I am another year older, and find myself reflecting more over the passing of time, than in my younger years. I am reminded that we should never be forgetful of the many Blessings that our Dear Father showers us with each day. As Dear Children of the Heavenly Father, we must have a Thankful Heart!
Remembering those Godly showers of Blessings is a small step in this walk of Faith, in the Light of HIS Dear Son and the sacrificial gift He brought for us. Never Forget, the sacrifice He made to purchase our sin laden souls. Humility in Spirit is born of a heart that is aware of our position in Christ, and the transaction that took place at the Cross. A thankful heart remembers that we cannot achieve anything outside the will of God.
THIS past year I have been made aware all the more of HIS Mercy through the Holy Scriptures shinning a sharp and bright light on my sinful soul. Making me all the more knowledgeable of just how short we fall of HIS Glory and Righteousness on our own. That it is only through the redemptive work on that old Tree that we can be made right and whole before the throne of GOD.
Thank YOU Dear Father for the gift of Eternal life, continue to cleanse this old human heart of all unrighteousness, please forgive any un-confessed or unrealized sin in my life. Never let me lose sight of YOUR Deity and Sovereignty, give me the strength and will to yield and submit to YOUR authority in my life.
Father, give me the boldness and wisdom to speak YOUR Word when YOU call upon me to share with a soul searching for Truth. Thank YOU Father, for the Spiritual Heritage, and the shoulders of family Saints that have gone on before that I now stand on. Thank YOU Father for their earnest and unending prayers for me; that only now are being realized to the depths they were offered and answered Dear Lord. Thank YOU for all the Saints of our Church Lord that have paved the way and provided testimony for us to follow. Thank YOU for the Pastor, HIS Family, the Church and the folks that serve therein. Thank YOU for Godly Church Leadership, that wants YOUR Will, and believe in and strive for Spiritual unity in the Local Body of Christ.
Thank YOU for a Godly, Loving, Sacrificial Wife that honors YOU with her life and testimony. Thank YOU Father for Christian Parents, the blessing they provide in our visits and the encouragement they are to me. Thank YOU for Christian Friends, that seek the Face of God, help us be an encouragement to each other, and accountable to each other. Thank YOU Father, for a Family that wants to follow YOU, but Father, give them the strength and desire to Yield and Submit to YOUR Will! Those family members that are not walking with YOU Father give no peace or rest until they repent and lay their lives down and take up YOUR Cross. Thank YOU for providing a work place where quiet time with YOU at lunch time is not deterred. Please continue to Bless this company and help them maintain a moral integrity that is above all others in the area.
Thank YOU Father for the Mercy that I in no way deserve, for the Grace and Light of YOUR Word that Lights the path on which YOU have place me. May I never, ever forget my sinful past, the condition of the un-generate heart that YOU found me, nor the consequences of sin and the bond thusly broken by YOUR Son’s Sacrifice. Never let me forget what I am outside YOUR Mercy and Grace, that it is YOU and YOU alone that provides redemption, that there is NOTHING I can do or provide to work my way to YOU, that the gate is closed and sealed. Never let me forget that the only way to YOU Father is through YOUR Son’s Shed Blood and Redemptive Work on the Cross. That even then, our Faith comes of YOU, that the regenerated Heart is of YOU and our Works in the Spirit are of YOU – lest any man boast. May I always crave for, and have a burning in my heart the desire of learning more, while growing closer to YOU through Christ. Father, create in my mind and heart the habit and desire to start and end my day with YOU… Place in me that same heart that David had, to always seek YOUR Face.
These prayers and petitions of Love and Thankfulness, I boldly bring to YOUR Throne, while wrapped in YOUR Son’s Righteousness. May all that I say and do bring Honor, Glory and Praise to YOU Dear Father, In Christ’s Name I Pray… Amen…
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