A Mother's Day Tribute to the Women in My Life!
Slices from the manuscript... The book that can't seem to find it's way to completion
My Grand-mother Hall taught me boldness, she was a tiny lady physically, but she was a giant spiritually. She would share the gospel on the street with anyone willing to listen; in the 1960’s you could do that without being sent to the funny farm.
Grandmother Hall could not have survived in this politically correct world we live in today. She and my Grand-dad taught me to pray, the secret and love of hiding His word in my heart. How I loved to hear her sing, she exemplified the Joy of Christ in the heart of a Christian. It didn’t matter if we were pulling weeds in the garden, washing dishes, cleaning the house or cooking dinner, she was always singing with that sweet elderly vibrato. It was awesome, what I wouldn’t do to hear those songs again.
She loved to smile, share and serve – and probably one of the most humble people I have ever known. Grandmother Hall had a large spirit; she exemplified the clay pot, overflowing with the Holy Spirit. She loved her family and prayed for each one by name every day. Oh, how I miss the power and strength that those prayers provided us. We as a family were better, and we experienced God’s blessings deeper and were more fulfilled because of her faithful and unending prayers. When I think of prayer warriors, Grandmother Hall is right at the top of the list. She was a tiny but yet strong women on her knees before her Lord.
Grand-ma Tormey was my personal prayer warrior, because she prayed me through to salvation. God blessed that devotion and prayer by allowing her to see her grandson come to the saving knowledge of Christ in her church one Sunday night. She prayed me through, while I know I was in all my grandparents daily prayers, it was grandma Tormey that held my hand through church services to keep me from doodling. She would kindly and gently encourage me to listen, and pay attention to what was being said. She and Grand-dad sat behind me as I prayed the sinner’s prayer, and my eyes were opened. The night I accepted Christ, she called me into her room at bedtime. She had tears in her eyes, and said “boy – I’ve been praying for this for many years, praise the Lord one has come home, now let’s pray for the rest.”
Grand-ma served faithfully in the church as head of the Woman’s Prayer Group. They raised money to provide Bibles for folks and sent all kinds of care packages to the missionaries supported by their church.
One Thanksgiving we were having a nice meal at Grand-ma and Grand-dad Tormey’s house. All the aunts, uncles and cousins were present. The guys were out on the back porch swinging on the swing and sitting around just talking and having a good time. The weather was kind of damp and drizzly and a tad bit chilly. We were all sort of talking, and I don’t know when the stranger actually appeared, but there was a genuine hard luck hobo staring us in the face standing at the top of the steps. My dad (former Marine and Police Chief) was getting ready to escort him out and Grand-ma stopped him. She said just wait a minute, I’ll be right out. She then went inside and prepared this humble older gentleman a plate fit for a king. Brought it out onto the porch and had one of us kids get up out of the lawn chair we were in so that he could set down and have his Thanksgiving dinner.
The power of that one little kind deed left a lasting impression on quite a few of us that day. She exercised her faith and obedience to Christ in front of the whole family – what a powerful testimony that was.
Mother, oh Mother – I love you so much, you have become a sweet spot in my heart. I have watched your tender heart grow, and love to watch you with your great-grand babies. You have become a bit of a confidant for me, which has been kind of neat itself. Your lessons of the early year have stuck with me, and I do remember the heart aches, the tears and the frustration. Most of all I remember you exercising commitment, and faith and trying to get us to church on Sundays.
When I think of all the times you sacrificed for us kids to the point of missing meals while we ate; my eyes well up in tears. You were always there for me, and I was too proud to see it – or want it. I know the reasons for your former tough shell; no one can say that shell was un-warranted. God has helped you overcome, and your heart has become so tender and I see a twinkle in your eye that I don’t remember ever seeing before. I live to see you smile, to have your hand touch my cheek with tenderness and occasionally a warm embrace that only a loving Mother knows.
I have heard it said; that next to the Lord, a Mother knows her son’s heart best. I hope you see His heart in mine Mother, and if you do – look a little harder and you will see your “Daddy’s” heart too. He helped mold me into the man I have become, while he walked the earth, as well as now living in his memory. I loved him so, so much, and I miss him beyond words, but I know he is with his Savior, and the physical pain is gone. I am spiritually proud to be Robert Tormey and John Hall’s grandson, I humbly stand on their shoulders, and I take their torch and carry it boldly to run my race. I pray that I can only run the race as hard, as long and as spiritually centered as they did.
On a slightly lighter note, please forgive the little guilt trip I tried to force on you those many years ago concerning our home in the country when it was time to move. I now know and understand that too was God’s will in as He provided the catalyst to start things in motion to meet my wife and eventually my Boss and my Pastor, His ways are not always understood.
Mother, I truly thank you for your undying love and all the forgiveness that you have exercised over the years. Thank you for the endless prayers wishes and hopes. I don’t know that I can live up to them all, but you must know if I can – I will! Your labors of love do not go unnoticed, and if I miss one or two, I pray that Christ will give you reward with extra hugs when that time comes for you to see Him.
My little Sister Vickie, when she was still in diapers I fathered over her like she was my own. There is seven years difference between us, and she lets me know that once in awhile just to keep me humble. She was the apple of her daddy’s eye and her big brother’s too.
She has had to make quite a few adjustments in her life time. She was going through a rough marriage situation quite a few years back. The choice she was making didn’t sit well with me, and I made the mistake of complaining about it to my Grand-dad Hall, which I wrote about earlier. He used that situation to teach me in very real terms what Christ meant when he commanded us to love our neighbors, our brothers and yes our sisters unconditionally.
She is married to fine gentlemen that has built his own business, they live in the mountains of central PA; they are doing well and I am equally as proud of her and her husband. She has two boys and two girls. As Grand-dad Tormey called her – “the lemon squeezer”, a term of endearment, of fondness and love that only we will probably ever understand. She is still her oldest brother’s precious baby sister. Love yah Bink!
My Sister in Laws Kate and Patti are a blessing from the Lord, both hold a special place in my heart.
My Brother David, Colonel in the USMC married a wonderful girl, Kate, after he graduated from VMI back in the early 80’s. Kate is the perfect Officer’s Wife; she is loving, supportive, protective and is just a real sweetheart. Kate and David have a great son, John Tyler. He is a great kid, talented and intellectual he plays guitar. Kate has always show love, respect and honor for her family and I have both love and respect for her.
My Brother Chris, has brought Patti into our lives, she is a sweet heart, a real keep Chris! Patti is one of those girls that you just love her from the first time you meet her. She is so kind, supportive and helpful with our parents. She brings organization, laughter and balance to Brother Chris; of course, he still lives in the macho error, so he would not admit that to anyone. Patti has adopted Chris’ grand kids as her own, which is wonderful to watch. Chris has one Son, Chris Allen, who has blessed Chris with two grand children. Patti has been a wonderful influence on Chris’ life, and to watch Chris with his grand-babies is a wonderful tender site.
My Daughter Renea’, I stand amazed before Almighty God at the power of Love for a child. This girl from the day she took her first breath has held her Daddy’s heart in her hand. I have been her champion since the very first day. She was supposed to be my first boy, but God had other plans. I was an active duty Marine at the time she was born, being an NCO living off base I had to get up every morning at O-Dark Thirty. Renea’ made very sure that I went in Red Eyed… Yes, our dear sweet new baby was a tad bit colicky. Thru her life she has provided plenty of drama and excitement, none of which I would trade for a split second.
She fell in Love with a young man, and married him; I proudly call him my 3rd son. Shawn is a good God fearing man, and far enough right of center that we have plenty to talk about when he is around. He and Renea’ then blessed us with wonderful Red Head Grand Children, beautiful kids… My Renea’ has a true Mother’s heart, she loves and adores her children, and she sacrifices for them and nurtures them. While I would love to see her put more trust in God, her worrying about the children is stress she need not carry. She still is Daddy’s little girl, and I am very proud of her and where she is at in life. Renea’ has a heart for children, they have served in the Church in the Awana program, but sick children have pulled them away from that full time service this past year.
My Son’s both blessed me with Daughter in Laws Betsy and Michaela.
My oldest Son Joshua married Betsy; she is a sweet, beautiful blonde who is aspiring to be a nurse. Betsy and Josh have given us two beautiful grand kids, a little girl and a little boy. They are precious, and it is fun watching my Son develop parenting skills, I think they are finding that books and advice do not always address the reality of the “strong willed child”. Betsy keeps a very clean house, and she is a working mom out of the home as well as going to school full time. She and her husband get their kids to Church nearly every Sunday. For now, that’s all a Father can ask, Spiritual maturity will come, so I am a very happy Father looking over these two. Betsy and Josh are a lot alike, which is fun to watch sometimes, they would be great in a children’s ministry in church. Hopefully they will figure that out.
My youngest Son John married Michaela, when I first met Mikey (Mike ee) I fell in love with her heart. She has such great capacity to love, and she showed so much love for my Son. With some on / off time prior to getting married, I think she lost some confidence, but that will come with time. She is a sweet heart, and they are newlyweds, so things will fall into place and she will make him a good wife. They too are in Church nearly every Sunday, which with time God’s word will saturate their hearts and He will begin to become more important in their lives. Mikey is a phlebotomist, and she has a real heart for people, a tender heart at that. It is my prayer that God will grab her heart and use her in ministry somewhere; she truly has the heart for it.
These women have all had an impact or influence in my life. I thank my Dear Lord for each and every one of them. It is my sincere prayer that He will Bless those that call Him LORD, and that He will call unto Himself those that don't yet know Him as Lord.
God Bless and Happy Mother's Day Ladies,
1 comment:
Wow - God has sure blessed you with a way with words. I envy your christian heritage. The Godly Grandparents in your life, the Godly examples from your grandparents and parents. They make you the kind of man you are today....and it sounds like you are leaving legacy for your children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren. May God continue to bless you.
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