Philippians 1:27
Only conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or remain absent, I will hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the gospel.
Philippians 1 is a beautiful compassionate letter by Paul, his love and his concerns for the Church are divinely expressed in his writings. He spoke of conduct, standing firm in “one” spirit, and striving together with “one” mind. In this day and age of the 21st Century, we may find that a real challenge. We are bombarded with so many opinions, books, theories and interpretations that the “Church” is being eaten alive from within as well as from outside the walls. Why is this? Why, after 2000 years have we not learned any better? Are we too, doomed to repeat history, as a corporate Church are we losing sight of Grace? Have we forgotten that the other side of Grace is Judgment? While we that walk in the Spirit, we still walk in this flesh that must weather the natural consequences of sin. When we walk away from Him to serve ourselves, we lose that communion with Him, and the fellowship is broken, and we walk on our own. We must focus on Christ every step of every day.
Paul knew the Church of Philippi would suffer if they lost sight of their first love (Christ). He knew they would suffer Spiritual degradation if they became a group of individualists that would not stand firm on His teachings, commandments and principles. He knew they had to “strive” or struggle to pull together in “The Faith”, building one another up, holding each other accountable, developing spiritual inner strength and power in their Faith. He knew that collectively, they were the “Body of Christ” and together could do great things in the Spirit of Christ.
Too often we as individuals get comfortable in the ways things have always been, to the point that we try to influence those around us in the Church. Oh, it starts out as innocent little groups or “clicks” that have things in common. Then sometimes it grows to unknowingly sowing seeds of contention or discord among those that don’t quite fit. Then when a ministry or need that should be met is handled in a fashion that doesn’t quite look “like the way things have always been” – the crack starts in the foundation. Influence becomes a tool of power, opinions and desires outweigh Doctrinal Truth and eventually Theology and Christology are thrown out the door, replaced by men’s rules and idea’s – leaving God out in the street. While this was a quick, over dramatization of how things sometimes fall away from the way of the Lord, I think it makes the point.
Paul knew! He knew that as soon as we as individuals lose sight of Christ, and our purpose for being here, we start focusing on ourselves and our own wants. He knew that the minute we let even a glimpse of pride get a hold of our hearts, the crack in the foundation starts. We must hold each other’s feet to the fire, a loving, brotherly sense of accountability. We must PRAY for each other, building our Christian brothers and sisters up in the faith. Too often, we are guilty of terrorizing our own (the Church), with bickering, back biting and the likes, over things that really don’t matter in the grand scheme of the Big Plan! We are to seek God’s face, striving to be Christ Like! We are new creatures, not of this flesh; we should have an unquenchable desire to acquire righteousness, to seek Holiness, Spiritual growth, humility and favor with God, not men.
The culture leading up to today promised people their own individual identity apart from any group. The culture promoted the individual, in essence telling our youth since the 1940’s that you don’t need to conform to anything. It started in the schools and colleges, it spread to our homes, this cancer made its way into the Church, and then the communities across the world. Now here we are in 2009, and we have Blogs, Facebook, MySpace, and a myriad of other electronic forms to “interface” and “network” with others to find and build a sense of community. People want to ping others of like mind and thought, spirituality is a big topic around the country, and the world. People know there is something more to life, but they have been sold a bill of goods, and are still clinging to the non conformity mentality, they want no part of Christian Principles.
Christ said, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one come to the Father, but, by ME! (John 14:6) While the world has many ways they “think” they can use to get to heaven, the TRUE Church knows there is only one way! One Way! The Way! Through acknowledgement of our sinful condition, through repentance of that sin, through accepting Christ’s shed blood on the Cross of Calvary, and the promise of new life through His first fruit and victory over the grave. The one thing we know beyond that which the world knows, is in the end, it’s all about God’s Son! Those that truly walk with Christ every second of every day, have a connection at a deep spiritual level, the vertical relationship with our God through His Son, has provided an intimate “fellowship” with Christ through the Holy Spirit.
As Paul knew, and conveyed to the Church of Philippi, if we walk by the Spirit, with one mind with our Christian Brothers and Sisters, and if we strive in one spirit, we will intuitively love one another. There will be No strife, No battles, No fights, No discourse, but there will be Peace and Unconditional Love through the Spirit of Christ. Conducting our relationships in a fashion that is worthy of the Gospel of Christ. We are to stand unified and firm in Christ’s spirit, seeking His will in all that we do, serving one another, and spreading the Gospel to the lost. This very day, you need to call up a brother or sister from your church, tell them that you love them, tell them that you are praying for them, and ask them how you can help them in their walk today. Spiritual Revival starts in the heart of one person at a time, when fueled by His Spirit, and doused in His Love, it will quickly grow from a glimmer to a Fire for Christ!
Dear Precious Heavenly Father, we come to You today asking Your help in examining our own hearts Lord. Help us find any un-confessed ill feeling or will towards a Christian Brother or Sister, then Lord forgive that transgression, help us put it behind us and then make that situation right. Dear Jesus, help us find Your will, upon finding Your direction Jesus, help us spread the Love You put in us. Help us spread the Unconditional Love that You so selflessly died to show us. Let that little phone call to a brother or sister spark a spiritual revival in someone else today through our obedience to You. Dear Father, clear our minds and hearts, help us keep our motives pure, clean and Christ centered. In the end Father, it’s all about Your dear Son, Jesus Christ, and it is in His name we pray. Amen.
P R A Y E R !

When Life gets too hard to stand... kneel before HIM and Pray
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Whom do you fear? ©
• Luke 12:4-7 (4) And I say unto you my friends, be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do. (5) But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea, I say unto you, Fear him. (6) Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? (7) But even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows.
Whom do we fear? Some would say the government, some their employer, others might say the neighborhood bully, or any of a million other things. Christ himself taught us in this passage in Luke that we need not fear any more once we have accepted His gift. For upon placing all of our faith in Him, we are no longer married to the bondage of sin. He has handed us a divorce decree from the original curse and requirement of the law.
Through that transaction, we have become part of the Church Bride, and God’s gift to the Son. We have become joint heirs or family with Christ and the power and darkness of sin can no longer touch us. His light in us, seals us as His own. While we may still encounter buffeting from Satan and his demons, we should be encouraged in that fight.
The more you grow in Christ, the more threatening you are to the demons wondering this old earth. So they will tempt you to walk away from your convictions and beliefs. But now – it’s a choice! Your sentence of death has been paid; we no longer serve the slave master of sin. Christ has paved the way, and lighted the path for us to walk. We simply need to choose Him every time we are tempted. I truly understand that in many cases it is easier said than done. At first we experience some serious conviction, to the point of physical pain. This is a good thing; the Holy Spirit is being allowed to work in your heart.
Through studying His work, and the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we learn to recognize the temptation earlier, and hopefully avoid it sooner. This is eventually much like a loving parent looks to see in their Children, God wants to see and enjoy our obedience to His commandments out of Love for Him and not due to being chastened by the Holy Spirit.
So as Christ promised us in Luke, if we know Him, hear His voice in our Hearts and obey Him, we have no fears on this earth. Man can only take the body, he cannot spoil the soul. What God has sealed to Himself, no man or being can break or take.
So, if you are a Child of God, you have a mature and loving sense of fear of God. Understanding His character of Holiness, Righteousness and Sovereignty in the universe. Your heart will revere Him, and have a longing to be with Him, and those He calls His own on this earth. His love needs no universal interpreter, when you see and greet a true child of the King; you feel the sense of Kinship and His Love Abounds.
Dear Precious Christ, you have willingly provided a vehicle to escape the devil’s grasp on us. You endorsed the plan, paid the cost and delivered the certificate of ownership. For we were bought with the price of your blood and earthly life. Thank you dear Lord and Dear Lord help us recognize that you taught obedience and submission through the very action of hanging on that old tree at your Fathers request. Help us be as bold if that day comes that we must lay our life down for a brother or sister Lord. Give us strength and desire to grow in your ways and fear nothing this side of Heaven. We will give you the Honor and praise – in your strong name we pray. Amen.
Luke 12:8 - 10 (8) Also I say unto you, whosoever shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: (9) but he that deny me before men shall be denied before the angels of God. (10) And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blaspheme against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Joy in the Body of Christ... ©
Last Friday (17th of July) I took a day off work to drive to the
Harrisburg area for a Gospel Concert that evening. My daughter and son-in-law were having a baby
dedication for my youngest Granddaughter, they go to the same Church. Our
Pastor is an old quartet guy (he sings the bass part), who like me, loves the
old gospel songs and hymns too. So, since he was going to be at the house
Sunday, I wanted to make sure to pick up some music while at the concert to
sample for him. Well it so happens that my 8 year old Grandson was staying with
us, and he wanted to go to the concert too, which in the end brought me more
joy than I can articulate.
We started out on Route #322 to Harrisburg, my Grandson in the
back seat. The first half hour I caught up on the news on the Satellite Radio,
then turned the channel to a Gospel Channel that I listen to a lot. When I
looked in the mirror, the little guy was smiling and trying to sing along. Hmm,
OK, this could be good, right? Well we arrived in the Harrisburg area a little
over an hour early, so we stopped to get something to eat, and I just happen to
look down and this kid has dirty feet and sandals on. Oh my, this will never
do, we have got to get some soft wipes, socks and a pair of shoes, I have never
been to this Church before, don’t want to get thrown out. For crying out loud, what will my friend say?
Oh, I forgot to mention. The Baritone singer for the group is a dear friend I
met on the Gaither Community Site. He reads my blogs, and we write each other
notes of encouragement to keep in the Battle – while serving our Precious
Jesus! He is from Alabama, and I am from Central Pennsylvania, and I was
looking to make a good 1st impression. So by golly we bought the little guy a
new pair of socks and a new pair of shoes just for the occasion, and not
necessarily with my Wife’s approval. So with a half hour to spare we drove to
this little country church in a small town called Glenvale, outside Marysville,
which is across the river from Harrisburg. We sat in the car for a few minutes,
lacing up my Grandson’s new shoes, covering over those slightly dirty feet, and
ditching those ugly thronged sandals. We walked through the doors, and we could
hear Capstone practicing & conducting sound checks. Wow, my heart filled
with instant joy and gratification to the Lord for allowing this opportunity,
these guys sounded GREAT!
We walked into the auditorium, and sat down in the third row back.
As soon as my friend and I made eye contact, we recognized each other. When
they were finished with the sound check, he came down to the pew and we made
introductions and chatted a minute before the four of them went off to change
for the concert. For a few minutes before the concert started, Reverend Danny
Scott, Mr. Bob Sellers, Mr. Joe Brown and Mr. Dale Taylor sat down with my
Grandson and I to share a little about their lives with us. This is
Christianity, this is brotherhood, and this is the Body of Christ. These men
travel all up and down the East Coast and beyond, recorded numerous albums, yet
had a real connection to the Service of Christ and His Ministry. Before
scooting to ready themselves for the concert, they each stopped, shook my hand
and then my Grandson’s hand. His face lit up like a Bright Shining Star in the
middle of cold black night, he was beaming. After spending a few minutes together,
they sat down up front and awaited their introduction for the concert.
They took the stage, and then the music began to flow, you could
feel the Spirit move in that Church that night. The perfect blend of harmony,
the wonderful message of Hope, and that wonderful Gospel message was clear…
This was the Body of Christ gathering for Worship, being led by four men that
understood their place in the world, and their purpose for Christ. Their
presence was strong, and Godly, they offered testimony that moved our hearts to
tears. Truly, the Holy Spirit was present, and when I looked down at my
Grandson’s face, he was full of smiles and truly caught up in the moment, which
opened a door for me to talk to him about the Gospel this week. After the concert,
we met the men once more; they were warm, loving and kind as we began our
Reverend Scott and I connected as I knew we would, we stopped at
the CD Table, and bought a couple CD’s and a couple glossy’s. Then Reverend
Scott picked up my Grandson’s glossy picture of Capstone and wrote a note to
him and signed, and then had the rest of the guys sign it. As he handed it to
the boy with that warm gentle smile, he shook his hand and my Grandson just
stared in awe. We said goodbye, and walked out of the Church to the car, fully
blessed and our Spiritual batteries charged.
As we started the two hour trip home, my Grandson became very
sleepy, and I asked him to give me the picture so that he could lay down on the
seat and sleep, he wouldn’t let it go for anything. “These guys told me about
Jesus” he told me later, and he wanted the picture to remember that…… So Saturday morning, I took him in town to
buy him a picture frame to put "the guys" in, so that he could hang
it on his wall. God taught me some lessons that night. He first taught me that
the Body of Christ isn’t just the box we try to put it in, His spirit belongs
to all men that claim His blood, yield to repent and dump that load of sin at
the foot of the Cross. Christ reminded me that a little boy with dirty feet can
get to the foot of the cross just as easily as a man cleaned and dressed.
The Lord also reminded me once again, “Son, I don’t care about the
outside, I want what’s on the inside”. This lesson I learned a long time ago
when I came to him in old sneakers, torn jeans and dirty hands and a filthy
heart. That night long ago, I walked away from the Alter with the same old
clothes, but a new “washed” Heart. Through this worship service with the
Capstone Quartet last Friday night, I met Christ again at a personal level; a
level that only good Christian music sometimes has a way of opening up. The
Music, the Testimonies, the Love and the Ministering of the Holy Spirit helped
me once again recommit my own Ministry of service to the Lord.
If one person reads this blog, and chooses to give it all up for
HIM, and take up Christ's cross and join the Spiritual Battle of the age, then
every typed word, every thought, every prayer and all the submission of time
will be worth it. For the reward on the other side of the veil is what I seek,
the jewels for the Crown to throw at His feet on that Great Day.
Reverend Danny Scott, Bob Sellers, Joe Brown and Dale Taylor, I
want to thank you for your selfless service to the Lord, and enduring the long
roundtrip drive between Pennsylvania and Alabama. You brought joy to this old Heart,
and ministered to my spirit, my Spiritual Batteries were surely charged!
<=========================================== >
I believe you can sample some of their great music, the Timeless
album is full of wonderful old Hymns and Songs that warm your heart and open
the door for personal Worship to the King.
Capstone Quartet (on 7-17-2009)
Bass: Joe Brown
Tenor: Dale Taylor
Lead: Bob Sellers
Baritone: Danny Scott
(Update **03-30-2019)
My dear friend Bob Sellers went on to sing with the Kingsmen Quartet, and is currently on the road as a Soloist. Please keep him in your prayers for safe travel and Blessings…)
My dear friend Bob Sellers went on to sing with the Kingsmen Quartet, and is currently on the road as a Soloist. Please keep him in your prayers for safe travel and Blessings…)
Remember to Share the Gospel with someone this week!
Holy Spirit,
Religion and Spirituality
Saturday, July 18, 2009
It's Almost Time!! ©
It's been a long work day; I turn the radio on in the truck just for noise in the background. I find myself working at trying to free up my mind, purge the day’s business events and unwind prior to getting home. Amazingly, the 20 minute ride seems to only take seconds before I hit the garage door opener to pull the vehicle in. I slowly get out of the truck, squeaking under the door before it closes all the way. I stand in the driveway with my back to the warm sun, just staring off into space, mind now blank of the business of the day; I feel the corners of my mouth slightly pointing upwards...
The sun is slowly setting; and I catch myself staring into the Eastern sky, day dreaming of that Great Day coming; before finally walking in the door... I enter the house with a heavy heart for this ole world; yet waiting patiently for that Trump to sound, listening for the call of the Archangel and anticipating the change. The change I have now been awaiting for nearly 37 years, these old clothes no longer fit, for they are worn, tattered and torn. Yes, I am awaiting that change; longing to be placed into the purified new body and those new clothes that will be white as snow.
I sit down to dinner with my loving wife, not much conversation; she knows my mind is off in another world. I help her clean up the dishes, take out the garbage and sit in the recliner for a little while. I went through the motions of reading the news paper, but didn't retain one single word. My heart and mind were on Heaven, nothing else was getting in this evening. I kissed the wife good night, and went off to study a little and spend a little time in prayer.
As I pillow my head after spending time with my Dear Savior, I quickly doze off and find myself in the haze of what seems to be a dream, but is it? The haze begins to clear and I hear beautiful music, and see brilliant Light all around. I am ushered into a Throne room. This Glorious room is filled with the beautiful Light of Truth, who sits on the Throne, He shines with Glory and Majesty, and standing in His presence I have a peace that mortal words cannot articulate its depth. He has a wonderful warm smile on His face. A handsome, strong man sits next to the Light of Truth. The Righteous Prince sits on the right side of Truth. This wonderful God of Truth leans over to His Son, still smiling, He places His hand on His Son’s shoulder, and quietly says “it is almost time Son, you’ll soon go get Your Bride”. The Righteous Prince Jesus, the Christ looks into His Fathers eyes and said “I am ready Father – just say the word and I will go get her”. With a smile; The Resolute God of Truth & Creator of all that is, said "Soon Son, very soon", reassuring the Son that it is almost time.
Then He sat back in His Throne and laid His hand on His Son's arm, as to reassure that it would be soon. I stand in awe, realizing the place that I am, I fall to my knees and bow before the throne, this Holy of places. Then just as quickly as it went away, the haze returned, and I was escorted out of the Throne Room. The kind person on my arm said, "now go and wait for your bridegroom, he will come to gather you up very soon. Go, be ready and watch for His return"! The haze becomes very thick, but wait there is a light shining again, as I stir to get a glimpse I come to the realization that it was a dream, and the light is the Morning Sun, peaking through the curtain into my sleepy eyes. Yes, it is yet another morning, time to rise and go to work. This morning however will be different, for I have been reminded He is coming very soon, so even at the work place, I must be about His business as well as my employers business. By letting those around me see the Glorious Light of the Father and His Precious Son!
Yes, once again, I am going to look at that Eastern sky tonight and remember His prompt to watch and wait for His return. We need to be Sharing His Truth with all that will listen, and praying for His return and safe keeping of today's Saints.
I am ready – are you? Watch, Listen, and Share!
RCH 02-25-09
(A little Christian Fiction about the Truth)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fruit of He that lives in us... ©
...Christianity isn't to be worn on your shirt sleeve, nor is it to be sheltered or hidden from public view. Christianity is to be shared from the heart with unconditional Love and genuine concern for all those He puts on our path. Our Christian testimony isn't what we say it is; our Christian testimony is what we show it is. Through our generosity, our charity, our prayers and our sharing the Fruit of the Spirit that God so richly blesses us with when living a Godly Spiritual life. We must show the world our Love for our Christian brothers and sisters, and then share that love with those around us that have not yet met the Master. He - Christ commanded it!
I have a friend at work that tells me not to get a narrow vision of God’s character. He reminds me of that, because I often bask in God's Love and Grace, and that probably dominates my conversations and writings. However; I do believe that He is more than just “the big loving man upstairs”. Yes, there must be balance in recognizing, acknowledging and understanding all the attributes of God (that we can know). Balancing our meditation and worship, knowing He is both Loving and Just. Understanding that those same arms that offer His children tenderness, can and will also deliver justice and wrath to those that deny the Son. In the end it is that understanding and balance in our Spiritual life that allows us to revere Him and understand our rightful place, “positional truth” in the Kingdom. However; his 1st and 2nd command to us in Matthew 22 was to LOVE the Lord our God, and to LOVE our neighbor. We are to share the TRUTH and LOVE that He put in us through the indwelling Holy Spirit; it is required of every Christian, not just pastors, deacons and teachers.
Matthew 22:37-40; (37) He said to him, “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all of your mind. (38) This is the greatest and the first commandment. (39)The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. (40) The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”
Galatians 5:22-25; (22) In contrast, the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, (23) gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law. (24) Now those who belong to Christ (Jesus) have crucified their flesh with its passions and desires. (25) if we live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit. (26) Let us not be conceited, provoking one another, envious of one another.
These two passages set the tone for our service, to love our neighbor while exhibiting the Fruit of the Spirit that lives within us! Exhibiting Meekness (strength under control), restraining ourselves when confronted and offering charity to those around us(our neighbors). How can we march ourselves into Church every Sunday, sing the hymns, listen to the message and offer worship and praise to Almighty God, when we can’t even speak to our neighbors? Agape Love – Unconditional Love HE took to the Cross, no and, no if, no but, HE willingly carried your name to the cross and paid the price that you could not. The Father demands that you accept His Son’s sacrifice and payment to have access to them and Heaven, and that we love our neighbor / brother / sister as HE loved us.
Seems so simple reading it, hearing it, talking about it – but practicing it, well that’s another story for some folks. For submission and yielding escapes us – for we have conditions to let people in, or to share or to love. God’s Son – Jesus Christ set the example, HE quite literally, spread His arms and died for EVERY MAN, He then offered a transaction to the Father, (in my words) My blood for their souls Father. Then the Father sealed the deal, and Christ told us in John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” There are no other ways, but through Christ and the spiritual cleansing through His final Blood sacrifice – Period.
So there you have it, the Gospel message, and the challenge to do right by Christ, The One that freely gave you eternal life as a joint heir with Him. Salvation is free, simple and easy to receive, however; practicing the Master’s commandments and statuettes laid before us – well, that put’s us squarely into the spiritual battle. Once in the battle it is easy to duck out and sideline ourselves, falling into the old ways and mindsets. I challenge you this Saturday, the 11th day of July to make a difference for Christ! Get back into the battle, go tell your neighbor you love them, and ask them if they need any help with anything around the house. Or better yet, take over a fresh batch of cookies or pie and greet them with a smile and ask them what’s on their mind today. Look at them through Christ’s eyes, then; let them see HIS eyes in yours! Love your neighbor with a Charitable Christian Heart!
“Dear Lord, help us see those you put on our path through YOUR eyes, help us greet them with YOUR heart, help us love them with YOUR compassion. Through these acts of submission to YOUR will, grow us Lord to want to strive for YOUR Righteousness and YOUR Holiness. As we conduct ourselves in YOUR likeness, may the Heavenly Father give us strength to stand up to the fiery darts that will follow from finding ourselves back in the battle! Help us Lord wear the Spiritual Armor rightly, and use it fearlessly. Dear Father, help us display to the world and to our neighbors the Fruit of He (Jesus)that lives in our hearts! May my neighbors see Christ in every aspect of my life, through Your Spirit and Your Strength. Comfort us Lord when we inevitably receive rejection or confrontation in Your name, rush peace to our hearts and minds and we will readily accept Your comfort and recharging of our Spirit. In these things Father we pray in your Mighty Son, Jesus Name, Amen”
God Bless – Walk in Christ,
Saturday, July 4, 2009
True Independence ©
This independence day, I found myself wondering if God’s people truly think about their independence from the old man / woman. You know, that old person we used to be without Christ, the one that loved the things of this world. Remember, the guy or gal that used to indulge in all the earthly pleasures with no consciousness of the consequences of those actions. Unfortunately for the Lord’s Testimony, some Christians still walk a little too close to that line, attempting to serve both masters. Some of us do not contemplate the end result of all our life’s work without the independence Christ gave us?
I for one understand the extent of my sin, and the vast separation from God that it created, and on my own I had no way to bridge the distance. This is where a large majority of the world’s population lives today. The chaos of this fast moving, information saturated world grabs at us at every possible decision, at every choice, at every opportunity for rest and peace. Satan’s plan is to rob these last generations walking this earth from every opportunity to see Christ. Satan wants to keep the “family of God” on the outskirts, convincing the world that they are irrelevant, and their faith is old school and doesn’t conform to the academics of an evolving / advancing culture. Satan has either polluted or diluted the word in a many of our Churches today, to where they really don’t know what they believe or why they believe.
The Christian’s world today is changing at an alarming rate; in just 40 short years we have gone from an environment where we had neighborhood Bible Clubs and Vacation Bible Schools for our children. To a culture that is intolerant of any descending opinion of the “inevitable social progress” that is occurring all around us. In our communities where we could once openly and freely teach our children biblical principles and doctrines concerning sin, and immoral choice, we are now considered hatemonger’s and culturally ignorant and irrelevant to social progress. In a very real sense, the world looks at real Christian’s as repulsive, unwanted and unneeded.
Relative truth and Pragmatism have replaced absolute Truth, and fear of the Almighty God. More disturbing yet, is the fact that some of our main stream churches today no longer cling to the Word of God. They have explained away the need for Christ, dismissing John 14:6-7; (6) Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. (7) If ye had known me, ye should have known my Father also: and from henceforth ye know him, and have seen him.
There are Churches in this country today that actually teach there are many ways to God, Rubbish… God sent his Son to die on the cross so that none should perish, but if they deny the Son, and His plan of Salvation and His commandments, they deny the Father along with the Way that He provided to Himself. This very Blog may be considered offensive in some Christian circles, which I am willing to bear for the conviction God has placed on my heart. I would rather face persecution for speaking the Truth, than deny Almighty God His Glory and Praise while sitting on the sidelines in fear of men who can only take the body but cannot touch the soul.
Ravi Zacharias; a man I love and greatly respect has a piece posted on his sight discussing this very topic. This man is extremely intelligent and eloquent in providing explanations of the impact of secularism on Christianity today. He offers wonderful insight and useful information to ponder, and then put into action.
We must educate ourselves, and understand the opposition’s arguments. Then we must study our bibles, pray and let the Holy Spirit both calm and quiet our anxious hearts. We must also allow the Holy Spirit to minister to our hearts and hide His Word in our hearts so that we may draw upon it when called to do so. We must remember that Christ said “think not that I am come to send peace on earth, I came not to send peace, but a sword”. (Matthew 10:34) That sword is the Word of God, dividing brothers and sisters, shedding light on the sins of all, and showing the One and Only Way to God. YES – it will be and is offensive to those that wish not to have their lives shown in the Light!
We are to love our neighbors, and have compassion for the lost, but not to the point that we forget our purpose here on this old earth. We that are called out from the world of sin are here first to give Glory and Praise to Almighty God, and to serve Him. We are commanded to love our neighbor, to come up alongside of him and help him bear his burden. All the while we are to remain aware of his fallen condition; the Light that he sees in us must be shared with all care, grace and concern. Christ shared the good news with the sinners of His day, but He did not partake in their evil ways to prove the point, He walked perfectly and righteously as an example.
We must remember that “inevitable social progress” will attempt to strip the world of all morality, serving the old devil, and promising pleasure and delivering death – physical and spiritual. Christian Brother and Sister, we are to fear no man, we are to stand firm in our Faith, Trusting Christ’s deliverance for us, and the ability to stand before the God of the universe wrapped in His Son’s Righteousness. God is in control, no matter how hard the battle, no matter the physical outcome, HE WILL PREVAIL, and if you made it all the way to the back of the book, you already know – WE WIN!!!!!!! Stand with Him, draw that line in the sand, dawn your spiritual armor, and get in the battle, and fight to WIN. If we don’t learn to stand – and to stand for the Truth, then we will surely fall, and we will fall for anything.
The moral compass of the world, of this country – of your community, is you, the children of the King, who Live in the Truth! Pray, Study, Learn, Share the Gospel, and Stand for Christ and rejoice, His promises and prophesy are being fulfilled. These are exciting times that challenge us to stand out and be counted. Are you aware of your surroundings, do you know what’s going on, are you ready to defend the Faith?
So, Happy Independence Day Christian, tonight get on your knees and thank our Heavenly Father for sending His precious Gift in Jesus Christ and the sin debt He paid on the Cross to give us TRUE Independence. May the Lord bless you, may you find Joy in His service… KEEP GOING!!!
Christian Living,
Spititual Encouragement,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
** Special Post ** ©

When a loved one is called home, it stings beyond words, a void that seems unmanageable envelopes our psyche and those Truths become just a little distant for a moment. Then, all the sudden He speaks to our heart “I am here, you are not alone, be still and I will carry you”. Christ comforts those that hear His voice; He rushes to offer the “peace that passes all understanding”.
Today, I watched God’s promises lived out in some of my dear friend’s pain, through the loss, funeral and burial of a wonderful Christian man. I watched the Miracle of that Blessed Hope as God’s Dear Saints gathered to both mourn and rejoice a Loved One’s passing. The only person other than God that knows a man’s heart is the one we see in our mirror. Sometimes we don't let friends see the man in the mirror, for one reason or another. Not so with this dear friend, the man he saw each morning in the mirror was the man that we saw each day. He lived in Jesus! He modeled Joy! He knew the Christ and served Him! He walked the life of Christianity that He claimed as his own, and he did it with honor, uprightly and in a manly fashion that drew respect and awe.
I have searched my memory, and I can’t recall one time in my life that I saw him without a smile. This man loved people and he loved his Church, the body of Christ in this world today. He and his family were instrumental in planting this Church I call home. He loved, Christ, and He served Him as a faithful, laboring servant. His faithful service and commitment to the Lord and our Church has been an example to those that follow behind him. His humor offered relief at just the right times, and his heart reached out to you in the time of sorrow or need. He offered words of encouragement, and he would pray for you if you requested it, and many times even if you didn’t. He had a firm handshake, and he offered it to all ages. I watched him gently offer my grandson a handshake one Sunday after Church, and then patiently show him the correct way to shake a man’s hand.
In the days that my job didn’t demand the long hours and I could make it to Prayer Meetings, I witnessed firsthand as he was there holding our Church up before the Lord with petitions sometimes with tears. He and his wonderful Mrs. would often be the last to get up off their knees to leave after praying those evenings. Yes, our Church still honors God, by kneeling before Him, and these two people lead by example, starting with their own family and then to the rest of us in their extended family.
Their children were raised in a God fearing, Christ revering, and Bible believing home that used those principles to guide, direct and yes sometimes discipline to build strong foundations.
In his funeral service today, I witnessed meekness, and watched and listened to folks offer testimony on his behalf. Measuring the man and sharing his great testimony to the Savior that he loved so much. Much like a tall tree is measured once it’s downed; we often don’t fully understand the strength and significance of rock solid Christians until they too are down and passed through the veil to their dear Redeemer.
I love this family so, they have helped me through some very rough waters, and they did it with such devoted unconditional love and grace. While my heart aches for their loss, I am so encouraged by their witness to the One that lives in them. They have once again, showed Christ’s love and strength in the midst of their pain and sorrow. They stood exercising Christian meekness (gentle strength), dignity and love, oh yes, that wonderful, wonderful gift of unconditional love.
I learned a lesson from you today Dale M. Burns, it “does matter” how many hearts you touch in this life time. That in sharing HIS Truth, you must also share the heart He gave you. Through sharing that heart of Christ, the man in the mirror will change; he and the man that those folks see will become one – in Christ. For in yielding your heart to Him in selfless submission, He can then reach those that He places on your path that see Him through you. Dale, saw Christ in the mirror every morning as a changed man, today Dale see’s our Dear Precious Lord Jesus face to face, with no more physical pain. He ran the race, true to form, steadfast, tenaciously and joyfully, he ran the race to win. Today, he has his trophy and is enjoying his Victory in Christ, in HIS very presence.
“Dear Father in Heaven, we come to you today in your strong Son’s name, asking that you continue to Bless this wonderful family. Touch their hearts Lord, shower them with your Grace, and fill them with your peace. Help them rest over these next days and weeks Father as they allow You to heal the void that Dale’s passing has left in their lives. May all of us that had the fortune of knowing Dale, allow his example to influence us, and allow his work to become a spiritual goal for us to strive for. The goal of a life lived for your Son, that our children, grandchildren and friends may stand and offer testimony to our Godliness and Righteousness through this Christian walk. Thank You Dear Lord, for giving us this dear, kind, and gentle man that we had the privilege of calling “Brother Burns”. Lord, thank you for his children that chose to stand on his shoulders and carry the torch for Christ forward. Give us all the strength we need to “continue” in your word and work Father, and we will give you all the Glory and all the Praise, in Jesus name we pray, Amen.”
Mr. Dale M. Burns; Born into this life on 15 March 1923; Passed through the veil to his dear Lord and Savior on 28 June 2009 Dale was the: Husband to one (61 years), Father to four Grandfather to ten, Friend to many, and Child of one God & Servant to The One True Christ!