I Believe in One Sovereign Supernatural Creator, that in His magnificence and almighty power He "spoke" all that man knows and those things that man can't possibly know into existence. I Do Believe that God Is !!! That in His Devine & Eternal Existence that He has the Intelligence, Power & Sovereignty to Speak all that is into existence in 6 literal days - after all, He Is God !!!
I Believe that man specifically one man named Adam, chose his own will in the Garden of Eden, rather than the will of his Creator. In that choice Adam not only followed his own desire, he chose Satan's words over God's. Therefore; Adam died a very real and immediate Spiritual Death, and some 900 years later, died a very real physical death.
I Believe that God "chose" Abraham, and set aside the Jewish Nation of Israel as His People, that to this day, Israel is God's chosen people, and that He will keep them unto Himself.
I Believe that thru the ages our Creator, from here forward named "God" and / or Abba Father" made many attempts to show man his Love, Mercy, Long Suffering, Compassion and Grace. But, due to man's cold heart, he constantly rejected the very being that breathed life into him. God, had a plan. His Love for those that would Love Him was & is Eternal and Unconditional. However; His Holy Righteousness and Anger toward Sin must be satisfied, those that reject Him still choose their own way rather than His, and will face Eternity without Him.
I Believe that God the Father, sent His Son Jesus in human physical form to this world as a Baby born in a stable, placed in a manger & worshipped by both shepherds and royalty alike.
I Believe that The Abba Father Loved His Creation so much, that He chose to Sacrifice His Own & Only Son Jesus to redeem all of Creation (past, present & future).
I Believe that those that would Truly Accept Him as their Redemptive Substitute, and thru that Sacrificial process at Calvary - Jesus became their / our Christ. That at the moment of True Salvation, God sends His Holy Spirit to each individual in their Belief & Submission to His Will. At that point, each Believer becomes a Follower of Jesus Christ, and they acknowledge Him as Savior, Lord & King willingly.
I Believe that The Word Of God, is infallible, it is written by men, inspired and breathed by The One and Only Living God. I Believe it to be Truth in its entirety, and in the absence of the original Apostles, it is our Gift from The Abba Father to guide, direct and live our lives by. I believe it to be God's Spoken / Written will for mankind, that it is complete, and is to be obeyed as His Authority in past, present and future ages until His Son's Return.
I Believe that according to His Word, that the Father will in fact send His Son to Return in the clouds, to call out His Bride the Church from this world.
I Believe in a Literal Resurrection of the Body & Spirit from this world, that the Dead in Christ first will rise, then those that are still physically alive will join Him and be taken away for a wedding and celebration as part of their Eternal Reward for submitting their will and lives to the True Christ, Jesus.
I Believe that the world that chose their own will / way will be judged, Jew and Gentile alike. That without The Sons Shed Blood, all men will be judged according to their words and works. Without Christ, they will stand guilty of breaking God's Law, and sentenced to Eternal Separation from God and Damnation to an Eternal Hell.
I Believe in A Holy, Righteous, Loving and Gracious God, that His Character is revealed to us thru the pages of His Holy Word, and thru His Holy Spirit to those He Chose and wrote their names in "The Lambs Book of Life".
I Believe that God in and thru His Son, reveals His Word & Glory to His Elect thru His Spirit. To Know Him & Worship we too, must meet Him in Spirit. I Believe this privilege escapes all men that do not Truly Seek God. I believe that pride of self, blinds all men and women from truly seeking The Light. For pride seeks self satisfaction and gratification which pleasures selfish delight in darkness.
I Believe that where there is True Light - there can be
NO darkness... For the Light of God is
in Jesus Christ & His Comforter - The Holy Spirit, in them, in their
presence there can be NO darkness. Which
is where Gods True Grace is revealed.
That while we walk in the cursed flesh of Adam, Christ as the new Adam provides
substitutionary Righteousness. His
Sacrifice covers all sin of the believer, which is not excuse or license for
sin... We are to Live The New Life In
Christ as directed by His written will...
God works in the hearts of Men to do His Will, and a Heart submitted to
The Lord will truly want to do His will.
I Believe that God shapes men's Hearts and Lives thru
trials, tribulation and suffering. That
when Jesus told us to take up our Cross and Follow Him, that it had both Real
& Symbolic meaning in the life of each Christian.
I Believe that Abba Father thru His Spirit, places in
every Believer's Heart both Light & Joy - unexplainable, undeniable
Joy... NOT THE
WORLD, BUT - A Holy, Righteous,
Loving, Peaceful JOY of The Spirit of God...
Yes, I Believe in The Creator, the Creation, The Law, The
Christ, The Cross, The Death, The Resurrection, The Judgment and The Eternal
Reward for those that Truly are His Own both Jew & Gentile sealed thru the
Blood of Christ in Eternity Past, Present & Future. Yes, I Believe in a Glorious Heaven that
God's Light will Eternally Illuminate, and I Believe in a dark Hell where men's
souls will be sent to burn eternally in damnation and punishment for rejecting
His Son.
I Believe that the Followers of Christ will also stand
before their King, in Judgment of their works and use of the Gifts and Talents
He gave them. Where they used those
gifts selflessly to Serve and Glorify God there will be reward. Where those gifts were used for selfish gain,
there will be loss of reward. I also
believe that all rewards, even if the Crown of Salvation is all we have, it
will thrown to the foot of His Throne in Love and Appreciation, for he Alone Is Worthy To Be PRAISED...
If My Belief leads to a path of ridicule, harassment,
persecution and death, I Pray that I will have the strength and conviction to
take that bullet for My Jesus...
Blinded, Sampson saw The Light, in the midst of pain and suffering of
the stones breaking and crushing his body, Steven saw The Light. God comforts and shows Mercy & Grace to His own in their time of
need, for He is Glorified in their deliverance... Live for Him, for He is all that matters in
the end, His Purpose will bring meaning to your life that the world on its own
will never understand.
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