6 - To the praise of the glory of HIS grace, wherein HE hath made us accepted in the beloved.

In verse 4 Paul clearly states that HE (God) hath Chosen us – before the foundation of the world, that through HIM (Christ) we should be HOLY and without blame before HIM (God). Think about this for a second, let me make just this small leap… Paul is showing us the mind and heart of a Father that wants to adopt wayward children.

Verse 5 then states that GOD has predestined us for the adoption through His Son Jesus Christ, according to the GOOD PLEASURE of HIS Will. God knew us and wanted us before we knew Him, furthermore; His Son had already accepted the way of payment for the adoption before the world had form.

In verse 6 we see that His plan was to point out to us and all creation the absolute amazing Glory of His GRACE. That wrapped in the midst of that Amazing Grace, He (GOD) finds us accepted and loved… Accepted and Loved…

We abide in and enjoy the Amazing Grace of God, to both His delight and ours. Yet we sometimes forget that Amazing Grace when dealing with our Brothers and Sisters in Christ. Worse yet, we sometimes forget that Amazing Grace when we deal with the world outside the four walls or our church.

HE Loved Us First, HE showed Mercy by not sending us to the damnation we rightfully deserved. He sent HIS Son to us, to show us a perfect example of LOVE, SERVICE and SACRIFICE. Then in the perfection of His timing He had His Son pay the price for us to open the age of Grace.

He Loved us first, and then taught us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. He told us to remember that we are not our own, that we were paid with a price. That as we lived the lives that He so Graciously gave us, that we should remember we are not of this world – we are now of His world. He told us that we should not participate in the things of this world, but, provide flavor to the world to attract the world to HIM. His Grace abounds, He fills our very souls with Grace through His Holy Spirit. We need only to remember that fact and then act on it every day.

So this week, show some of that Amazing Grace to the people you come in contact with. Walk in the Grace of God, and let His Dear Son shine through your eyes, through your words and through your actions and interactions with the people HE puts on your path… Love them before they know you, show them HIS Grace, seasoning the moment with His flavor, so that when you part company – they think about what or who they just encountered. Our testimony should be silently pointing all the time to His Amazing Grace. Then, when HE chooses to open the door of opportunity, we should be prepared and ready to point to His Amazing Son, our precious Jesus, sharing the Grace of God.

By the way, the next time we sing “Amazing Grace” let the Holy Spirit sing it out in our Hearts and Glorify God – that’s what we are here for. Sing it in Praises to Almighty God and His Wonderful Amazing Grace.

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