P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

God's Best Work - Sometimes Is Best Seen At The End Of Brokeness...

Dear Folks,

It is sometimes at the end of a rough patch that we can look back over our shoulder to see God's hand and work in our life to teach us Great Spiritual Lessons...

When we sometimes fall under the pressure of trials,  we are willing to be humbly broken and submit to His Will, Wisdom and Sculpturing Hand...  He Masterfully works on our perspective through brokenness, which we may not have otherwise been willing to see.  He sees our life in a different economy of time and space, therefore; He as the Eternal vantage point that we do not have.

He knows best, when we learn that, our Faith and Trust become stronger, deeper and more remarkable, we could not have understood this perspective prior to His Work in our lives through Brokenness...   His Truth becomes more clear and all the more dear to our hearts as we emerge from the fire as an instrument to Praise & Glorify Him...  Our Worship is then deeper, shored up by the knowledge of His presence and deliverance in our lives.

While I was not comfortable walking that Valley, I am eternally grateful for Him loving me enough to bring me here via His plan and path...  I will take His path with Him holding me up anytime over the alternative of me walking by myself...  The path I am emerging from still has brought some scarring and wounds that need healed, but I Love my Jesus all the more, next to His wounds and scars, this life is a breeze...  For He endured more than I could even begin to imagine, especially knowing how much He loved me while I was yet immersed in Sin and filthy in His sight.
Thank You Abba Father, for sending Him, and Thank You Jesus for your selfless obedience to the Father.  Please Lord let me be ever mindful that on my own, I deserve Hell.  Never let me forget that I stand boldly before You and the Father while wrapped in Your Righteousness and Justified by Your Blood and work and Calvary.  Praise be to God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost...  Amen...

Have a Great Day - God Bless...

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