When a loved one is called home, it stings beyond words, a void that seems unmanageable envelopes our psyche and those Truths become just a little distant for a moment. Then, all the sudden He speaks to our heart “I am here, you are not alone, be still and I will carry you”. Christ comforts those that hear His voice; He rushes to offer the “peace that passes all understanding”.
Today, I watched God’s promises lived out in some of my dear friend’s pain, through the loss, funeral and burial of a wonderful Christian man. I watched the Miracle of that Blessed Hope as God’s Dear Saints gathered to both mourn and rejoice a Loved One’s passing. The only person other than God that knows a man’s heart is the one we see in our mirror. Sometimes we don't let friends see the man in the mirror, for one reason or another. Not so with this dear friend, the man he saw each morning in the mirror was the man that we saw each day. He lived in Jesus! He modeled Joy! He knew the Christ and served Him! He walked the life of Christianity that He claimed as his own, and he did it with honor, uprightly and in a manly fashion that drew respect and awe.
I have searched my memory, and I can’t recall one time in my life that I saw him without a smile. This man loved people and he loved his Church, the body of Christ in this world today. He and his family were instrumental in planting this Church I call home. He loved, Christ, and He served Him as a faithful, laboring servant. His faithful service and commitment to the Lord and our Church has been an example to those that follow behind him. His humor offered relief at just the right times, and his heart reached out to you in the time of sorrow or need. He offered words of encouragement, and he would pray for you if you requested it, and many times even if you didn’t. He had a firm handshake, and he offered it to all ages. I watched him gently offer my grandson a handshake one Sunday after Church, and then patiently show him the correct way to shake a man’s hand.
In the days that my job didn’t demand the long hours and I could make it to Prayer Meetings, I witnessed firsthand as he was there holding our Church up before the Lord with petitions sometimes with tears. He and his wonderful Mrs. would often be the last to get up off their knees to leave after praying those evenings. Yes, our Church still honors God, by kneeling before Him, and these two people lead by example, starting with their own family and then to the rest of us in their extended family.
Their children were raised in a God fearing, Christ revering, and Bible believing home that used those principles to guide, direct and yes sometimes discipline to build strong foundations.
In his funeral service today, I witnessed meekness, and watched and listened to folks offer testimony on his behalf. Measuring the man and sharing his great testimony to the Savior that he loved so much. Much like a tall tree is measured once it’s downed; we often don’t fully understand the strength and significance of rock solid Christians until they too are down and passed through the veil to their dear Redeemer.
I love this family so, they have helped me through some very rough waters, and they did it with such devoted unconditional love and grace. While my heart aches for their loss, I am so encouraged by their witness to the One that lives in them. They have once again, showed Christ’s love and strength in the midst of their pain and sorrow. They stood exercising Christian meekness (gentle strength), dignity and love, oh yes, that wonderful, wonderful gift of unconditional love.
I learned a lesson from you today Dale M. Burns, it “does matter” how many hearts you touch in this life time. That in sharing HIS Truth, you must also share the heart He gave you. Through sharing that heart of Christ, the man in the mirror will change; he and the man that those folks see will become one – in Christ. For in yielding your heart to Him in selfless submission, He can then reach those that He places on your path that see Him through you. Dale, saw Christ in the mirror every morning as a changed man, today Dale see’s our Dear Precious Lord Jesus face to face, with no more physical pain. He ran the race, true to form, steadfast, tenaciously and joyfully, he ran the race to win. Today, he has his trophy and is enjoying his Victory in Christ, in HIS very presence.
“Dear Father in Heaven, we come to you today in your strong Son’s name, asking that you continue to Bless this wonderful family. Touch their hearts Lord, shower them with your Grace, and fill them with your peace. Help them rest over these next days and weeks Father as they allow You to heal the void that Dale’s passing has left in their lives. May all of us that had the fortune of knowing Dale, allow his example to influence us, and allow his work to become a spiritual goal for us to strive for. The goal of a life lived for your Son, that our children, grandchildren and friends may stand and offer testimony to our Godliness and Righteousness through this Christian walk. Thank You Dear Lord, for giving us this dear, kind, and gentle man that we had the privilege of calling “Brother Burns”. Lord, thank you for his children that chose to stand on his shoulders and carry the torch for Christ forward. Give us all the strength we need to “continue” in your word and work Father, and we will give you all the Glory and all the Praise, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.”
Mr. Dale M. Burns; Born into this life on 15 March 1923; Passed through the veil to his dear Lord and Savior on 28 June 2009 Dale was the: Husband to one (61 years), Father to four Grandfather to ten, Friend to many, and Child of one God & Servant to The One True Christ!
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