This independence day, I found myself wondering if God’s people truly think about their independence from the old man / woman. You know, that old person we used to be without Christ, the one that loved the things of this world. Remember, the guy or gal that used to indulge in all the earthly pleasures with no consciousness of the consequences of those actions. Unfortunately for the Lord’s Testimony, some Christians still walk a little too close to that line, attempting to serve both masters. Some of us do not contemplate the end result of all our life’s work without the independence Christ gave us?
I for one understand the extent of my sin, and the vast separation from God that it created, and on my own I had no way to bridge the distance. This is where a large majority of the world’s population lives today. The chaos of this fast moving, information saturated world grabs at us at every possible decision, at every choice, at every opportunity for rest and peace. Satan’s plan is to rob these last generations walking this earth from every opportunity to see Christ. Satan wants to keep the “family of God” on the outskirts, convincing the world that they are irrelevant, and their faith is old school and doesn’t conform to the academics of an evolving / advancing culture. Satan has either polluted or diluted the word in a many of our Churches today, to where they really don’t know what they believe or why they believe.
The Christian’s world today is changing at an alarming rate; in just 40 short years we have gone from an environment where we had neighborhood Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible Schools for our children. To a culture that is intolerant of any descending opinion of the “inevitable social progress” that is occurring all around us. In our communities where we could once openly and freely teach our children biblical principles and doctrines concerning sin, and immoral choice, we are now considered hatemonger’s and culturally ignorant and irrelevant to social progress. In a very real sense, the world looks at real Christian’s as repulsive, unwanted and unneeded.
Relative truth and Pragmatism have replaced absolute Truth, and fear of the Almighty God. More disturbing yet, is the fact that some of our main stream churches today no longer cling to the Word of God. They have explained away the need for Christ, dismissing John 14:6-7; (6) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (7) If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
There are Churches in this country today that actually teach there are many ways to God, Rubbish… God sent his Son to die on the cross so that none should perish, but if they deny the Son, and His plan of Salvation and His commandments, they deny the Father along with the Way that He provided to Himself. This very Blog may be considered offensive in some Christian circles, which I am willing to bear for the conviction God has placed on my heart. I would rather face persecution for speaking the Truth, than deny Almighty God His Glory and Praise while sitting on the sidelines in fear of men who can only take the body but cannot touch the soul.
Ravi Zacharias; a man I love and greatly respect has a piece posted on his sight discussing this very topic. This man is extremely intelligent and eloquent in providing explanations of the impact of secularism on Christianity today. He offers wonderful insight and useful information to ponder, and then put into action.
We must educate ourselves, and understand the opposition’s arguments. Then we must study our bibles, pray and let the Holy Spirit both calm and quiet our anxious hearts. We must also allow the Holy Spirit to minister to our hearts and hide His Word in our hearts so that we may draw upon it when called to do so. We must remember that Christ said “think not that I am come to send peace on earth, I came not to send peace, but a sword”. (Matthew 10:34) That sword is the Word of God, dividing brothers and sisters, shedding light on the sins of all, and showing the One and Only Way to God. YES – it will be and is offensive to those that wish not to have their lives shown in the Light!
We are to love our neighbors, and have compassion for the lost, but not to the point that we forget our purpose here on this old earth. We that are called out from the world of sin are here first to give Glory and Praise to Almighty God, and to serve Him. We are commanded to love our neighbor, to come up alongside of him and help him bear his burden. All the while we are to remain aware of his fallen condition; the Light that he sees in us must be shared with all care, grace and concern. Christ shared the good news with the sinners of His day, but He did not partake in their evil ways to prove the point, He walked perfectly and righteously as an example.
We must remember that “inevitable social progress” will attempt to strip the world of all morality, serving the old devil, and promising pleasure and delivering death – physical and spiritual. Christian Brother and Sister, we are to fear no man, we are to stand firm in our Faith, Trusting Christ’s deliverance for us, and the ability to stand before the God of the universe wrapped in His Son’s Righteousness. God is in control, no matter how hard the battle, no matter the physical outcome, HE WILL PREVAIL, and if you made it all the way to the back of the book, you already know – WE WIN!!!!!!! Stand with Him, draw that line in the sand, dawn your spiritual armor, and get in the battle, and fight to WIN. If we don’t learn to stand – and to stand for the Truth, then we will surely fall, and we will fall for anything.
The moral compass of the world, of this country – of your community, is you, the children of the King, who Live in the Truth! Pray, Study, Learn, Share the Gospel, and Stand for Christ and rejoice, His promises and prophesy are being fulfilled. These are exciting times that challenge us to stand out and be counted. Are you aware of your surroundings, do you know what’s going on, are you ready to defend the Faith?
So, Happy Independence Day Christian, tonight get on your knees and thank our Heavenly Father for sending His precious Gift in Jesus Christ and the sin debt He paid on the Cross to give us TRUE Independence. May the Lord bless you, may you find Joy in His service… KEEP GOING!!!
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