I was just thinking... Of the folks that are around me from day to day, many claim the name of Christ, or consider themselves "Christian"... But, as I recall many of those conversations each day, I don't remember hearing the name of Jesus brought up much. In fact in most conversations, at no point do I remember any reference to Him. I mention my Wife, Children & Grand Children several times a day in conversation whom I love. Yet when I mention my Abba Father, or Jesus - ...even among family sometimes, I can sense tenseness or a virtual wall / curtain begin to go up?
Where have we come as a culture and society that we can't converse of the most Holy and Righteous of our Family? That when we mention the name of our Precious Jesus or His Heavenly Father, people around us become uneasy, and even family roll their eyes? Who is this Christ we follow that no one seems to want to talk about thru the work day or at family events?
Luke 9:25-26 For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and is himself destroyed or lost? For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when He comes in His own glory, and in His Father’s, and of the holy angels.
Yes Pastor Burns I remember - 70 times 7, then start all over again, and again, and again until Jesus comes - or takes me home. Hypocrisy grows out of the Heart that forgets or chooses not to Love, Offer True and Authentic Forgiveness, Show Mercy, and Bless with Grace in every relationship... We are not His by simply claiming His name - we are His by the Spirit that lives within us, and the immense Love that must be shared with others thru that Spirit within us. I speak His name because if I don't my heart will scream His name thru the wall of my chest!
I was just thinking, when I woke up this morning, and this is what rolled off my finger tips...
Praise His Holy & Mighty Name - Thank You Mr. Olson for the Reminder of the Relationship!!!

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