P R A Y E R !

P R A Y E R !
When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray

Friday, July 24, 2009

Joy in the Body of Christ... ©

Last Friday (17th of July) I took a day off work to drive to the Harrisburg area for a Gospel Concert that evening.   My daughter and son-in-law were having a baby dedication for my youngest Granddaughter, they go to the same Church. Our Pastor is an old quartet guy (he sings the bass part), who like me, loves the old gospel songs and hymns too. So, since he was going to be at the house Sunday, I wanted to make sure to pick up some music while at the concert to sample for him. Well it so happens that my 8 year old Grandson was staying with us, and he wanted to go to the concert too, which in the end brought me more joy than I can articulate.

We started out on Route #322 to Harrisburg, my Grandson in the back seat. The first half hour I caught up on the news on the Satellite Radio, then turned the channel to a Gospel Channel that I listen to a lot. When I looked in the mirror, the little guy was smiling and trying to sing along. Hmm, OK, this could be good, right? Well we arrived in the Harrisburg area a little over an hour early, so we stopped to get something to eat, and I just happen to look down and this kid has dirty feet and sandals on. Oh my, this will never do, we have got to get some soft wipes, socks and a pair of shoes, I have never been to this Church before, don’t want to get thrown out.  For crying out loud, what will my friend say? Oh, I forgot to mention. The Baritone singer for the group is a dear friend I met on the Gaither Community Site. He reads my blogs, and we write each other notes of encouragement to keep in the Battle – while serving our Precious Jesus! He is from Alabama, and I am from Central Pennsylvania, and I was looking to make a good 1st impression. So by golly we bought the little guy a new pair of socks and a new pair of shoes just for the occasion, and not necessarily with my Wife’s approval. So with a half hour to spare we drove to this little country church in a small town called Glenvale, outside Marysville, which is across the river from Harrisburg. We sat in the car for a few minutes, lacing up my Grandson’s new shoes, covering over those slightly dirty feet, and ditching those ugly thronged sandals. We walked through the doors, and we could hear Capstone practicing & conducting sound checks. Wow, my heart filled with instant joy and gratification to the Lord for allowing this opportunity, these guys sounded GREAT!

We walked into the auditorium, and sat down in the third row back. As soon as my friend and I made eye contact, we recognized each other. When they were finished with the sound check, he came down to the pew and we made introductions and chatted a minute before the four of them went off to change for the concert. For a few minutes before the concert started, Reverend Danny Scott, Mr. Bob Sellers, Mr. Joe Brown and Mr. Dale Taylor sat down with my Grandson and I to share a little about their lives with us. This is Christianity, this is brotherhood, and this is the Body of Christ. These men travel all up and down the East Coast and beyond, recorded numerous albums, yet had a real connection to the Service of Christ and His Ministry. Before scooting to ready themselves for the concert, they each stopped, shook my hand and then my Grandson’s hand. His face lit up like a Bright Shining Star in the middle of cold black night, he was beaming. After spending a few minutes together, they sat down up front and awaited their introduction for the concert.

They took the stage, and then the music began to flow, you could feel the Spirit move in that Church that night. The perfect blend of harmony, the wonderful message of Hope, and that wonderful Gospel message was clear… This was the Body of Christ gathering for Worship, being led by four men that understood their place in the world, and their purpose for Christ. Their presence was strong, and Godly, they offered testimony that moved our hearts to tears. Truly, the Holy Spirit was present, and when I looked down at my Grandson’s face, he was full of smiles and truly caught up in the moment, which opened a door for me to talk to him about the Gospel this week. After the concert, we met the men once more; they were warm, loving and kind as we began our goodbyes.

Reverend Scott and I connected as I knew we would, we stopped at the CD Table, and bought a couple CD’s and a couple glossy’s. Then Reverend Scott picked up my Grandson’s glossy picture of Capstone and wrote a note to him and signed, and then had the rest of the guys sign it. As he handed it to the boy with that warm gentle smile, he shook his hand and my Grandson just stared in awe. We said goodbye, and walked out of the Church to the car, fully blessed and our Spiritual batteries charged.

As we started the two hour trip home, my Grandson became very sleepy, and I asked him to give me the picture so that he could lay down on the seat and sleep, he wouldn’t let it go for anything. “These guys told me about Jesus” he told me later, and he wanted the picture to remember that……   So Saturday morning, I took him in town to buy him a picture frame to put "the guys" in, so that he could hang it on his wall. God taught me some lessons that night. He first taught me that the Body of Christ isn’t just the box we try to put it in, His spirit belongs to all men that claim His blood, yield to repent and dump that load of sin at the foot of the Cross. Christ reminded me that a little boy with dirty feet can get to the foot of the cross just as easily as a man cleaned and dressed.

The Lord also reminded me once again, “Son, I don’t care about the outside, I want what’s on the inside”. This lesson I learned a long time ago when I came to him in old sneakers, torn jeans and dirty hands and a filthy heart. That night long ago, I walked away from the Alter with the same old clothes, but a new “washed” Heart. Through this worship service with the Capstone Quartet last Friday night, I met Christ again at a personal level; a level that only good Christian music sometimes has a way of opening up. The Music, the Testimonies, the Love and the Ministering of the Holy Spirit helped me once again recommit my own Ministry of service to the Lord.

If one person reads this blog, and chooses to give it all up for HIM, and take up Christ's cross and join the Spiritual Battle of the age, then every typed word, every thought, every prayer and all the submission of time will be worth it. For the reward on the other side of the veil is what I seek, the jewels for the Crown to throw at His feet on that Great Day.

Reverend Danny Scott, Bob Sellers, Joe Brown and Dale Taylor, I want to thank you for your selfless service to the Lord, and enduring the long roundtrip drive between Pennsylvania and Alabama. You brought joy to this old Heart, and ministered to my spirit, my Spiritual Batteries were surely charged!

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Folks, you can visit these wonderful men at http://www.capstonequartet.com

I believe you can sample some of their great music, the Timeless album is full of wonderful old Hymns and Songs that warm your heart and open the door for personal Worship to the King. 

Capstone Quartet (on 7-17-2009) 
Bass: Joe Brown
Tenor: Dale Taylor
Lead: Bob Sellers
Baritone: Danny Scott

(Update **03-30-2019)
My dear friend Bob Sellers went on to sing with the Kingsmen Quartet, and is currently on the road as a Soloist.  Please keep him in your prayers for safe travel and Blessings…)

Remember to Share the Gospel with someone this week!


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