Let them Go
Jesus answered . . . 'So, if you seek me, let these men go.'
John 18:8
Mark, my soul, the care that Jesus displayed even in His hour of trial toward his precious sheep! The ruling passion is strong in death. He resigns Himself to the enemy, but He interposes a word of power to set His disciples free. As to Himself, like a sheep before her shearers He is dumb and opens not His mouth, but for His disciples' sake He speaks with almighty energy. Herein is love--constant, self-forgetting, faithful love. But is there not far more here than is immediately apparent? Do we not have the very soul and spirit of the atonement in these words?
The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep and pleads that they must therefore go free. The Surety is bound, and justice demands that those for whom He stands as substitute should go free. In the middle of Egypt's bondage, the voice rang out with power, "Let these men go." Out of slavery of sin and Satan the redeemed must come. In every cell of the dungeons of Despair, the sound is echoed, "Let these men go," and out come Despondency and Fearful. Satan hears the well-known voice and lifts his foot from the neck of the fallen; and Death hears it, and the grave opens her gates to let the dead arise.
These men go the way of progress, holiness, triumph, glory, and none shall dare to keep them from it. No lion shall hinder their progress, and no fierce opponent shall prevent them. The Lord Jesus has drawn the cruel hunters upon Himself, making the most timid of His followers to discover perfect peace in His unbounded love. The thundercloud has burst over the cross of Calvary, and the pilgrims of Zion shall never be smitten by the bolts of vengeance. Come, my heart, rejoice in the immunity that your Redeemer has secured for you, and bless His name all day and every day.
written by C.H. Spurgeon, revised and updated by Alistair Begg
Many men in Christian and Secular Leadership forget the passion of what made them Great... Our Churches, Companies and Washington DC, have all lost sight of the Big Picture... We have learned nothing, history repeats itself, for the hearts of men are both self reliant and self centered, rendering them both Godless and Hopeless. So went the Roman empire, as too those little harlots that follow after her lusts... We threw God and Christ out of our Government, our Schools, our Companies and now our Churches, and now wonder why the world looks so dark. The world and this country are a reflection of the darkened hearts of men... When all we see is ourselves and lust to aquire all the world has to offer, self deceit devours our capacity to Love... I learned these things through the Discipleship of a Godly man, and the Mentorship of kind and gracious business man that I once knew.
Pursue the ways of the world, and your heart will belong to the world and all it has to offer today, perishing eternally. Pursue the ways of God our Creator, then through His Son's finished work, your heart will belong to Him and all He has for eternity. Yield & Submit. Simply - Bend the knee and bow the head now voluntarily, or do so on the day of Judgment by force, the choice is yours... However; don't tell me your belongs to the King, and not show His Love and Compassion for your neighbor... We are to love & care for all people of the world, period, then hate the sin that separates those dear people from God... Christ said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." Read His Word, Pray, Meditate, Share, Act, Disciple and Lead, it's really simple once the priorities are Right!
God Bless
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