Philippians 1:27
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.
Philippians 1 is a beautiful compassionate letter by Paul, his love and his concerns for the Church are divinely expressed in his writings. He spoke of conduct, standing firm in “one” spirit, and striving together with “one” mind. In this day and age of the 21st Century, we may find that a real challenge. We are bombarded with so many opinions, books, theories and interpretations that the “Church” is being eaten alive from within as well as from outside the walls. Why is this? Why, after 2000 years have we not learned any better? Are we too, doomed to repeat history, as a corporate Church are we losing sight of Grace? Have we forgotten that the other side of Grace is Judgment? While we that walk in the Spirit, we still walk in this flesh that must weather the natural consequences of sin. When we walk away from Him to serve ourselves, we lose that communion with Him, and the fellowship is broken, and we walk on our own. We must focus on Christ every step of every day.
Paul knew the Church of Philippi would suffer if they lost sight of their first love (Christ). He knew they would suffer Spiritual degradation if they became a group of individualists that would not stand firm on His teachings, commandments and principles. He knew they had to “strive” or struggle to pull together in “The Faith”, building one another up, holding each other accountable, developing spiritual inner strength and power in their Faith. He knew that collectively, they were the “Body of Christ” and together could do great things in the Spirit of Christ.
Too often we as individuals get comfortable in the ways things have always been, to the point that we try to influence those around us in the Church. Oh, it starts out as innocent little groups or “clicks” that have things in common. Then sometimes it grows to unknowingly sowing seeds of contention or discord among those that don’t quite fit. Then when a ministry or need that should be met is handled in a fashion that doesn’t quite look “like the way things have always been” – the crack starts in the foundation. Influence becomes a tool of power, opinions and desires outweigh Doctrinal Truth and eventually Theology and Christology are thrown out the door, replaced by men’s rules and idea’s – leaving God out in the street. While this was a quick, over dramatization of how things sometimes fall away from the way of the Lord, I think it makes the point.
Paul knew! He knew that as soon as we as individuals lose sight of Christ, and our purpose for being here, we start focusing on ourselves and our own wants. He knew that the minute we let even a glimpse of pride get a hold of our hearts, the crack in the foundation starts. We must hold each other’s feet to the fire, a loving, brotherly sense of accountability. We must PRAY for each other, building our Christian brothers and sisters up in the faith. Too often, we are guilty of terrorizing our own (the Church), with bickering, back biting and the likes, over things that really don’t matter in the grand scheme of the Big Plan! We are to seek God’s face, striving to be Christ Like! We are new creatures, not of this flesh; we should have an unquenchable desire to acquire righteousness, to seek Holiness, Spiritual growth, humility and favor with God, not men.
The culture leading up to today promised people their own individual identity apart from any group. The culture promoted the individual, in essence telling our youth since the 1940’s that you don’t need to conform to anything. It started in the schools and colleges, it spread to our homes, this cancer made its way into the Church, and then the communities across the world. Now here we are in 2009, and we have Blogs, Facebook, MySpace, and a myriad of other electronic forms to “interface” and “network” with others to find and build a sense of community. People want to ping others of like mind and thought, spirituality is a big topic around the country, and the world. People know there is something more to life, but they have been sold a bill of goods, and are still clinging to the non conformity mentality, they want no part of Christian Principles.
Christ said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one come to the Father, but, by ME! (John 14:6) While the world has many ways they “think” they can use to get to heaven, the TRUE Church knows there is only one way! One Way! The Way! Through acknowledgement of our sinful condition, through repentance of that sin, through accepting Christ’s shed blood on the Cross of Calvary, and the promise of new life through His first fruit and victory over the grave. The one thing we know beyond that which the world knows, is in the end, it’s all about God’s Son! Those that truly walk with Christ every second of every day, have a connection at a deep spiritual level, the vertical relationship with our God through His Son, has provided an intimate “fellowship” with Christ through the Holy Spirit.
As Paul knew, and conveyed to the Church of Philippi, if we walk by the Spirit, with one mind with our Christian Brothers and Sisters, and if we strive in one spirit, we will intuitively love one another. There will be No strife, No battles, No fights, No discourse, but there will be Peace and Unconditional Love through the Spirit of Christ. Conducting our relationships in a fashion that is worthy of the Gospel of Christ. We are to stand unified and firm in Christ’s spirit, seeking His will in all that we do, serving one another, and spreading the Gospel to the lost. This very day, you need to call up a brother or sister from your church, tell them that you love them, tell them that you are praying for them, and ask them how you can help them in their walk today. Spiritual Revival starts in the heart of one person at a time, when fueled by His Spirit, and doused in His Love, it will quickly grow from a glimmer to a Fire for Christ!
Dear Precious Heavenly Father, we come to You today asking Your help in examining our own hearts Lord. Help us find any un-confessed ill feeling or will towards a Christian Brother or Sister, then Lord forgive that transgression, help us put it behind us and then make that situation right. Dear Jesus, help us find Your will, upon finding Your direction Jesus, help us spread the Love You put in us. Help us spread the Unconditional Love that You so selflessly died to show us. Let that little phone call to a brother or sister spark a spiritual revival in someone else today through our obedience to You. Dear Father, clear our minds and hearts, help us keep our motives pure, clean and Christ centered. In the end Father, it’s all about Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, and it is in His name we pray. Amen.
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