Well, it doesn’t take a whole lot of wisdom to realize men and women will fail us. As things work in the world, it is usually when we most need them to be there for us. Regardless of what this mixed up culture wants you to believe, the world is full of self centered, self proclaiming and self deifying people. The culture is stuck in a circular breathing pattern that will eventually suffocate society as we know it. We as a people are so caught up in the mindset of self gratification – at all cost, that we don’t have an inkling of an idea of proper social grace or a genuine sense of community. We can’t get past ourselves or get over ourselves long enough to see the person standing right next to us, let alone our spouses and children.
All of this self indulgence in what I want has created several generations of socially, emotionally and Spiritually lost people. The damage to our soul is so deep that we no longer believe there is a soul to connect to anything beyond the personal experience of our existence. We have elevated man to the heights of deity, there is no other higher power – we are it! So relationships, emotional and spiritual needs are relative to the thought process and circumstances of the moment. The alcohol abuse, drug abuse, sex abuse, child abuse, and a whole host of abuses that we don’t even want to get our minds around are not the symptoms. It is the results of power hungry people, shoving the people’s rights in our faces until we have become bloated on the sins of the intellectual elite, its all about me and what I can get or take.
The world is FULL of hurting and dying people! The mass media has so seared our senses with these haunting images, talking heads and opinion writers that we gaze at the spectacle with indifference. The sin of it all has mutated our judgment to the point that we have begun to believe the lies, and embellish them with every conceivable vice imaginable to man and non man. Yes, I said it. The demons delight in this world spinning out of control. No longer do the Godly have enough influence in the culture to have a positive impact on its direction. Correction is no longer an option; plead with as many as we can on the way out… God has turned us over as a nation and a world to the lusts and desires of our own hearts.
However; for that Heart that is breaking, there is still HOPE. Yes, General, in this case HOPE is a method. The intellectual elite have deduced Faith to “comfort for those with an intellectual deficit”. However; the time is fast approaching when those that still believe in the Creator and His True Headship to this world will be revealed from the Spiritual world to the physical world of this Day. For the broken hearted there is Comfort. To the broken hearted there can be peace, and love that filters through every tissue in your body to the very core of your soul. HE IS REAL! God loves every human that ever walked this earth, past – present – and future. This world didn’t happen by chance, it was created by a being that wanted fellowship, companionship, and unconditional love. God created the heavens and the earth for His and our pleasure. Man walked with God in the cool of the evening, living in freedom and peace with only one rule to obey, only one in all creation.
Through the manipulation of a fallen angel, man was deceived and convinced to sin against God, disregarding the one rule that God put before us. This decisive and disobedient act, cause God pain, and forced Him to exercise Judgment and Punitive Action against man. The events from then leading to this present day are the consequences of that action some 7000 years ago. However; don’t be disheartened, God through His Great Love for us provided a way. He created in His Son, a perfect unblemished sacrifice to pay the penalty of our sin. Jesus Christ through His total Obedience to His Father came to the earth to teach us how to live a life that would be right with God. He taught us what attitudes we should have upon taking up our Spiritual Cross and following Christ’s footsteps. At just 33 years of age, He was sold for 30 pieces of silver to a corrupt government at that time by a betraying “friend” – and He was crucified as a completely innocent man. Guilty of NO law, no offense, of no sin – totally and completely blameless. HE Died for you and HE Died for me… Paying a price for prison ransom that we on our own are incapable of paying… Broken hearted, here is your Joy, here is your Peace, and here is your redemption, to be ushered in to an Unconditional Love that starts at the foot of that old Cross.
Jesus Christ is the True and Only son of the True and Living God, and Christ left us with a very important message… There are not many ways to Heaven… There are NO prophets that can pave your way to the afterlife. Jesus Christ said “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life; NO MAN cometh unto the Father, but by ME”… The apostle of Jesus Christ, Paul wrote that “there are none righteous, no, not one”. He also wrote that “all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God”. These two statements qualify the human, for standing before God on our own we all fall short, and are without excuse. Paul also tells us that “the wages of sin is death”, death, separation from God and our loved ones, banished to Hell, a very real, a very painful and a very dark place.
To the broken hearted; I bring you a message of Great Joy… In the Gospel of John, he very eloquently offers us this message. “For God so Loved this world, that He gave His only begotten SON. That whoever believes in Him, Shall NOT Perish, but will have ever lasting life.” For God sent not His Son, into this world to Condemn it, but that through Him and His work on the Cross, this world might be saved! Might you be saved today? Might you see the error of this world and the path that we are on? If you simply acknowledge Him for Who He Is by the Power God gave to Him to be – Lord over all. Upon accepting His gift of Salvation through His redemptive work on the Cross bowing the knee and heart and declaring Him as your own. You too can have the Joy of knowing Christ will carry your name to the Father. He will wrap you in His righteousness until that day in which all in Christ will be transformed just as He did. He put an end to death upon raising up from the depths of that grave. We shall then cast off these wicked fleshly bodies and forever more walk in the new glorified body with Christ. Yes broken hearted there is One that will Love you unconditionally, that will walk with you your remaining days on this earth, offering comfort, strength and a real relationship. He will never walk away, and He will teach your heart to Truly Love!
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